Monday, March 11, 2013

Tips for Business Success in School Bio

Tips for Business Success in School Bio. The concept of learning in today is based on learning-based IT or Information Technology. The result is that every personal education must be familiar with all the things that smelled of information technology, including in this case the internet. This is a very promising business opportunity for the school to open a shop or internet cafe. With a large number of students, the school cafe visitor definitely greater. Further important for us is to understand the school cafe business success tips.

Internet cafe business is a business opportunity for the school. This is related to the role of IT in our education. All this is happening is that every time there is a task, the students had to go to the cafe in the neighborhood. Often for a single visit, then they should be spending at least three thousand to one hour of usage. Not to mention if they have to print the data taken from the internet, they are able to fund ten thousand. This is a very lucrative source of income for the school.

To capture this opportunity in the best possible, then we should be able to determine our success in the school cafe business. This issue is very important to measure our efforts truly effective and did not experience any problems. All this is happening at the school was integrated IT learning in the curriculum. The Internet is a limitless information is urgently needed by the students to explore the science and study with him. But it also needs to be considered by the school or the teachers, the Internet also contains inappropriate information and negative for students. As with pornography, pornographic, illegal goods, and so forth. So there needs to be a serious oversight by the school about the dangers of Internet content as mentioned earlier.

As a result, the process is bound within hours of learning, for example, only two hour lesson or ninety minutes. To conduct effective internet cafes, then we need to understand the Internet cafe business success tips, namely :

Ensuring Access Fast

One purpose of internet access is so that we can easily incorporated with which we are headed. So it is with the students. Generally, they are looking for a cafe with a high degree of connection capability. Thus, what is required of students immediately obtained. Rapid access is one issue that must be considered when capturing business opportunities for entrepreneurship. If internet access is strong and fast, the children were relieved because the required immediately obtained. This is especially important if the access is very much needed. For example, one class of students getting job access material from the internet.

Rapid access is very crowded determine whether visitors at our cafe. The faster, the more visitors and that means more money coming. Figuring that speed will always be sought after by Netter, be it in schools or people outside the academic community school. Figuring schools can also be equipped with a andproject newsletters to block sites that pornography into the school environment. Besides, an explanation of the dangers of such a spectacle would also need understanding to students, so that they can avoid it outside of school.

The rooms were comfortable

Convenience is a necessary aspect of every person while doing activities. With this convenience, the students feel at home were in the cafe. In this case, the principle of the longer time spent in us, means more money spent on it. Therefore, we must design a cafe tendency such that students feel at home in the room. The rooms were comfortable means having adequate lighting so that students are not confused when they have to use the keyboard while writing. With a clear light, the eye is also not easily tired when staring at the screen that emits light into our eyes.

The rooms were comfortable means good air circulation. There is no packing of air in the room so it does not cause the tendency stuffy or sultry. Therefore, we need to install a fan or if you need indoor air conditioned cafe we make. With this facility, the students or our customers feel at home using the internet.

Prices are Competitive

In general, every cafe install different rates to lure customers. For school-run cafe that implement tips successful cafe business school, the rates should be adjusted to the conditions of the students. At least we put up rates in accordance with the ability of their pockets. Figuring school is a school organized entrepreneurial activities as a measure capturing business opportunities in the future prospects large enough. This is because the school already has a share of the market, namely the students. This market share is certain number, so we can count our entry. Revenue can we plan to enlarge the school cafe business.

At least in the school cafe tariff under the market price, for example, the market price of an hour about 3 dollars then charge appropriately in school is 2.5 or 2 dollars. Maybe like that's how I measure the ability of students while providing them easy access to the internet.

Prime Services

In general, for a single server, we divide it into at least five computers. However, for internet cafes in schools can not be like that. If only five, of course, is not able to serve large numbers of students. This of course makes the students were disappointed. Therefore, in order to provide excellent service, then we should be able to serve students in large numbers. Excellent service is one of the school cafe business success tips. In this case we have principles that customer is king. We must provide excellent service if we want children to respond to the presence of the school cafe.

That's what we should do to make the school cafe business that we manage really able to contribute to student learning. Tips for successful cafe business school is basically concrete steps we have to do that this business smoothly and effectively, and all of it is not difficult to implement. Figuring in the school can be used as a venue for teachers or students to learn to develop a business. Figuring may be applicable means for teachers to teach students to entrepreneurial good. Of course, the cafe should be in the management of student organizations such as Student Council. Council can apply to the school cafe establishment with the guidance of their teacher.

Students can learn how to make a proposal for a business, especially the cafe this discussion. Teachers teach the method of making a business proposal promising and realistic. After that the proposal for the cafe at school may be submitted to the principal or his representative.

Entrepreneurship education through the development of the school by the student cafe is very appropriate, because the students could immediately feel the actual plan, build, and manage a business.

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