Saturday, April 6, 2013

Interior and Exterior Building Walet Nest

Interior and Exterior Building Walet Nest - Bird's nest business more appealing. In some places in South Sumatra, swallow nest structures more easily found. Call it in the Betung, Lahat, Muara Enim, Lubuk Linggau, and other places. Building bird's nest is not like a box like building alone, but made beautiful and eye-catching. It is not because the birds' nest building was located in the center of town. Not surprisingly, the interior and exterior building of the nest should be kept. Of uncomfortable looking building which is used as bird's nest looks very grungy and like a bird nest that was never cleaned.

Setting bold in City

Business presence selling bird's nest is very tempting. Many people are trying to get in and plunge fully into one's business. They tried to observe the birds' trip wire. With knowing track the birds' journey, meaning that they can determine which parts to build bird's nest. Because it turns out birds' trip wire that is in the city center, the building to be built should not be an eyesore to the city. Moreover Betung city, Lahat, Lubuk Linggau, and Muara Enim, the capital district bearing the name of the region.

Areas such as Muara Enim it also is one of the winning city Adipura small town group. No half-hearted, Muara Enim in the top 10 nationally. This is what should not be overlooked in the slightest. In addition to that eye-catching, beautiful exterior can also beautify the city landscape. Interior is good except that swallows comfortable and want to come to the artificial nest, as well as an effort to maintain the quality of swallow nest that is in the building.

If the quality of the harvested bird's nest was not as expected by the buyer, then the price will go down. No one wants to buy a bird's nest that is not white, like the whole bowl with a bit of blood there. Quality bird's nest that could reach 17 million dollars. Meanwhile, if the quality is mediocre, only priced at 5-8 million. The price is certainly not unfriendly news pleasant one. Treatment of bird's nest and its security is enough to occupy the building owner rupiahs.

Color used to paint the building bird's nest is also worth noting. Do not let the color of the paint is faded and looks like unused buildings. Certainly no city wants city looks rundown. They want a clean and beautiful city. Swiftlet sound itself has become such as noise pollution. They hope that the beauty of the exterior of bird's nest can not be negotiable.

Gold of Saliva Swallow

Bird's nest made of saliva these little birds are highly valued. Efficacy and very distinctive flavor that has made a lot of business people who have the capital flock to the places where development potential as a swallow's nest. The businessmen did not hesitate to build a high-rise building with large investment funds that walet business running smoothly.

Just imagine if a single five-story building can cost up to one billion dollars. Moreover, building a bird's nest can not be arbitrary. Prior to construction, the prospective owner of the building must conform with the trip wire that magical bird. This is what make land prices become very expensive. So, if the price of land and the cost of the 5-storey building swallowed money of one billion, that was understandable. Not to mention making the interior and exterior of the building which also can not be arbitrary.

Bird's nest business is very vulnerable crime. Therefore, the building owners would rather swallow nest swiftlet nest integrate with residential homes or shops that are on the lower floor. In addition to reducing the security fund money is also where the tenants who utilize the base building space is also a separate entry for the building owner. It also makes the owner of the building trying to beautify the building and did not look like a bird's nest it looks like a regular living.

Swallow that noisy existence and the possibility of many mosquitoes there are in the nest, can be overcome by good building interiors and building sanitation systems are good. If building owners do not think about this, then the neighbors will not give the building of new building permits. The interior is thought that the mosquitoes are not free to be predators of human blood, being one of the things thought through. Even the neighbors often see immediate interior and exterior plans before construction begins.

Building Interior Nest of Walet

Although there are some local governments that restrict the development of swiftlet nests in urban areas, but in areas like the development of Muara Enim bird's nest may be constrained by the surrounding community did not want a building that swallow's nest in the area where he lives. They still do not want the area to be changed like in the middle of the woods with the sound of a noisy swiftlet. They do not want their children learning impaired or disrupted life after the buildings were used as a bird's nest.

However, in some areas, this swallow nest building was made in the river and some distance from the settlement although the bird's voice still sounded very tinny. Different from those in Betung. The existence of several buildings making people swallow's nest bird's nest business so that the existence of the buildings is not a problem as long as it is built with a nice interior, and hygiene.

Interior bird nest should be made in such a way that the bird's felt that being outdoors. For example, in order to quickly fill bird nest, swallow fin a board covered with perforated aluminum entrance commonly used for satellite dish antenna. This idea was presented by Drs. Arief Budiman, a bird's nest consultant who had been traveling almost to all over Indonesia.

According to Arief Budiman, the use of aluminum will make swallow easily attached. Aluminum is cool and in the presence of a hole, swallow a small foot can grip the hole with ease. In addition to aluminum fins wrapped the little, there must be a nest in the pond water reservoirs.

Swallow like showers. Water will also be able to create conditions of humidity inside the building is maintained. Swallow likes moist atmosphere according to the habitat that are often on the edge of cliffs, sea or river. If the temperature is high, no doubt not be pressed to the wall and can not automatically create a nest. Nevertheless, the use of aluminum is not for a long time because aluminum can only be one nesting material. Obviously this condition is not good. When the swallows come many, aluminum can be removed. In addition, the use of aluminum in the inlet fins for too long will reduce the swallow population.

Exterior Nest of Walet

Beauty look of swallow nest building, other than as a form of relief to the eye, as well as for the building to attract tenants who want to use the ground floor of a place of business. A variety of different forms such as Spanish style with small domes and pillars such as a castle or flashy colors like orange, red, and green that makes the building look beautiful will make the building has its own selling power.

There are also buildings that made candy like building with a striking color on the front only. To the side and rear, the color chosen to remain white. However, this still swallow nest building must prioritize what is favored by the birds. Swiftlet actually not too concerned with the exterior form of the building, which is the most important part of the building should be moist like in the area or natural habitat. If the humidity and temperature are not in accordance with the wishes of the birds, they will fly and leave the building. Of course this is not something that is expected. Therefore, interior and exterior building bird nest should think about and consider many things.

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