Sunday, April 21, 2013

Greenhouse effect and Global Warming

Illustration of Greenhouse effect

Greenhouse effect - The term greenhouse effect is often linked with global warming. The greenhouse effect is considered as the main driver of global warming. One concrete example of global warming is the increase in temperature of the earth is getting warmer every day. As a result, the temperature of the earth to become unstable so erratic weather changes. Changes in the increasingly unpredictable weather has the potential to threaten the survival of the earth. Therefore, efforts are needed to prevent or mitigate the greenhouse effect as a primary driver of global warming.

What is the Greenhouse Effect ?

The term greenhouse effect is very often we hear. Moreover, these days when global warming began to receive attention from various circles in the world. However, do you know the definition of the greenhouse effect itself ? During this time, the majority of people assume that the greenhouse effect is caused by the reflected heat some glass buildings that exist on earth. The outlook is not entirely deviate from the definition of the greenhouse effect is real. So, what is the definition of the greenhouse effect is real ? The greenhouse effect is a clot of greenhouse gases (such as CO2, CO, methane, CFCs, etc.) so that the sun's heat is not absorbed completely by the earth and reflected back into space. Earth can not fully absorb the sun's heat as hampered by the greenhouse gases that had coagulated in the earth's atmosphere. Heat reflection that ultimately makes the greenhouse effect to be triggered rising global temperatures.

When First Greenhouse Effect Discovered ?

Joseph Fourier is the person who first discovered the greenhouse effect in 1824. The greenhouse effect is a process by which atmospheric heat up a planet. Mars and Venus and other celestial bodies that have an atmosphere (such as a natural satellite of Saturn, Titan) have greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect can be used to refer to two different things, which is the natural greenhouse effect which occurs naturally in the earth and the greenhouse effect is increasing due to human activities. However, the majority of scientists have agreed to accept the first thing.

Greenhouse effect illustration

Process of Greenhouse Effect

The mechanism of the greenhouse effect associated with the flow of the sun's heat cycle. About 30 percent of solar radiation that is reflected back to the ground radiates into space. Then, the reflection of the light absorbed by the vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases in the atmosphere. Meanwhile, the rest of the sun as much as 70 percent is absorbed by the land, sea, and clouds. That's what causes the soil and water at night relatively warmer than the air above it. Who have successfully absorbed energy will be radiated back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation, long-wave, and thermal energy. The majority of the infrared radiation will be trapped or restrained by CO2 gas and water vapor in the atmosphere. Meanwhile, a small portion will remain off infrared radiation into space. As a result, the surface of the Earth will be warmed by the molecules of water vapor, CO2 gas, and the like. Warming effect is what eventually called the greenhouse effect.

Prevention efforts Greenhouse Effect

Until now, the greenhouse effect has become a major talking point as the main driver of global warming. Unfortunately, attempts certainly has not been found to eliminate the greenhouse effect. Optimal effort to do just take precautions to reduce the greenhouse effect. Here are a few efforts to prevent an increase in the greenhouse effect.

1. Prevention efforts Greenhouse Effect - Reduce Organic Waste Production

Undeniably, the presence of garbage on this earth as has been the main inhabitants of the earth half. In fact, mountains of trash were dirty and smelled very familiar encountered in each area. The Government also seemed to have run out of ideas to solve the waste problem is. However, more is needed is not the government's efforts, but individual efforts to reduce the production of organic and inorganic waste. In connection with the reduction of the greenhouse effect, the production of organic waste to be completely reduced. Although it will eventually decompose and be absorbed by the soil, the amount of excess organic waste can produce methane gas which will cause the greenhouse effect. One effort to reduce the amount of organic waste is to be recycled into compost. In addition to reducing the greenhouse effect, the recycling of organic waste can provide considerable benefits. One of them, raise their income by selling homemade compost.

2. Prevention efforts Greenhouse Effect - Reduces Use of Motor Vehicle

The existence of a motor vehicle in this modern era is as if he had become blood in the flesh. Whenever traveling, near and far distances, motor vehicles has always been a prime mover services. Unfortunately, the presence of motor vehicles has created laziness within the community. As a result, they are reluctant to walk away despite only traveling short distances. In fact, reducing the use of motor vehicles in close proximity alone can reduce the greenhouse effect. By choosing to travel on foot at close range, you have be reduce gas emissions produced by motor vehicles so as to prevent the greenhouse effect.

3. Prevention efforts Greenhouse Effect - Reduce Use of Air-Conditioning

In big cities, where air-conditioning or a close called AC (Air Conditioner) it has become a liability. Not complete if luxury homes or tall buildings do not have air conditioning. The reason is of course because sultry and hot. In fact, sultry, and the heat is one of the effects of global warming induced by the greenhouse effect. To prevent the greenhouse effect, the use of the air conditioner should be reduced. One way is to open the windows and doors when the room is hot. Things you need to know that the air conditioner can produce Freon which will eventually damage the Earth's atmosphere. Therefore, start getting used to not rely on the air conditioner. As an alternative, you can use the fan. Better yet, if you use wind generated naturally from nature.

4. Prevention efforts Greenhouse Effect - Doing Greening

It's frightening to see the forests are removed, either from forest fires and illegal logging. No wonder if the conditions are now increasingly concerned about the earth no longer has roots support. As a result, relentless disaster. Changing temperature of the Earth is also becoming uncertain. One of the efforts to prevent the greenhouse effect is going green forests by replanting forests have been denuded. Undeniably, the trees that vein earth life. The trees that grow green can reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere the earth.

5. Prevention efforts Greenhouse Effect - Conserve Energy

Affairs save energy is a job that can be done by any individual, especially electrical energy savings. Although human survival now depends on electrical energy, we should try to use electrical energy optimally and effectively as possible. With energy saving electricity, we have a role to prevent the greenhouse effect. The trick is of course very easy. For example, always turn off the lights during the day, turning off electronic devices when you finish used, minimizing the use of machine washer dryer in the summer, and so on.

Those are some efforts that can be done to prevent and mitigate the greenhouse effect. Let's save our world from destruction by reducing activity that can cause and increase the greenhouse effect!

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