Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Learning style theory Thorndike Association

Learning style theory Thorndike Association - Associations are not only used for mass gatherings with a vision and mission. In theory there is also an association study. You'll want to know how to associate learning theory ? This article will explain simply and briefly. It should be noted, the theory of learning association association peeled just learning style theory Thorndike.

Associations within the discipline of learning theory is the incorporation of one event with another event. In association learning style theory is theory learning Thorndike created on the merger between stimulus and response. Of course, the theory of learned associations Thorndike style is derived from the results experiment.

Association - Brief Profile Thorndike

Before digging deeper into the theory of the association, it's good to know the scientists who brought the theory of association, namely Edward L. Thorndike. He is better known by the name of Thorndike. He was born in Williamsburh, Massachusetts in 1874.

He was not only known as an expert in learning theory, but also experts in the field of educational psychology, verbal behavior, comparative psychology, intelligence testing, problem nature, transfer training, and applications for the quantitative measurement problem sosiopsikologic. The first experiment once did with mental telepathy studies in children. Results experiment states that unconscious detection of children to a motion made by experiment.

Thorndike had a two-year education in Harvad. This is where she met James. Thorndike was delighted with the animals. At Harvard, he brought two chickens tail. Even to become a lecturer at Harvard, he was still happy raising chickens. James, who helps Thorndike in the process of hatching chickens held. Because Thorndike girlfriend forbade him to continue to incubate chicken eggs in his bedroom. James, who came to help with allow incubate chicken eggs in the basement of his home. Although the wife of James irritated, but James loved children.

Thorndike died in 1949. In the bibliography note, until after 60 years, he has spent the time to read and explore books or journals about 20 hours a day. The book he has totaled 507 books. Indeed, the association of animals Thorndike knew before he was famous as a scientist. This can be understood from the habit of raising chickens and cats. But the popular new theory associates after becoming scientists. The results of his research on animal maketh a dissertation entitled "Animal Intelligence: An Experimental Study of the Associative Process in Animals."

His dissertation was later developed to become a book with the title "Animal Intelligence" published in 1911. Its pared in the book are almost all theories of learning. Not lost in the discussion of the theory of the association which is sourced from the research done on animals.

Stimulus and Response in the Theory of Association

In association learning style theory Thorndike no term stimulus and response. So first assessed principal first, what is a stimulus and response. Since the creation of the two main requirements associated learning theory. Stimulus in the study of learning theory Thorndike interpreted with all the things that stimulate the creation of learning activities. For example, thoughts, feelings, and everything that can be captured by the five senses. Meanwhile, respons was the response generated when learners learn. The response could take the form of action, feelings or thoughts.

Right. Association learning theory is the same as selecting and connecting learning theory (selection and linkage). Hence, the association concluded learning theory, Thorndike found unequivocally, that all human behavior that arise, both thoughts and actions, not of stimulus and response.

Thorndike experiment in the Theory of Association

To prove the theory of association, Thorndike using experiments on four different types of animals. Ie, cats, dogs, monkeys and chickens. All experiments were performed using a cage Thorndike. Then, ind animal in a cage. The shape of the enclosure used for research Thorndike association theory is, the cage with the pole placed in the center or chain hanging from above. If the animal pole push or pull the chain so he could get out.

For more details, here is the picture of the then-theoretical Thorndike The studies association. A hungry cat is placed in a cage, but the cage is connecting it with the chain if pulled would open the door so the cat can get food that is in front of the cage. At first, the cat will meow, scratch, jump and everything done, but failed to get the food. Finally, somehow the cat finally pulled the chain so it can open the cage so they can enjoy the food.

From this was born the three laws of association in learning theory. That is the law of readiness, legal practice and legal effect. This is evident from the above example, when the cat is in a state of hunger. So, the food that is in front of a stimulus to open the cage. Indeed, the law and legal preparedness exercise was not so apparent in this example. But basically, there are two laws.

3 Laws of the Association Theory Thorndike

1. Securities law (Law of Effect)

Securities law is a law that states if the response occurs spawned a satisfactory effect, the stimulus-response associations became increasingly stronger. Vice versa, if the effect is born the response is not satisfactory, then the stimulus-response associations were weaker.

2. Readiness Law (Law of Readiness)

The law is the law that explains the readiness of the law are pushing to do something or not.

3. Practice law (Law of Exercise)

The law is the law describes the exercise stimulus-response associations will continue to strengthen if often trained. When that happens rarely practiced in the reverse. That is, the stimulus-response will be reduced.

Applications in Learning Theory Association

If this theory is applied to learning, it will look once its influence. For example, with the reward (the reward) and punishment (punishment) then this is a creation of stimulus-response associations. Students become excited to know that by successfully answering questions the teacher will earn a satisfactory and if not able to answer going to get very ugly.

In the example, the three laws are contained in the association included learning theory. The effect of the reward and punishment to make them learn. Their readiness to accept the proposed problem also affects teachers' reward and punishment. And their experiences prior to the exercise of reward and punishment that the teacher makes the spirit of learning.

Association - Overview of Transfer Training Thorndike

In addition to learning the theory of legal association that gave birth to the three above, Thorndike also popularized the concept of transfer of learning. That is, the concept of using the knowledge they already possessed to solve new problems. Because in every problem, there are elements that based on the knowledge they already have. So, in problem solving, it becomes easier. Moreover, if frequent exercise

Associations can also be seen the transfer of training. That is, with the knowledge already possessed connected in solving the problem. These elements are interconnected existing knowledge to be a bond and then turned into a capability.

For example, the ability of the student in arithmetic operations are known to continue to be trained in working on similar problems will make it stronger in the minds of students. This is where the forged transfer of learning because students often do exercises.

That is, the association could be built up in the concept of transfer of learning if frequent exercise. Exercise which makes it sturdy and able to easily solve the kind of problems the same or similar to it.

That's an overview of the theory of learning style Thorndike Association. Hope article can be a bridge to explore the association of the learning theory. The important thing to note, the theory of learning associations not escape from the stimulus-response relationship work.

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