Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ideal Education examination

Ideal Education examination - What exactly is the purpose of education for a human ? If the question is posed to several people at once, of course the answer will be varied. The purpose of education for the A will not be the same for the B. Even if there are similarities, cover only a few percent. because everyone has the right to float the ideals and desires of each. Including through education. In fact man is learning all his life.

The purpose of education can only be achieved by pursuing the education itself. Studying is an absolute thing, can not be contested. Without studying, impossible goals will be achieved successfully embraced. And all of that requires a long process that takes up to many years. No educational goals that can be achieved in a short time. In fact man is learning all his life. Every day people can learn many things from him. Than through formal schooling, of course.

[Learn as early as possible] change in the weather, birds singing, television, the merchant who was passing by, certainly nothing to be learned from them. The only issue here is just one: not everyone would see it as a valuable knowledge. Back to the main issue, what is the purpose of education ? No one answered for a stock in the future. When speaking of the future, most people immediately think of "work".

[Learned in a matter of] Yes, that's right. Most people seek knowledge and attend to tens of years to get a good job later. Both in terms of the amount of salary received. And also good in the eyes of the general public, of course. What is the purpose of education as it deserves to be called materialistic ? Not really. Parents who have eaten sour salt of life is certainly well aware that money is one of the important things in life. Without money, how is it possible to meet the needs of human life ?

That is why parents since childhood instilled the importance to study hard so that one day a child gets a good future. In fact, a smart brain and hard work over the years is not always directly proportional to an adequate job in the future. The purpose of education is not ultimately achieved.

Obligations As a creature of God Thinking

[Reading the paper] In addition to economic purposes, there is also a slightly different way of looking at the purpose of education. Send children to school because according to God's command. That is indeed God loves those who knowledgeable.

And since small children are made to understand that education would take him to be one of God's beloved creatures. The purpose of education as it is not wrong. God indeed loves His creatures who actively seek knowledge. Why ? Because of his education makes people avoid stupidity. If someone is stupid, you can bet will always be people who exploited others. Not be able to do what they want because it always depends on a lot of people.

Apply with Good Purpose of Education Child

  • The purpose of education should be geared not only to the material alone. It's two different things but still no connection.
  • Children who are innocent should not be overwhelmed by the slogan that "if you study hard, then it could be a doctor," for example.
  • There are many other professions that provide income even much larger than that of a physician.
  • Why do not we let the kids have fun with the science that is being demanded ? No need to burden him with all sorts of unnecessary things.
  • Let them grow as they should. Let them also have their own ideals and work to make it happen. Whatever you profess educational purposes, make sure the child to live with a feeling of joy.
  • Take your time to introduce what is the purpose of education versions to them. Pleasure to learn that must be grown first. This is something that is expensive, you know !

Consider how many children who feel overwhelmed by the world of school she lived. Either uncomfortable with the atmosphere, or had difficulty with the subject matter at hand. Not a few children who did not have a chance to play because of the time is spent on this and that tutoring outside school hours. This is consistent with the educational objectives by you but not for children.

[Education] parents were very simple reason: the challenge of the future is extremely heavy. What was already there who've been to the future ? In essence, the present and the future alike. Humans have the ability to adapt to extraordinary. During the development of the child, they also adjust to life supposedly "harder" it. Educational goals can still be achieved if parents react wisely.

Cramming a variety of activities for the young age, perhaps less wise. What you want to achieve exactly ? Whether educational goals ? How to Achieve the Purpose of Education ?

  • Equipping Children with Basic Character
  • Put a variety of disciplines are expected to make children become more wise in dealing with life.
  • Maybe because it was worried about the moral collapse happening lately.
  • Ironically, it actually happened to the authorities of this country who should be role models by young people.
  • For this group, work problems in the future not be the main point of thought when talking about the purpose of education.
  • Nevertheless, there is still plenty of time to get there. And since life is basically unexpected secrets.

So, why not let all go naturally ?

In our beloved country, education is always synonymous with formal schooling. Wearing the same uniform, children studying from kindergarten to college. With such sequence, expected educational goals can really brilliantly realized.

In fact, the purpose of education is not only can be realized with the school. Abraham Lincoln is one president of the United States the most famous in history. Did Abraham Lincoln ever attended in her childhood. The answer is no!

Abraham Lincoln succeeded as president after a variety of failure and bitterness. He was once considered almost crazy, into bankruptcy, even failing to be members of the senate.

Abraham Lincoln came from a very simple, so the state is not allowed to go to school. The real purpose of education was not at all unthinkable.

However, he taught himself. And then if it is not proved in school did not affect his performance. Lincoln even known as a topnotch lawyer.

So is the Thomas Alva Edison who only go to school for 3 months. He even labeled "very stupid" and "expelled" from school. Edison did not understand what it is actually educational purposes.

But young Edison continued to study with persistent, especially driven by her mother who had a passion to prove that his son was not stupid. Historically then already widely known. Edison is one of the greatest scientists in the world. One of the greatest creations is the light bulb. People with educational goals in mind is not necessarily able to recreate it.

Education purposes may be invested by the mother Edison when it was just "seek knowledge as much as possible in order to be useful to his fellow man". If that's the case, Edison is the best example. Nature is the source of the all-powerful and vast. Each of us can use it to gain knowledge.

Now, homeschooling even more popular. Proving that not only must seek knowledge through formal path. So, no need to be cynical when there are people who disagree with us. The main, our children love learning. That's the most important thing to realize educational goals that we want. What do I like ? It is up to you !

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