Sunday, March 17, 2013

Free Scientific Writing Format

Free Scientific Writing Format. One of the obligations that must be completed by a student before you are eligible to embed academic title in its name is write scientific papers. Thesis students and theses for students S1 and S2. The scientific work is designed to demonstrate scientific thinking skills of students in a problem that becomes complete your studies field. In the process, students should be guided by your writing scientific papers that have been set by the college where tuition.

Writing Format
Free writing scientific papers set by the college may not be exactly the same kind of guide set by other universities. Nevertheless, the differences were generally not on the fundamental.

In general, your writing scientific papers to determine the format of writing as follows :
  • The initial
  • The main part
  • The final section

Section Early Scientific Work

The initial part consists of :
  • Front cover

There are several elements that must be contained on the front cover of this, the title, emblem / college logo, name and student identification number, name of the college, the city where the university is located live, and year. Color of the cover is different for each college.
  • Page title

The title page contains the writings as they appear on the front cover.
  • Sheet attestation

This approval sheet must include a signature lecturers. Some colleges also require the inclusion of the examiner's signature.
  • Introduction

Foreword contains a brief description of the purpose the preparation of scientific papers, explanations, and a thank you. Foreword does not contain the things of a scientific nature.
  • Abstract

Abstract is the essence of research. Abstract made in two languages, Indonesian and English.
  • Table of Contents
  • List of tables
  • List of Figures
  • List of attachments
  • List the symbolic meaning or abbreviation

Main parts of Scientific Work

In writing your papers mentioned that the main part of a scientific paper consists of :
  • Introduction
Loading the background and purpose of writing scientific papers. In the background or introductory page of writing things about how the researcher or writer wanted to examine the study of objects according to the chosen program of study or taken. And I do not just write the background, but also the formulation of the problem, limiting the problem, purpose of the study, obtained the data sources and research methods used to assess the research object.

The formulation of the problem is that the reader knows the extent to which the author discusses the research object in a thoughts and opinions. This will be a benchmark that will lead to conclusions about whether this research should be continued with other studies or research has given a concrete answer about the problem.
In this case, the author should submit a brief but clear why problem becomes a matter that should be discussed and resolved by conducting research in scientific papers or final.

It then needs to be written in the introduction is the goal of this research. The research objective will be coherent with the formulation of the problem so that the objectives and restrictions set out should have a role in answering all the questions and issues that previously formulated.

Next is the data source, the materials from which the research was obtained. It is important to say that qualitative research is objective and without regard to the writer as something major.

The last is a research method used to peel or discuss what the problems in the study. Similarly, data sources, methods of research is also required to be submitted to convince the reader that things are presented in the paper is a scientific and obtained objectively and not solely on the subjective views of the author alone.
  • Basis Theory

Loading conceptual framework and literature (literature review), the systematic description of the theory, rationale, and results of previous studies related to the research conducted by the author. This section also provides a brief description of the theory and methods of analysis used.
The foundation of this theory is to give the reader an understanding of the various issues related to the research object and how the object was examined and dissected with a knife specifically created for the surgical scientific problems.

Without a theoretical foundation, then a study would not be considered a legitimate research because it does not include laws or theories that have been recognized by the community, both the general public and the academic community have understood the academic theories.
  • Research Methodology

It is a systematic and coherent picture of the relationship between the variables of the study. The shape of the chart or mathematical functions, along with a description of the relationship between the variables. The research methodology consisted of :
  1. Model / framework
  2. Hypothesis
  3. Operational Definition
  4. The place and time of study
  5. Data collection
  6. Processing and analysis of data

  • Research Results and Discussion

Loading theoretical explanation, both qualitative, quantitative, or statistical, on the study. The results may be accompanied by tables, charts, diagrams, photographs and so on, along with an explanation. Discussion of research also suggests a comparison between the results obtained by theory or previous studies. The discussion carried out with reference to all that has been mentioned above. If the problem assessed regardless of the method of research, then the research will not be considered as legitimate and objective. However, the authors also be able to enter values or views of his thoughts while referring to the theory used.

For example, to convince the reader that the research undertaken is the result of a particular view, the author shall write the views of other theorists who support the paradigm itself. Thus, the paper will not be declared as a mere subjective view.
  • Conclusions and Recommendations

The conclusion is a brief statement regarding the research and discussion. Suggestions are recommendations aimed at the development of the field of study under investigation. Advice should be relevant to the research. At the conclusion there are things or important points found by the author, either directly or indirectly, on matters relating to aa discussed and researched.

In this section the authors also include suggestions for further research can be done by further research in order to answer the problem formulation not only current issues are discussed and questioned, but also able to provide insight and answers to further questions as a form of literary criticism before.

Final Part Scientific Work
Free writing scientific papers to determine that the end of the scientific work consists of :
  • Bibliography

Loading literature or literature used in the research and writing of scientific papers. This bibliography is in alphabetical order by following the procedures for writing a bibliography. Bibliography was created as proof that the research conducted qualitatively by referring to theories that already exist before conducted by researchers with the level of quality may be higher or equal to the author.
  • Attachment

This section is used to place the data or other information whose work complements the description presented in the main part of the scientific work. With attachments, the evidence of research conducted into actual and reliable.

From the above, it can be concluded that the posting of writing scientific papers is not only about the technical side, but also the benefits and the range of uses that will be granted by the author in his writings.

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