Saturday, April 6, 2013

Attractive Bedroom Design ?

Attractive Bedroom Design ? Easy Only ! Dream room is always room that makes occupants feel comfortable. The layout is neat, attractive colors, and sizes that make anyone feel at home occupied. Rooms are small, medium, large, and high, can be designed as attractive as possible. Bedroom design is very diverse so that your creativity is so needed. You can give it to someone more expert in this field. However, if you want to cut spending, it does not hurt your own bedroom design that you want.

The bedroom is the most designed room compared to other rooms. Many people believe that the Bedroom Design should be filled with tranquility and comfort. The colors are too bright not recommended because the colors are too bright not to give the impression that soothing. The colors are best suited for bedrooms are more likely to colors more neutral and warm. The first step to decorating the bedroom design is to choose the desired color of the room. Do not forget to choose a more soothing color. After deciding the color, you should be ready to choose furniture that fits with the desire and in accordance with the theme.

To decorate the bedroom wall, you can select a photo or painting of a large size to produce a unique atmosphere. In addition to exhibiting photographs or paintings, you can also decorate the room walls using a patterned wallpaper to add the impression of luxury.

Color Options

The number of personal items you need to store in the room is to design an PR in the bedroom. Polish colors will affect your spirit to occupy it. If the rooms are solid black or dark brown, is it possible you would like to linger in it? Soft colors like peach, cream, pale yellow, or white, are the colors that gives airy effect on a room. If you need a sense of calm, you can also sweep a light brown color on the walls. After deciding the color, you should notice is the floor. In general, do not select materials such as granite or marble jubinm. That's because you do not want to wake up from sleep with his feet touching the floor is cold. Materials are often used today is wood or carpet.

Carpet gives the impression of a warmer and softer. Carpets can also make the atmosphere in the bedroom feel more comfortable. Wood flooring has become increasingly popular to be material to the bedroom. In addition to the more easily treated, wood flooring is also cheaper and have more color options. If easy to feel depressed or stressed, choose a color combination that can make you feel more relaxed, blue for example. According to researchers, capable of soothing blue and serves to overcome insomnia, gastritis, arthritis, asthma and migraines, lower back pain, sore throat. Complementary color is orange.

You can play the whole blue color on your bedroom. Or just show blue in a matching color gradation and worth, so as to avoid saturation. Similarly, other than shades of blue, you can also try. And look at the result.

Room sizes

If the room size is not so great, do not display all of your belongings. Items that are considered important or most frequently used for work can be displayed with the arrangement that do not take space. For books, stacked was no problem. However, it remains neat and beautiful. But if you are the type of person who likes to collect a few knick-knacks, then you should be able to organize your baubles with beautiful and attractive. Put just a small glass cabinet, and store all your trinkets in it. Glass cabinets, because it is translucent so as not to overcrowd the room; however able to save a lot of objects in it.

Minimize Electronics

It is important to keep in mind to design a bedroom that is not too much store appliance or electronic item in your room. Refrigerator, water heater, toaster cake, etc., will result in temperatures or hot temperatures. Air circulation will be smooth if you do not keep too much stuff in the room so that the inhaled air feels fresh.

Anyway keep too many electronic items in the bedroom, it is not in accordance with the rules of bedroom design. Because of the side of feng shui, a man was in a room full of electronic items, automatic nerve function is impaired and unable to sleep or rest properly. Due to the aura of the electronic items that always creates a feeling of tension.

Accredited Workplace

If your room is also used as a place of work, ideally there is a desk that can be used to store computers and other important files. So as not to take place, you can attach the rack to a collection of favorite books. You can also use to display a collection of souvenirs, accessories, and other trinkets. In essence, because of your own as the room occupants, then you are the better understand your own desires. An example is the design of the bedroom like what you want, although it must be combined with the function workspace.

Previously you have to make sure first. How big is your bedroom will also function as a work space. Is the total workspace as a whole, only used for one-time only working, or whether it requires a shared function between the break room and work space. Because obviously will vary with use planning is the arrangement of the bedroom later.

Motif and Color Sheet

Motif or color of bed sheets and pillowcases and bolster was certainly affect your comfort. only dull colors will make you reluctant to embrace him. Another case when brightly colored. In addition to making you more spirit, also becoming radiated an aura of cheerfulness.

Nowadays so many options all variants rolled sheets or pillowcases. Not always plain or patterned batik. Motives cartoon children but loved by adults also enliven your sleep device. There is also, minimalist motifs favored by many young executives, both men and women. Such as blue motif dongker varied with black boxes, or plaid cowboy, and the team ball motif, motifs and loaded full of feminine pink and hearts. And so on.

A great way others are, with the choice of motifs align the sheets and pillowcases bolsters you, with the wall color, also with the order of your bedroom design. The mattress is an important furniture in the room. Choosing a mattress is not only comply with mattress design, functionality and comfort of a mattress that fits also very important to create an atmosphere and good health to you. Consultations with experts or doctors to determine the most suitable mattress for you.

Choosing the color matches the color of curtains and bedspread can add a nice impression on your bedroom. Dark curtains are often used to avoid the sunlight into the bedroom. You can add an additional layer of a lighter color to cover up dark curtains and still be able to avoid sunlight.

Room lights

Lights that you use also affects the comfort when in the room. Lighting should be taken to ensure that your eyes do not get tired easily. Therefore, use light-colored lights. If you want to adjust the light according to taste, you can use a dimmer. Yes, Bedroom Design are also influenced by the presence of a dimmer in your room. Dimmers will really help you to adjust the intensity of light is needed, such as a dimly-lit, well-lit. In fact, pitch black. You can use it to set how bright and dark room.

Decorative lighting is also an important factor in the design of the bedroom. Yellow light that can add a sense of luxury and warmth in the bedroom space, instead of white light is more suitable for use in the bedroom a minimalist concept. The light colors colorful soft can add a futuristic impression to the bedroom. Using a small spotlights to highlight the furniture like a cupboard door or photos to add the impression of luxury.

The point is, do not ever be afraid to try. You can imitate some design examples contained in some property or interior design magazines. And if your creation was apparently liked by many people visit your room, will not add a plus and pride for your own. Never be afraid to try, and feel free to be creative to make bedroom design. Because there are many more bedroom design is no less interesting. Happy creating !

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