Friday, April 12, 2013

Example of Exterior Home Design

Example of Exterior  Home Design - The exterior design of the house so many kinds. Types of traditional houses in Indonesia exterior home design featuring different house. Joglo house of Yogyakarta, for example. Joglo building exterior is open to a certain number of poles. There are also home made Joglo closed with a simple exterior terrace measuring 2x10 meters square.

Various exterior Traditional home Design

Indonesia with various tribes and cultures would have a house design is also very diverse. Well, following the traditional exterior design of the various regions in Indonesia.

1. Traditional exterior design Palembang

Palembang traditional house called Pyramid. Typically, this house does not have a patio but the exterior part of the house immediately called the living room. Most traditional homes that have been affected by a touch of modernity has a terrace with stairs building a wider and bigger so impressed sturdy.

This type of house is not painted at all. The color is very natural just from the color of wood used. The floor is still made of wood. There are some who take advantage of the lower floor for storage of goods or kitchen and toilet areas (showers, sinks, toilets). However, many also leave the public place. Place chatting with neighbors while looking for lice and gossiping with the given "Pance" or bale-bale made of bamboo with a height of 60cm.

For homes that are still very traditional, wooden stairs with only 1 meter length or 120cm in width no more than 20cm. The number depends on how high the stairs of the house. Height stage house is usually between 3-4 meters. Houses of this type usually do not have a fence but only a little land planted with flowers or plants potluck fruit such as rambutan, mango, hamlet, guava. In fact, coconut. Not infrequently, on the side of the stairs, there is a place to store water for washing feet before climbing the ladder.

Palembang still have the house of this type. Besides Museum Balaputra Gods at Km 6, Palembang, which still shows the authenticity of the traditional house form Palembang. Pyramid can be seen in some places, like the old township 10 Ulu, Kapitan, 7 Ulu, and in other districts in South Sumatra.

2. Traditional exterior design Padang

Not too far from the traditional houses made of wood Palembang, Padang traditional exterior design houses were made of wood. Distinctive roof form to the shape of buffalo horns, made of zinc. Padang people do not want to wear her roof tiles. "The period before the dead were asleep in the basement", so his philosophy. However, the height of the Padang stage is lower than the houses on stilts Palembang. Doors and windows are also somewhat different. Tower House more use of ornaments, while the Limas house seem ordinary and simple.

3. Batak Traditional Exterior Design

Batak house exterior design looks more manly than the two previous forms of traditional home exterior. This is due to the use of wood blocks and the size of the building is not too broad. Wood color was darker than a traditional house in Padang and Palembang.

Tips Choosing Exterior Home Design

The exterior of the house is one of the most important parts to be aware of your home. So, what are the tips to make the best home exterior ? If you do not have an idea to design the exterior design of the residence, you can make the observation of the environment around or try to find inspiration from the pictures online. To be more creative, can also combine more than one observed exterior design, that will create something interesting and unique. With an exterior design that is quite unique, one can make a very impressive home. So, what should be done to the exterior design of your home ? This he tips.

1. Keep a diary

The first and foremost thing to do is make a note of all the unique things you do for safety in order to search for homes exterior design inspiration. In addition. Another thing that is also observed various interesting features such as the model for the house windows, doors, and so forth. Verify carefully that all the things that have been noted as a unique home exterior inspiration.

2. Sketching Shape Home

The form discussed here is of course limited to matters directly related to the exterior of the home such as windows, doors, and so forth. To the window, place the window in place that allows residents to see the scenery outside around the house. Picture all the things that can help residents enjoy the house, including the patio. Thus, homeowners can conclude whether that home is still appropriate or need repairs.

Next, select the material for the exterior of the house. After drawing a sketch of the exterior finishes, then the thing to do is to choose the material according to the design of the house. There is a wide selection of materials such as brick, stucco, and so forth. When choosing, consider also the functional material is chosen, so will be able to amplify the beauty of your residence.

3. Picture on Paper Graphic Design House

Graph paper to draw the design of this house consists of boxes, making it easier for someone to draw a design. With these boxes feature, one can easily generate an image so that the image scale is perfect and precise design. Draw all corners of the exterior of the house and also include every detail of the house exterior. You must make sure that the exterior of the house that has really made appeal to everyone. Thus, not only the residents can enjoy the house, someone else can enjoy it.

House Exterior Design - Exterior House Paint Walls

Did you all know that paint the outside wall of the house on a regular basis, either wood or cement wall, to strengthen the outer surface layer of the house ? In addition, exterior house paint to create colorful patterns was very interesting to see and be able to provide its own characteristics. Use of paint as it serves to distinguish your home with other homes.

But, painting the exterior of the house can not be done arbitrarily because there are procedures that must be adhered to. These include freeing of the exterior of moss or mildew, removing layers of old paint first, and so on. Here are some things that may need to be considered before repainting the exterior of the house. Moss or fungus can be eliminated by using a mixture of bleach and water is 1:4 comparison. In addition, the mix is also a little bit of detergent or trisodium phosphate (TSP) to a solution of the mixture. Keep the herb mixture in a spray bottle for easier cleaning process.

The next step is to brush the surface of the wall with the addition of the cleaner solution to mold and mildew really chipped. Do not forget to get rid of the layer of paint-peeling old paint by using paint scrapper (peeling paint), putty knife (putty knife), or can also use a wire brush (wire brush). Meanwhile, on the wall of wood, wood that has been cast not worth taking, then replace it with new wood.

To paint it, ideally using anti-stain coating paint (exterior stain blocking primer) that the material is a little bit greasy. Paint as it is needed to prevent the appearance of blemishes spots and prevent moisture that can lead to the growth of algae, fungi, and sap.

Well, that's the review about the exterior design of the house. Good work !

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