Thursday, March 7, 2013

Types of Maternity Sports

Types of Maternity Sports. Exercise is one of the factors that determine a healthy lifestyle we do. With regular exercise, the body will be used to get a good intake of oxygen in the body's metabolism so that the system was running smoothly. Various types of exercise would bring many benefits, both for health and for the beauty of the body (for women). With the benefits of exercise, the women do not need very often to the salon for body treatment because exercise automatically creates a system that works in the body to become more stable.

A wide range of sports, whether mild or severe, can do gradually. To get the benefits, you must exercise regularly with a term that is not too short nor too long. Benefits of exercise was also necessary for those women who are pregnant. However, not all types of exercise is good for pregnant women. Because the state of a baby, then the movement of pregnant women sport different from most sports movement and tend to be smooth and slow.

Preparing for the birth of not just talking about all sorts of baby gear. There are more important things than diapers, which prepares the body's endurance and strength while giving birth later. Resilience in the pregnant woman's body during labor accounting matters. If it is less noticeable, the mother will quickly lose power and result in delays in the process of birth. Efforts to be made by the mothers to improve the resilience and strength of the body is to exercise.

In this article, will be presented in some kind of exercise that can be done by pregnant women with the purpose of the exercise performed. There is a sport that aims to maintain endurance while pregnant and about to give birth, there is also aiming to make the mother to relax just before the delivery.
Body Resistance Exercise for Pregnant Women

Exercising during pregnancy sounds odd, but it just brings substantial benefits to pregnant women during delivery takes place. Besides being able to increase the durability and strength for the body of pregnant women, exercise is also beneficial to strengthen the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor. Abdominal and pelvic muscles are two muscles that will "hardest working" at the time of delivery. If both these muscles are weak, it could be it will hinder your labor.

Sports that do not even need to be too heavy, because if it is too heavy it can actually be harmful to the state of the fetus in the womb. Make the most simple exercise by walking around the neighborhood for 20 minutes. Do it three times a week. But it can all be adjusted to your body shape, do not force if the body is sending signals of fatigue.

In addition, you can also do it yourself with pregnancy exercise play cassettes or VCD pregnancy exercise. That way, you do not need to be ashamed to be seen by others as gymnastics done in your own home.

If not this way, you can also do a bit of movement properties with pregnancy exercise. Do prostrate position with chest against the floor and butt hold up so you can feel the weight in the front of the abdomen and the back light on the back. Take this position for about five minutes. Do it three times a day or as long as you need. After that, do another position by lifting both legs up to the walls in a straight position.

By doing these motions, you will avoid the problem of fatigue in leg muscles and swelling in the calf and thigh. The position could also prevent pregnant women from head pain due to lack of oxygen supply to brain. Do the movement for five minutes. In addition to making you and your baby healthy, pregnancy exercise or mild movements have been described above also make you tire more easily and not get tired. Especially if done regularly.

However, if you feel bored with just a walk around the house and doing pregnancy exercise alone in the house, you could also try to join sporting clubs specifically for women who are now already widely available. In sports clubs are usually you will find special exercises for pregnant women. Gymnastics is also called Kegel exercises.

Kegel Exercise for Pregnant Women

Kegel exercises are useful for vaginal muscles during labor. How to do Kegel exercises somewhat tricky. You are required to hold the muscle for a few seconds, then release. Arrest of muscle contraction also called. If you have trouble imagining, this can be done in a simple way. You try to resist the urge to urinate. When you hold your urine, it means you have done a contraction of the vaginal muscles.

Such exercises also are not only useful at the time of delivery. After giving birth too, gymnastics can still be done by women to maintain muscle strength that are not easily loose vagina after childbirth or after intercourse. If you still can not understand how the Kegel exercises, you can ask the instructor in the club to assist you in performing these exercises. In addition to Kegel exercises, there are also exercises that can be done by pregnant women with the pair.

Exercise with a partner who is able to improve the mental health of pregnant women, especially pregnant women who are waiting for the delivery. With this technique, pregnant women are believed to have strong confidence to be able to give birth normally accompanied by her husband.

Type Other Sports for Pregnant Women

In addition to Kegel exercises, other suitable exercise by pregnant women is swimming, yoga, and cycling.
  1. Pool. The human body which are not refreshed when exposed to water, but man has some kind of allergy to water or aquagenic called urticaria. So even with pregnant women. Tranquility caused by stagnant water can reduce the pressure on the joints.
  2. Yoga. One type of exercise that is already known to provide peace. At the time of doing yoga, breathing well trained body. Yoga can create a state of balance and the body becomes more flexible. That is what is required at the time of birth.
  3. Cycling. Although it looks scary for pregnant women, it can also cycling muscles around the vagina. Do it slowly. Better to use the bike so the risk of falls can be avoided in pregnant women.
You can perform the activities mentioned together with her husband. If the husband is busy, try take the time to get together with your friends who are also pregnant so they can share a method to stay in shape during pregnancy and childbirth. In addition to exercise, you can also perform a variety of massage techniques to support the preparation of the delivery process. This technique can not be done by just anyone.

In the home environment there are usually educated midwives (midwives believed) to perform massage techniques in women who are pregnant. This technique can make mothers more relaxed, and make the position of the child in the womb to be more comfortable. However, if you are having trouble finding trained TBAs like that, you can also come to the salon provides services such as special Baby moon, the special spa treatments for pregnant women.

Treatments include massages on the parts used to pain, such as the shoulders, neck, back, and legs. Soaking feet in warm water for pregnant women to feel calm, relaxation using aromatherapy and massage in the abdomen at the end of the treatment sessions.

So what are you waiting ? Immediately follow the exercise program and feel pregnant spa that not only you can enjoy alone, but also enjoyed the baby. Do not forget to keep eating foods that are good for your body and your baby so that when the delivery takes, you do not get tired and exhausted.

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