Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tips Writing Scientific Journals Article

Tips Writing  Scientific  Journals Article - Scientific journals are one type of academic journal containing scholarly articles written by one or more academics. The science journal writing has its own norms, that is all that is written in it must be true, scientific, and in accordance with the arguments and academic standards.

Scientific journals is an important source in the relevant field of study as it contains the results of scientific research that has been done. There are two categories of scientific journals, the first is a scientific journal published by research institutions accreditation process conducted by LIPI, while the second is the scientific journal of the universities in Indonesia, which is accredited by the Higher Education Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Despite its importance, the number of scientific journals that currently exist in Indonesia are very few. In the records of Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), to date there are only about 7000 pieces of national scientific journals. Of the 7000 journals are, only 4000 of them are still regularly published journals and only 300 are accredited by LIPI. In addition to scientific journals listed in LIPI, many new journals emerging in the form of an e-journal or electronic journals and online journals.

The existence of a scientific journal for science in Indonesia. In terms of quantity and quality of writing journals, Indonesia arguably still lags behind other countries. Therefore, the Directorate General of Higher Education issued a letter containing the obligation student levels of S-1, S-2 and S-3 are graduating after August 2012 to write and publish scientific papers.

Furthermore, papers are then collected in a scientific journal. The scientific work graduate S-1 should be published in the scientific journal college, graduate papers S-2 should be published in national scientific journals that have been accredited, while the scientific journal graduate S-3 should be published in international scientific journals. The purpose of the obligation to make scientific writing is to encourage a culture of reading and writing for university graduates in Indonesia as well as to contribute to science research in Indonesia.

So, how to write a good scientific journal articles ? For some people, writing scientific journal articles were new and had never thought of before. If you have difficulty in expressing ideas and messages into written form, try to create a framework that contains scriptural points that you want to create.

Then you can write based on the framework. But before you start writing, immediately after doing the research, find the value you want to highlight in your journal, the scientific community within the disciplines that will be interested in what your research results, and the degree of originality of your contribution in the academic world. Make sure you refer to the latest literature sources, not obsolete. If you have difficulty in expressing ideas through writing and your messages, try to frame a paragraph first.

Furthermore, these tips can help you write a scientific journal article :

1. Election Media Journal

It's good if you have to choose which media you want to scholarly work is displayed, it will help you determine the style of writing. To determine the media, you can search for journal articles related to the field of your research, then find out the scope of the scope of the discipline that is shaded in the journal with respect to the information in the front or back of the journal.

In addition to the library, you can do a little research over the internet search engine or consult with your colleagues about the scientific journal where your writing should be sent. The number of scientific journals cause beginners have trouble choosing the right journals. Consult with more senior researchers who will help beginners to find the right journals.

2. Article Writing Journal

To avoid typographical errors, read the article writing guidelines carefully and cautiously. General information that you can get in a scientific journal article writing guidelines are writing format (corresponding number of lines on each page, margins, spacing, size and type of paper, numbering procedures, etc.), writing the title page, as well as writing the article body.

Authors of articles need to consider the specific format of scientific journals have been. Selection of paper is an important first thing you look at when they want to write. Generally, the paper used is A4 or letter weighing 80 grams. Note also the spacing, margins (left, right, up, down), type letters, technical page numbering, maximum number of pages, the decoding of words, and the number of lines in each page.

Note also the framework article. Here is the framework of scientific journal articles most commonly used :

a. Title

Make the title clear, straightforward, specific, and representative. Titles must be able to represent the core of the whole scientific journal article that you create.

b. Abstract

Abstracts of scientific journals serves to provide a review of the reader in order to understand a brief description of the contents of the journal. Abstract typically consists of 250 words containing the objectives, research methods, results, and conclusions of the study. In short, tell you in brief journal entries in the abstract.

c. Preliminary

In the introduction, write your research goals. Introduction is also a statement of the field you are researching. Besides containing research purposes, you can also write this background, a summary of the research you've done, and the benefits of your research for the scientific community.

d. Method

In this section, describe your technical research. Experimental design, equipment and supplies, data collection methods, as well as the types of data processing are the things that you peel in this section. Explain your research in detail and clearly.

e. The results

This section contains data concise and straightforward about the results of your research. Write down your results objectively, do not write the interpretation or conclusions from the results of your research in this section.

f. Discussion

In the discussion, write your interpretation of the results of research. Explain in detail and clearly so that the core of the scientific journal article you delivered.

g. Conclusion

In this section, you need to write a conclusion from the results of your research. In good scientific journal articles, readers can capture the essence of meaning through preliminary research and conclusions.

h. Bibliography

This section contains the references that you use in doing research. Critical bibliography for readers who want to learn more with reference to the original literature sources. Bibliography is also important to the author, to ensure there is no element of plagiarism in your scientific journal article.

3. Submitting Journal Articles

Once convinced that the scientific article you have written well, you should re-check the completeness and suitability of your articles with a scientific journal format you choose. In addition, note also the style, whether it is appropriate and correct spelling ? If possible, ask for help on your colleagues to review it and provide comments and suggestions, especially if you write scientific journal articles in foreign languages.

If you're ready to be shipped, please check once again the completeness page carefully. Additionally make a cover letter containing a request to the editor in order to take into consideration the scientific articles to be published. Specify the data yourself in the letter. Furthermore, you are just waiting for word from the editor, if your article is suitable for publication in a scientific journals related, or you still have to fix some of the elements of your scientific articles.

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