Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Learn About Understanding Of Religion

Learn About Understanding Of Religion - Discussion of problems understanding religion often brings one entry in a never-ending debate. Moreover, if the notion of religion was discussed at a meeting in which each retain religious terms in their worldview. Overview of the religious sense this could be found in books or dictionaries although using a different sentence structure, but it implies the same religion, that for the good of human life. There are many religious sense that we can read and learn. From here, it is expected to understand the religious sense, then we can apply our religious life for the better.

Understanding Religion from Various Sources

Religious sense when viewed from Sanskrit, the word comes from a religion that means 'no' and gamma means 'chaotic'. So the religious sense of the Sanskrit is becoming chaotic and regulations or any order or direction in order to achieve certain goals. From the definition of religion in Sanskrit is, can we take it means that religion is an ordinance given to humans for life to be organized.

When viewed from the Latin, religio or religere, the religious sense is to pay close attention or bond returns. From the definition of religion in Latin, it can be concluded that it is the religion of human actions taken to restore man's relationship with his creator. There are still a lot of sense that we often hear religious as the religious sense as saying that religion is the manner in which human beings do in worship what they believe, which is the creator himself and the universe.

There is another definition of religion that states that religion means to believe in God Almighty along with its laws. Understanding one's religion states that God's law was given or revealed to man through messengers messengers who are the people who become carriers of messages about religion and goodness. Religion is a man-who believe in God, divine or god. Human worship and serve Him and carry out its obligations and trying to stay away from all prohibitions. Understanding that one's religion is the religious sense of the most frequently heard even been taught since the school. Understanding religion this one has a lot of books printed in the catechism that we use in school first.

Religious sense when seen in the Big Indonesian Dictionary, it has a meaning as a system governing the faith (belief) and worship of Almighty God and the grammar rules related to human relationships and people and the environment. A religious scholar from abroad also provide an understanding of religion. Emile Durkheim stated that the religious sense it is an integrated system consisting of beliefs and practices relating to sacred things, that we as a people who are as much as possible try to keep improving our faith through worship routines and achieve a perfect spiritual purity.

Of all the religious sense we have learned above, we can conclude that the understanding of religion in general it is an attempt by man to know and worship the Creator, who is believed to bring prosperity and safety of human life that obey Him by doing rituals or worship as evidence of human devotion to the Creator.

Understanding Religion - How Religion and elements

In addition to studying the religious sense, as human beings, we also need to know how religion and elements of what should belong to a religion. Both of these are equally important for us to know and learn, just as we learn the meaning of religion itself.

There are four ways of religion, is as follows.
  1. Traditionally religious. Religion traditionally has a religious meaning is based on tradition. They usually use the ways of religion as they have been taught by their ancestors and they are usually in a religious tradition is very strong. Strong tradition led to the adherents of this religious way would be very difficult to accept the notion of other religions or religious things new. Even the usually religious adherents to traditional ways is not going to want to do the conversion in the manner and for any reason. 
  2. Rational religion. Rational religion has a sense of religion based on the ratio could. The point is they are trying to understand religious teachings, live it and try to implement them based on their knowledge and a flawless run of a religion. People who are rational will be able to receive any religious sense and try to know and understand each of these terms as a new science that can be learned and it will add to their knowledge.
  3. Formal religion. People who are formally religious meaning is the only practice their religion in accordance with the formalities that exist in the surrounding environment and in their communities. Usually the religious sense people like this just follow people in high places, and have a strong influence. Understanding religion owned by people who are formally is very shallow. In fact, there are many of them who did not know the true meaning of religion. They are easy to change their religion in accordance with the direction of the people who have status and influence in his life.
  4. Religion precursor method. People who are with this precursor method are those who are meant by the use of reason and the heart. They will know the meaning of this religion first and then seek to appreciate and understand the religion and practice it in everyday life as well as participate in the pass anyway. They always try to seek understanding of this religion directly to the experts.

A religion must have the following elements.
  1. Confidence. In the religious sense, belief in a religion it is the principles of the occult are considered true without any doubt. This trust is an important element in a religion. Without an element of trust, it will not form a religion. People can trust without having to know the true meaning of religion. However, to understand and know the meaning of religion but do not believe, it will be futile and useless.
  2. Symbol. A religion must have the element symbol that identifies and distinguishes the religion religion with other religions. But the understanding of religion in general is not based on the use of symbols. Symbols such as the cross for Christians, is only a symbol. Symbol stating a religious identity can also be seen from the scriptures of each religion. Of the holy book, then people will immediately recognize one's religion without having to ask directly.
  3. Practice. The next element that must exist in a religion run the practice or procedure of worship in a religion. For example in this case is the celebration of the Eucharist, the rules of the five daily prayers, prayers to the temple, and so forth. Definition of religion for each ritual they do vary, but it still must have the same nature in carrying out procedures for the worship of a religion, the praise and worship of the Creator.
  4. Experience. Experience the elements of a religion it means is that there is an inner experience that experienced by religious believers in private, regardless they understand and know what the religious sense.
  5. People. Last element is the people. Without people there would be no religion.

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