Sunday, April 7, 2013

Building a Home Design Stage

Building a Home Design Stage - In some areas in Indonesia stilt houses a wise choice as a place to live. The reason why people choose home design stage is very diverse. Among these factors is the anticipation of natural disasters, the marshy terrain and frequent floods, or other natural factors, such as there are many dangerous animals. There is also because of the strong tradition of having a house on stilts. Although not opposed making regular home, there seemed to be feeling uncomfortable under the house. This makes people still make the stage with all its uniqueness.

Concept Homes

The house has a lot of concepts in his reasoning. Home as a place of business, home as an investment, the home as a residence, the house as a family recreation center, the home as a place to release all the fatigue of body and soul as well as a shelter house. Each of these concepts will be developed and realized in various forms as desired by the home owner.

Example homes as a place of business, would wake up in the form of commercial building or buildings or Home Store. Home as an investment, realized in a row of houses or boarding rooms are processed and managed in such a way by the owner as a future investment or savings. The house as a residence, building a one-story house, two floors, home office, private homes and so forth.

Home as a family recreation center, manifested in the form of houses villas are on the beach or in the mountains. Which aim to cruise occasionally reserved for family members. Home as a place to release all the fatigue of body and soul will be designed with the concept that suits the personality. Sometimes it even does not have much room and not also filled with a lot of furniture.

Home made very functional. All something that does not have the function will not be made. House like this is in accordance with the personality of the owner. He will wait until his death the house so he would not have much trouble taking care of things and feel things. Filled his time to do a lot of things for life and living now and later. Home as a place of refuge. Prefer the anticipation and prevention measures. Among others, manifested in the form of houses on stilts. Stilt houses in each area will be different functions.

Stilt houses in the area of West Java, Borneo Islands and made with the intent to prevent disturbance of wild animals and wild. Stilt house in Sumatra partly to avoid catastrophic flooding. While the houses on stilts in Lombok or Sumbawa island over to avoid flooding with sea water flood or tsunami. Stilts in these areas is of course different. The height of each stage house is also different. There are built with a height of 2 meters. But there are built with a height of 4-5 meters from the ground.

Stilt house in Sumatra built 4-5 meters above ground level, now even made more beautiful and more robust so that the bottom can be used to make a room or even place of business and a car garage. There is also the use of parts of the stage bawha home or a place to corral livestock and firewood storage and boat and farm equipment. There is also the bottom of the stage house used as a place of traditional rice mill or as a family berkumpulknya with built several large seat made of bamboo.

Understanding Home Stage

Stage house is said that the concept as a house is a house as a place of refuge. At every stage the function area also vary according to the level or the level of danger that they might receive. Physically own houses on stilts can be made permanent with concrete structures, and can also be made with semi-permanent or permanent is not merely by wood, bamboo or palm trunks.

House on stilts in some areas, it makes the stage under the house to keep their precious livestock. The form of a goat, chicken or pork. There also are to save their crops such as rice and corn. So presumably understanding and explanation of the stage will continue to evolve according to the conditions prevailing in a given place or at a time.

Some are even making the house on stilts to preserve the existence of the stage house. There are also home-made stage as part of the mandate of the parents so that the presence of stilt houses in the area which houses rare stage will be a unique sight. For example, in the Yogyakarta area. In areas where the stage is not part of the culture, will be seen as something that is admirable. For the people of Sumatra, Borneo or the people who come from environments with houses on stilts, houses on stilts in Yogyakarta look like miss release with hometown.

Unique stage house with building materials such as wood, must be very expensive. Especially if the wood used is wood selection. The choice of wood should be taken from the area that still has a great wood, such as in Sumatra and Borneo Islands. This is what will make the construction of a house on stilts that are not in their habitat would cost considerable.

Home Design Stage

Actual design or design stage house is quite simple. Divided into three sections. The bottom of the foundation as well as a column or pillar, the center of the main house consists of a living room / living room, bedroom and warehouses, as well as part or referred to under the roof or attic as a storage warehouse. Division of space is usually based on need. In fact, sometimes there home stage that does not have a bedroom. Each room is only separated by a partition that is very simple.

However there house jug that has a bedroom scene with nice bulkhead and made like a real bedroom. The kitchen and bathroom are also made permanent with a good design. If the stage is simple, do not have a bathroom. Regular occupants defecated directly near the kitchen in the sewerage or they are going to the river. There is also what makes the bathroom at the bottom of the stage house.

If you do not want to bother, when there has been a house on stilts that sell knock-down system. The price offered in accordance with the amount of stage house itself. For example, for type 21, the price offered is approximately 20 million. For type 54, the price offered is approximately 80 million. Desired model can also be adjusted to the needs. Whether for residential, office, villa, even to the halfway house and the library also can be arranged. Workmanship in place also will not take long. Used wood can adjust to the fund. That is needs is the foundation of the house and the land itself.

House foundation stage generally triangular cross-section can be enlarged at the bottom, cross section circular, hexagonal cross section with staircase, and the staircase rhombic cross section and enlarged at the bottom. Which is generally used by people is the foundation of the circular cross section, because it is more simple, in a cost-effective, more flexible materials used, as well as easy to do.

Calculation Method Construction Homes Foundation Stage

The foundation is considered the most important part of a house on stilts. Foundations can be connected to the main building to the concrete structure, or can be connected with wood or coconut trunk that serves as a pole / pillar or column building. Making foundation must be done carefully and in detail. Because the strength of the building design stage house is located on the condition of the foundation. Without a strong foundation, as well as the safety and comfort of the occupants safety can be very dangerous even bothered.

The foundation is used in general or local footpaths. Foundations or local trails are then connected with a sloop or pillar / column. At least if you feel interested in it anyway to make the stage without some of the reasons mentioned above except for the sheer aesthetic beauty of the course and factors, the principles of house making the stage you can apply.

To design stage house with beautiful ornaments, there are still craftsmen who can do it. The art of making ornaments that were on the steps and that on stage will adorn the walls of the house where the stage itself. Not wrong if it wants a house on stilts, make a good concept that the stage house looks beautiful and fun place to live.

1 comment:

  1. Love this tile as well. I especially love the blue-ish tinted tile.
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