Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tips on Developing Agricultural Scientific Writing

Tips on Developing Agricultural Scientific Writing. Agricultural scientific paper is a work of nonfiction writing that reveals the facts and data observations or review or research on a particular phenomenon in agriculture. Prepare scientific papers are not much different from writing scientific papers in general. The fundamental difference lies only in the ideas or topics raised in these papers.

Identify the type of Scientific Work

Before writing scientific agriculture, first identify what kind of paper will be developed. The scientific work there are several types. One of the scientific papers that are quite popular include papers. In general, high school students already know how to write this paper.

Specific Topics

The main topic is the subject discussed in the paper. To arrange scientific writing good farming, the first step to be taken is to establish an idea or topic. Once the topic is obtained, the lyrics again chosen topic if the topic is specific or not ? If the topic is too broad or floating, soon narrowed or are specified. Specific topics allowing us to focus in preparing the paper.

For example, you take a topic about cultivation techniques. It's too broad. Fixed and try again, cultivation techniques what ? For example, cultivation techniques cut roses. Fix again, what system ? With any treatment ? How ? And so on. If the question stuck, meaning you take a topic that is specific enough (focus).

Find Ideas

The idea is reflected in the title and the theme chosen. And furthermore, the idea described in the formulation of the problem and discussion on writing scientific papers. Elaboration should be submitted based on the observation and research in the field.

Prepare Outline

Outline or later better known as the outline is not a matter that required in the preparation of scientific papers farming. However, the preparation of outline important. Because this essay outline or framework useful to facilitate the later writers in developing scientific essay to be more systematic and focused.

But sometimes preparing outline also not easy. Often the difficulty of preparing an outline precisely hinder our writing process. Then, how to construct a practical outline ?

The following steps outline practical in formulating agricultural scientific papers or other scholarly writings ;
  • Write down every idea that comes to mind related to the topic of the paper.
  • Then, the selection of ideas that have been poured
  • Discard any ideas or ideas that are considered unimportant, and take ideas that are considered important
  • Sort ideas that have been collected.

Developing Outline Being Scientific Writing

Having managed to put together an outline, the next step is to develop the outline of a scientific paper a complete and systematic. A good scientific paper should be prepared on a standard systematic papers. Therefore the outline that has been formed, then included in the arrangement of the constituent elements of the standard monograph.

Next question, how systematic an agricultural scientific papers ? In general, systematic arrangement of scientific papers are as follows :
  • The introduction

The introduction usually includes; background of the problem, formulation of the problem, the purpose of writing, the benefits of writing, research methods and systematic writing.
  • Section contents

Portion of the content is at the core of scientific papers. This section includes discussion of the issue in accordance with the intent and purpose of writing. In this section the authors convey the discussion based on data and facts found in the field. To strengthen the argument or the argument, the author must take referrals from other authors in accordance with the topic. But do not forget to include a clear reference source.
  • The concluding section

The concluding section contains conclusions and suggestions. Conclusions and suggestions taken based on the consideration of the matter. Advice is usually optional, may not be included.

Congratulations preparing scientific papers farm !

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