Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Thesis Proposal, Direction Towards a Thesis

Thesis Proposal, Direction Towards a Thesis - Thesis proposal or know anyone with a research proposal is a requirement before entering step thesis creation. The proposal is an overview of the proposed activity, the explanation was made to the shape of the design. The proposal consists of research and systematic on all matters relating to research activities.

Thesis proposals included in the formal proposal for the kind of writing and the process already has its own standard rules. Proposal submissions sought-after title of thesis research or field of study approved by the supervisor. Thesis proposal did not include the full contents of the thesis, it is only an outline of the thesis.

Upon entering the courtroom thesis proposal, teachers will determine whether the research is feasible or not to proceed further step the thesis work as a whole, as the final stage S1 degree graduation requirements.

Thesis Proposal, Thesis Characteristics

Before getting into a pattern of thesis proposal writing, understand the characteristics of the following thesis :
  • Research in the thesis must be in accordance with the existing problems or topics in the field of science and are consistent with the courses taken. For example, take the topic of communication about communication within the family, the work environment, and so forth.
  • Thesis is built and analyzed based on results obtained from observations or observation. Observations can be made directly through the space or observation only data that has been collected is relevant.
  • Writing the essay should use the Indonesian language properly and correctly in accordance with the spelling that has been agreed and raw. While, to majoring in languages, such as German, English, Japanese, French, and so the language in the thesis is written in accordance with the department and the field is usually required to make a synopsis or description using the Indonesian language.

There are points in the Thesis Proposal

Students who are able to take the thesis is a student who meets the academic requirements. For example, have taken courses in social studies, total courses taken already meet quotas and thesis proposals have been submitted and approved. The points contained in the thesis proposal are as follows :

1. Title

[Proposal for a thesis] Title should be formulated in the language of a short, dense, and clear. In an interesting aside, a research title should imply what will be the content of thesis. Do not use language that is complex and contains many interpretations. From the title to know the level and interests of researchers or students concerned.

The title should have a title that contains the variables to the dependent variable should affect each other and complement each other. The title should be appropriate or relevant to the content of the whole thesis, the issues discussed, goals, usability studies, and must be in accordance with the conclusions of the study.

2. Cover

Cover consisted of the following particulars: the title of the study, the research type, name and student identification number / NPM logo, courses or majors, faculty and the university, the last production year of research.

3. Approval Page

Page consent must be attached to the proposal essay exam time, the form sheet titles that are already approved by the field of study.

4. Background Issues

[Human resource issues] background problem is the introduction, contains the discussion : Why research is important and should be done ?

What impact or effect if not researched ? By the way what kind of research is precisely analyzed ? Background problem contains also about the events, phenomena or problems that are going on so as to solve the problem required research. In explaining the background of the problem, must be considered in the discussion do not be too wide, must stay focused on the problem or research topic. In the background of the problem should also outlined the reasons why this research needs to be done.

5. Problem Identification

Identifying the problem is part of how the common problems in the identification of the core problem or root sought. And roots is what eventually became the focus / research question in this study.

6. Research Objectives

Or research purposes should be consistent with what has been described point problem identification, to be precise, and not out of the context of research.

7. Usability Research

Usability research should be relevant to the elements associated with the research. With the exposure of the usefulness of the research, people will know the benefits of the research, in addition to the sponsors who are interested in then it is possible since the research conducted will provide funding to support research.

8. Thinking Framework

The framework is a review of the literature in the form of theories that will help and support in discussions, literature reviews here is not necessarily what the expert quote or theory, but must be developed by the researchers. Therefore, the research literature on the theory requires an argument, whether you agree or not.

9. Hypothesis

Hypotheses are temporary answers to the issues raised. Meanwhile, the answer to this hypothesis can be obtained by analysis of data obtained from the literature study, the data collected, or observation.

10. Research Methodology

The methodology in this study is very important, the success of the research is valid or not depends on how the researchers selected and used methodology. The methodology is also a reflection or analysis system that can demonstrate the quality of the research undertaken. Therefore, in selecting the methodology and run it needs to be done properly and carefully.

11. Bibliography

[References] The final part of thesis proposal contains a list of references and appendices. Bibliography is a sheet that lists descriptions or book reference that is used to support research, while in the bibliography should include the title, author's name, publisher, year create. Important bibliography thesis proposal submissions are to be made checking.

Assessment at Time Proposal Final Session

Thesis proposal did not include the full contents of the thesis, it is only an outline of the thesis.

Proposal submissions thesis or research proposal will be brought to the workshop or hearing held by field of study, usually examiner will ask about issues related to the proposal, for example: the question of why take the title ? Why choose that method ?

Will be asked questions based on the content of the substance of the proposed thesis financial proposal. Assessment can also be from other aspects, but did not rule out that question.

5 Components Must be Mastered :
  1. Mastery of the material, technical mastery in writing thesis proposal that eventually became shadow early testers for thesis writing intact.
  2. The use of language both in writing (listed in the proposal thesis) and oral submissions at the hearing thesis proposal.
  3. Attitudes and behavior at the time of examination, ethics and manners in attitude, language and looks to be one of the examiners assessment. Suppose accept what testers give either criticism or suggestions, listen carefully and thoroughly.
  4. Answering questions seriously do not like playing and be able to demonstrate the seriousness and interest of the object or topic used in the study.
  5. Answer clearly did not beat around the bush or around, the answer must be focused and systematic. Do not ever answer that way to answer a riddle, answer honestly if do not understand or can not answer the question.

Session thesis proposal submissions to be important in the process of making theses for students to know the weaknesses as well as input from faculty. Which ones should be repaired / whichever is less. The goal is that at the time of execution of thesis students will not be stalled and help focus. In the end, if the time trial thesis proposal approved by faculty or field of study, the student can proceed to the next chapter in the form, phase analysis, discussion, and conclusions and suggestions.

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