Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Challenges Improve Writing Proficiency Arabic

Challenges Improve Writing Proficiency Arabic - Arabic writing skills is not a simple thing. The phrase "Arabic writing skills" contains three components of proficiency as well! Namely proficient writing with Arabic writing (handwriting), proficient in Arabic (both Arab and amiyah fushah) and have the ability to write (which are usually equipped with a systematic thinking and able to put it nicely in a string of words).

But you do not need to worry, no need to be away - far they travel up to the land of 1001 nights just to learn and improve your Arabic writing skills, because in Indonesia alone were already thousands of containers to improve writing skills Arabic, from Boarding School to University There are also facilitated.

Spying Methods Boarding School Al-Ishlah

Improving Arabic proficiency in each - each container is certainly not always the same. Say boarding school, not all boarding school teaches Arabic in the traditional way that the Yellow Book of manual book form, is not a little boarding school that teaches their students the language laboratory facilities, for example, Al-Ishlah Boarding School.

Boarding School located in Jl. Kingdom Jember 17-18 Bondowoso - East Java that stood since 1970 and now have 10 hectares of land is getting students every day to communicate with Arabic and English (with a portion of the turn uses the language each 1 week).

Every week there are always practical Arabic language laboratory. There they taught hearing carefully, translating, writing, writing stories, etc. that use Arabic. That way their Arabic writing skills will be honed and sharp by itself. Every morning after Fajr prayers in congregation, students of Boarding Schools Al-trained Ishlah introduced with the new vocabulary with appropriate levels of education. Each month the exam held in Shubuh ba'da forum to review the lesson vocabulary and construct sentences properly given.

There is also an extracurricular Muhadloroh, the training speech in 3 languages 1 week 3 times. Here santriwan / female students were challenged to improve the writing skills of his Arabic, not even just write the increasing mastery, but rather the ability of public speaking, improve public performance, controlling emotions and much more.

The solution to that is to Muqim

For those of you that could not remain silent in the boarding school, do not be discouraged, because the boarding school was there that do not require santrinya to Muqim (settled) in the school, for example Ma'had Muslim brotherhood Surabaya. There you will get almost the same curriculum at the school, the Fiqh, Aqeedah, Akhlaq, Tafseer, Arabic, etc..

It said "almost" because the boarding school as the curriculum is coping with their students who have limited time, both in daily and long term studies, a normal boarding school to reach proficiency plus write Arabic fluently speak in public plus able to interpret all kinds of books (not except the book of commentary in various versions) is 6 (six) years.

Interestingly, not only the Muslims who are interested in learning Arabic, non-Muslim people too much to learn, of course, with varying motivations as well. Then, if they are non-Muslims have seriously studied the language of the Qur'an, why not try it?!

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