Thursday, March 7, 2013

Gymnastics floor exercise

Gymnastics floor exercise. Having a healthy lifestyle is not too difficult nor easy as turning the palm of the hand. In addition to exercise, proper living creatures, humans need balanced nutrition and adequate rest. For those who are not too fond of outdoor sports and exercise that is too heavy, you can try gymnastics floor as an option.

Sport is one of the human activities that can be done to keep the immune system. With exercise, it will directly benefit the health. Toxins and all the bad things in the human body out through sweat during exercise. Sweating during exercise in suggestion can make the body become more fresh. You must agree with it. And gymnastics floor can also make you sweat.

Moving the body also has to be said sport. Sport means the process body. Accordingly, the exercise should not be done in a way that complicated. Walking also can be said as a sport, as well as with gymnastics floor.

Gymnastics floor is not as famous as football. But almost the same level of difficulty. Physical strength is very important, legs and arms strong hands become mandatory in the sport this one. Although still "one blood" with gymnastics, gymnastics floor but is quite different.

When doing floor exercises, you will be "making out" with the floor. seem like a lie but in fact it is a movement that is on the gymnastics floor. For those who have never seen or do floor exercises, this exercise would be very foreign.

About Sports Gymnastics Floor
 Gymnastics is a child of floor gymnastics. This sport is quite "take the floor". As the name implies, gymnastics floor exercise is done on a floor mat or rug to use as a base. In terms of sports, gymnastics floor exercise floor has a name. When doing floor exercises, you must remove all the accessories attached to the body, such as clocks, rings, and necklaces, as objects that would interfere with the current "floor". Regulations such as these seem quite commonplace applied to all sports. Karan accessories will surely interfere with, and can even harm the body.

Gymnastics floor exercise is intended to stretch all the muscles are tense in the human body. If you want to "recreation" while exercising, gymnastics floor can be selected. Movement exercises can help relax the mind and body. Because of the nature of "recreation", gymnastics can be done anywhere.

Although it can be done anywhere, gymnastics floor space criteria and still have the ideal equipment. The floor will be used as a place of work must be completely flat. This course will assist you in balancing your body. Imagine if you are doing gymnastics floor at the downhill terrain, balance your body would not be awake. Then do gymnastics this floor in a spacious room for a small room will hinder the movement of your floor exercises. A spacious room will allow you to explore the range of motion in the gymnastics floor.

On average, when doing gymnastics floor, spacious space needed for one person is 12x12 meters. The distance between the participant exercises with one another about one meter. After that, choose a mattress that the material is not too rough. If not, instead of quiet, you are not going to relax because they feel uncomfortable on a mat or carpet is used.

Choose a carpet with a soft surface, so your goal is reached gymnastics floor exercise. Body be relaxed, and the muscles become tense without the inconvenience of having the skin surface rough carpet. Although named gymnastics floor, but that does not mean you are free to do it on the floor without a mat at all. Hard floor surfaces are also no less painful for your body. Instead of fresh, your body can actually sore.

When viewed from the movement, gymnastics floor is also quite suitable for you women who are pregnant. Use as a companion to your pregnancy gymnastics. However, the movement of the gymnastics floor exercise is also necessary. Avoid movements that force the stomach to work harder.

Movement Gymnastics Sports Flooring
 Movement gymnastics floor is basically very simple. However, if not done carefully, you can sprain or injury. Therefore, pay attention and do the right movement would be much better. The benefits to your body will feel.

Movement on the gymnastics floor include the following.

1. Roll

The movement of the first floor gymnastics is rolled. sounds simple and familiar enough. First, take the squat position, arms pinned to the mat and must be parallel to the width of the shoulders. Then, straighten both legs with the elbows slightly bent and your head slightly folded until your chin touches your chest. After that, roll slowly. When rolling, do not use the head as the center pedestal, but use your neck.

Movement on this floor gymnastics injury-prone. Pay attention and follow its phases. If you roll over the wrong done by the technique, might your collarbone injury, and was consequently quite fatal.

2. Kayang

Movement at gymnastics floor this one rests on both feet and hands. When doing this exercise, your body must be turned upside down with the face up position. Then, lift your pelvis and abdomen. The benefits of this movement is to flex the shoulder, back, and pelvis.

Movement gymnastics floor this one being one of the movement that is not suitable for pregnant women. If you are a woman who was pregnant and then had the opportunity to participate in gymnastics floor, better not make a move on this one.

3. Attitude Candle

The attitude of the beginning of this movement is quite lying on the mat. Slowly, lift your legs upward, hold it with both hands. The benefits of this movement is to maintain muscle strength so it is not easy to stomach cramps. gymnastics movement of the floor is also quite risky for pregnant women.

Attitude candle is one floor gymnastics movement in desperate need of balance. Keep the body from falling forward or backward requires leg strength and extra-large hands.

4. Bolsters

Attitude early in floor gymnastics movement is you simply lie down, then roll the body to the rear. Put the legs and feet close to the direction of the head, arms and hands being pinned on the side of the head. Roll your body, then landed with a flattened foot. The movement is also prone to injury, be careful.

5. Movement Bolsters Home

If you will do a gymnastics floor exercise that follows, first of all, squat. Then, straighten your legs, put head to touch the inside of the chest. Then, roll the body forward by landing neck first. Trying to re-up with the state of the squat.

6. Standing Hand

The attitude of the early movement on the gymnastics floor is standing upright position with one leg forward. After that, bend over, piles hands shoulder width apart on the mat. Then, lift your body slowly. Once the legs are in the up position, go slowly and hold for a while. After that, lower it slowly.

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