Monday, March 11, 2013

Know Your Types of Rats As Animal Experiments

Know Your Types of Rats As Animal Experiments. Rats included in mammals, has phyla Chordata and the Order Rodentia. There are several types of rodents that exist today. Each has differences with each other, but still get into the rat race. Types of Rats spread around the world with their uniqueness. Rats are one of the animals that rapidly proliferating. Once a litter of ten puppies can bear. In addition it is easy to adapt rats sharing environment.

Animal experiments mice

Since the old rat is an animal who is familiar with the world of research and pharmaceuticals. Why is that ? In the world of pharmaceutical research, the mice became one of the experimental animals. For example, to test drugs and chemical reactions. So when researchers found the drug ingredients, before being given to humans, it is first tested on mice, in order to see the reaction of mice after the drug entered. Besides using the rat lower risk than directly applicable to humans.

Mice are often used as experimental animals are mice. This mouse is easy to come by because of the type widely cultivated. Rats are also often used for animal experiments in biology subjects in high school. Dissected rat digestive organs to behold.

Indirectly mice included animals that contributed to the survival of humans. Thousands of people were saved by drugs that have a series of tests conducted by the rats.

The types of mice

Rodents have a lot of relatives. Here are some names of relatives mice in the genus murdae :


Mice (Mus.musculus) is the most well known. Mice are small, but very greedy when it found the furniture, or fabrics that are usually used as a nesting place. In fact they also eat things other household goods. It is said that rats are from Europe, the population can evenly to Indonesia, through the medium of sailing ships.

This animal is thought mamal most after humans. The surplus is good at adjusting to changes deliberately made by humans. This is what causes most of them live in houses, are very rare in the wild in the forest. Mice have a complete organ as mammals. Therefore, it is often chosen as the creature attempts to drugs or foods that will be used or consumed by humans.

Mice breed the litter. He married at the age of 50 days. Marriage is usually done when it was night. The gestation period is mostly mice for 20 days. Its uniqueness, when He had given birth the female can not be bothered to 2 days after delivery.

Got Rats

Rattus norvegicus is the Latin name of this rat. This is the most mice are often found in urban areas, especially at this time. Their shape is similar to the house mouse, only the size is greater. Because life tend to be free, not in groups and live anywhere he has an assortment of colors. Because the numbers are much, then mouse is often used as experimental animals. In fact, not infrequently maintained by humans, rats trying to bring forth a new type of cross-breeding.

These rodents eat any kind of food. Both at home and outside. He was good at swimming, so it has a high resistance to be in the sewer or waterways.

House Mouse

House mouse has a Latin name Rattus
included in rodents. Mice of this type have a long tail up to 20 cm. Most are black or light brown. They live in the house, especially the houses warm air temperature. Rival is a sewer rat. Mice house is a type of mouse that can not swim like a sewer rat. However, the unique house mouse a good climber, more nimble than rats, and even dared to jump from one place to another.

This type mice eat everything, but he prefers to eat the type of grain. Breeding litter whenever he wanted. Maximum produce 10 offspring in one birth times. Age up to 3 years to life groups.

Field mouse

Rats of this type has the Latin name Rattus argentiventer. The shape is smaller than rats. Mice have belly gray color with a white edge color, while its tail is brown. His favorite food is grain, corn or grass, so choose fields, fields or pastures as a place of life. His habit is to make holes in the ground hidden.

Rats type is very smart. He was able to study human behavior toward self and existence. Therefore, they are often used as lab rats for the study of animal behavior. Some are even made of these mice as a food ingredient.

Tree Rat

Wood rat Rattus tiomanicus or Latin name. As the name implies tree rat, its natural habitat in the forest, and trees. Distribution of rat species in Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua. Tree rats are nocturnal animals are active at night. They come out to feed at night. The food is insects, shoots, fruits and eggs of birds. Even Sulawesi area, tree rats can be used as food for the local community. In the market Tomohon, North Sulawesi, traded wood rat.

Animal pests including rats

Rats are voracious animals, they become nuisance animals for farmers. Flocks of rats could eat one rice field in a matter of days. Rats could prey on new shoots grow rice and grain to be harvested. Therefore, rats swarm the first rank of the most dangerous pests. How to eradicate the pest rodents, should be carried out simultaneously, with use rat poison. But sometimes eradicate the rat poison was effective. Apparently rats can discriminate between food and poison.

Rats spreading dangerous diseases

This rodent known as a spread animal diseases. Just because mice populated continent lost nearly a third of the total population of Europe. Pes virus that is transmitted from mice infect humans, causing death. Previously undiscovered plague prophylactic vaccines. The catastrophe that occurred mid century known as the black death. Astec American tribes also destroyed due to the bubonic plague that hit the red continent. The disease is transmitted quickly, under the rat was accidentally involved in intercontinental shipping.

Bubonic plague also struck Indonesia, when the archipelago was still the era of empire and colonialism through. The disease is carried by sailors who came from India and Africa, when the period of the spice trade.

Leptospirosis disease post-flood

One of the diseases spread by rats is leptospirosis. The disease is caused by bacteria that are removed from rat urine and are zoonotic. Zoonotic disease meaning transmitted from animals to humans. While the types of mice carrying a rat deserting the bacteria leptospirosis, rat type who lives in the sewer and trash. Usually the disease occurs when the rains or floods. If the house was dirty, chance large contracting this disease. Water contaminated with leptospirosis bacteria enter through the limbs of wounded or infected drinking water that is not clean.

Lepto bacteria incubation period, about three days, and is characterized by high fever. People affected by leptospirosis if not immediately treated, Rats can lead to organ damage and even death.

Prevention so we do not hit or exposed to the bacteria leptospirosis is when the rain always use footwear. Open wounds should be covered by using plaster. Clean the dirty places that mice do not nest. If the fever does not go down you should see a doctor for treatment.

Thus sometimes a glimpse of mice is useful for humans. However, rats also turned a catastrophe for mankind.

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