Sunday, April 7, 2013

10 Most Luxurious and Expensive Homes in the World !

10 Most Luxurious and Expensive Homes in the World ! Luxury homes is not just a place to live, but also the owner's social status. For these reasons, despite whatever expensive many homes remain in demand. Like 10 houses below. The price is not expensive as to be prohibitive for a millionaire to buy it. The houses are equipped facility that is quite astonishing. Call private thermal baths, theaters and some are equip his house with a private gas station.

Then what the hell the 10 luxury homes ? Let's see :

1. Hala Ranch

Hala Ranch was located in northern Aspen, Colorado is one of the most luxurious homes. The house was purchased in 2006 Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan at a price of $ 135 million. The house has an area of 56,000 square meters, and was built in 1991. This home also features a recreation center, mechanic shops, and car wash stations and personal. The house was purchased by billionaire John Paulson in 2012 for $ 49.

2. Antilla

This house is a house that cost $ 1 billion. The house is located on the 6th floor of the garage. There are 9 gardens elevators and 4 floors.

3. Villa Leopolda

This villa was built in 1902 by King Leopold II of Belgium. French Riviera-style house was purchased by Russian billionaire, Mikhail Prokhorov for $ 736 million. This house was the site of the filming of To Catch a Thief Alfred Hitchcock (1955).

4. Fairfield Pond

Fairfield Pond is valued at $ 198 million. The house is considered to be the most widespread in the United States. With 29 bedrooms and 39 bathrooms, this home is located in an area of 63 acres. This house also has two tennis courts and private luxury hot springs.

5. The Hearst Mansion

The Hearst Mansion is home to the coolest pop culture in it. Also known as Hearst Castle, the home is valued $ 165 million. The house has 3 swimming pools, 29 rooms, cinemas and discos.

6. Franchuk Villa

Villa-style Victorian home is often the most expensive entry list in London. The house is valued at $ 161 million. The house has 10 bedrooms, with indoor swimming pool, located in the basement. In addition there is also a private cinema and space to save themselves.

7. The Pinnacle

Home of American developer, Blixseth is valued at $ 155 million. The house is in the sky around the resort area is privately owned. The house has a private elevator that connects the Pinnacle to the resort area.

8. Fleur de Lys

With an area of 41,000 square meters, Fleur de Lys has 15 bedrooms. In 2008, the house was sold on the market for $ 125 million. The house was built Texas billionaire, David Saperstine and inspired by Vaux le Vicomte Palace which is outside Paris.

9. Silicon Valley mansion

French-style mansion is considered to have a price of $ 100 million. The house was the residence Yuri Milner and is located in Los Altos Hills California. Yuri is a millionaire from Moscow Russia, with the company Digital Sky Technologies. The house has views of San Francisco Bay and has an area of 11 acres.

10. Maison de l'Amitie

One of the most luxurious homes of the couples separated, Donald Trump. This house has 18 rooms and 22 bathrooms. After trying to sell for $ 125 million, the house was eventually purchased for $ 95.

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