Friday, April 12, 2013

Example of Stairs House Design

Example of Stairs House Design - The house is a shelter from rain or heat. Not only that, the house was a refuge and a place to rest after a hard day's work. Returning home is a joy that can not be disclosed after a day of activities outside the home, of course with a favorable home conditions in all respects. If you have land to build a house is not too big, the stairs become an alternative.

Right now, the construction of houses are increasing the demand for homes increases, ranging from simple to luxurious. One form of the house is now in demand are terraced houses. In a terraced house, of course, it takes a liaison between the ground floor to the floor above. Connecting the named staircase. Choose  staircase to the right position and the right is not easy. In its application, must pay attention to many things, such as house size, the shape, size, aesthetics, lighting, security, comfort, and other factors.

To apply the ladder on the rise, it takes careful planning and calculating in making staircases. Seeking the position of the ladder is a very important factor that should be considered in the process of designing a house. The stairs are right and both are stairs that position is not directly confronted with a door. Staircase can be placed on the side as well as the increase is not turned towards the road in front of the house.

Type of ladder should also be seen from the area of a room itself. If the area is quite large and spacious house, kind of semicircular staircase could be an option. However, if the limitations of space and want a practical, not hurt you to choose a spiral staircase. The spiral staircase is circular shaped with a pole, usually made of metal. In application development house with terraced housing types, stair design today is very varied, ranging from the ordinary to the design staircase design staircase of high artistic value and unique. Well, the following will explain about several steps of the design commonly applied in the concept of terraced houses.

Straight stairs Model Letter I

The first model house design stairs commonly applied in the design of a terraced house is straight staircase model of the letter I. Ladder model usually known by the name of one stair wall. These models form a straight ladder from the ground up with no elbows and no landings or where there is a short break. But sometimes, there is also the model of staircase design which starts landing introduces the application of this type of ladder.

Stairs one stair wall is in desperate need large tracts of land for household applications is highly dependent on the area of land allocated stairs on a house. This ladder model application is suitable for the type of large house. Application models stairs one stair wall will result in an empty area under the stairs. Well, to outsmart, empty area under the stairs is usually made models or used to be made as a room or closet.

Turning Direction ladder or stairs Model Letter L

The next design is turned toward the staircase. Ladder this model is also known as the model ladder letter L. Known as the stairs letter L because this type of ladder is shaped like the letter L. At certain parts, the stairs turn directions, as well as the letter L. This type does not require a ladder land area that fit that ladder is suitable for application at home with modern minimalist design.

Reversed ladder or stairs Model Letter U

One more type of ladder that can be applied in a terraced house concept, the model turned toward the stairs. Ladder model is also known by the model ladder U. Ladder models like the letter U is a model commonly used household in the community. Type of ladder that resembles the letter U is almost the same as the model ladder letter L. Differences in household type and household type U L lies in the direction of the turn. Ladder type u turn against the direction of the previous ladder, ladder type L while turning to the right or left side.

Type the stairs like the letter U do not need much space as needed ladder type the letter I. Type the stairs like this is very common in the residential type of house that is not too broad, but the concept of terraced houses. In addition, the space under the stairs which produced this type of ladder wider than the model I and L. It could even be used for bathroom or warehouse.

Branching ladder or stairs Model Y

One more ladder models that can be applied in the construction of multi-storey house is the staircase branched. This ladder also known as ladder the letter Y. This type of staircase landings or temporary resting place that serves as a central staircase. On this ladder type, in addition to left and right landing of the main staircase are branching.

This type of letter Y stairs require extensive land because this design has the impression of a magnificent staircase and luxury that are the hallmark of luxurious mansions and magnificent. Chronology of the Y typeface stairs, then up from the bottom, in the middle there is a landing, and in the left and right side of the landing will be branching stairs. Typically, this type of ladder is always used in buildings or homes that classic luxury concept.

Ladder Play

If you have limited land, the type of play ladders or spiral type is suitable applied to land a narrow terraced houses. Type of play ladders or spiral stairs is a space-saving type. To build such a model ladder, it only takes about 1.5 meters x 1.5 meters. This type of ladder is often used as a ladder that led to the attic or the part where the clothesline on a terraced house. This type of ladder is sometimes placed outdoors.

Typically, materials manufacturer's ladder type made of iron because it is relatively easy to create curved or spiral. Average width of horizontal rungs is 60 cm, while the height stamping usually higher rungs of another ladder, which is an average of 25 cm. This type of ladder can be passed only by a single person. This type of spiral staircase emphasize function rather than beauty though some are making it look nice.

Circular stairs

One more type of ladder is commonly applied in the concept of terraced houses, the circular staircase. Ladder shape has high artistic value that deserve regarded as the most luxurious staircase when compared to other models of stairs. Form is very beautiful circular staircase. There arches produce the artistic value of the ladder. Wide circular staircase type is usually used in a large house or mansion and magnificent with a high roof.

If you choose to apply the circular staircase at home, you should not use the space under the stairs for whatever function because it can reduce the appearance of stairs. Wide circular staircase type is more suited to a classic type of model homes, although it is possible to applied in a minimalist home. Selection of type of ladder once again depends on the type of home and the area of the room. If it is possible to do a lot of decorative ladder, why not do? Anyway it's all for the beauty of your home, is not it? But, do not be too imposing staircase design, for fear of making a home look untidy.

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