Saturday, March 23, 2013

Study To Germany With Scholarships DAAD - Study in Germany

Study in Germany - To continue their studies in Germany, the main requirement is to master German. After that you think are other constraints, such as a place to stay. For prospective students who have received a summons from universities in Germany, usually Akademisches Auslandsamt or services to foreign students at the college also offers student housing. In the former East Germany, rents rooms in student dormitories ranging from 100 euros to 250 euros. While in the former West Germany, the price of the rooms in student dormitories are more expensive, ranging from 150 euros to 300 euros.

Any prospective students who have recently arrived to be ready to deal with the bureaucracy in Germany. Tenant shall pay the bail-called Kaution, whatever type of residence, an apartment or a room in a private housing in student dormitories. After getting the room, the students who had just arrived in Germany must immediately report to the local city hall office to get domicile.

Study To Germany
With Scholarships DAAD - Among the hunters scholarship or scholarship seekers, DAAD scholarship remains one of the hunted belle. The desire to experience studying in Germany to be the reason. Why many prefer to study in Germany ? There are many things that lie behind them. At the very least, there are some advantages or benefits that can be obtained when deciding on studying there.
  • First, Germany can be regarded as 'State College'. There's about 350 higher education institutions spread across the country. Many campuses stand seems difficult to find his equal in other countries. In addition to its quantity, quality is not in doubt. In the presence of campuses spread across the country, the quality between these institutions is also very much prevalent. Predicate campus there are two: Good or Good One. So there is no predicate campus of low quality. In addition, Germany excelled in various disciplines. In the field of technology and science that ruled Germany, for the non exact one, Germany is also not to be underestimated.

  • Second, German is the language most widely used in the European region by the number of speakers of approximately 100 million people. The number of speakers certainly makes it easy for foreign students to socialize in a more extensive and intimate. This is one of them due to the students who study in Germany has been equipped with the language of the country.

  • Third, in terms of education, Germany is a developed country that tuition costs are relatively smaller than in other western countries. It is also supported by a number of convenience for students in terms of living cost. Many of the assistance provided, and discounts to students.

  • Fourth, the foreign students that his education in Germany to work in the country Van Goethe's after college. This policy can not be found in all countries other scholarship.

Some of the reasons above becomes its own motivation for some members of the community to be able to feel studying in Germany. However, not everyone who wants to study in a country where Mr. Habibie gain knowledge that can meet the needs of college funds from their own pockets. Indeed, many universities eliminate the cost of tuition. But for the cost of living and others still require the availability of funds. The solution to get free tuition (funded) is to hunt scholarships, including this DAAD scholarship. You could say that the scholarship is the answer for students who require financial assistance.

DAAD Scholarship and Requirements

DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) is the largest organization in Germany are concentrated on education and cooperative relationships overseas education related issues. DAAD scholarships not only provide project funding to students or Germany, but also international students, including from Indonesia. This scholarship provides financial assistance to study in Germany for professors both from colleges. Besides the scholarship is also intended for researchers from both government agencies and private organizations. DAAD scholarships awarded each year. The scheme will include college scholarships S2, S3, Sandwich programs, research for a period of 3-6 months, and for postdoctoral research.

Not all prospective applicants can apply for this scholarship. Educational background could be eligible to participate compete for this scholarship are: Economic sciences / Business Administration / Political Economics, Sociology and Education, Engineering and related sciences, Mathematics, Development Co-operation, Agricultural and Forest Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Regional Planning and Public Health / Veterinary Medicine / Medicine. Like the hunt for another prestigious scholarship, DAAD also set conditions that must be met in order to apply the scholarship. Requirements that should not be violated are :
  1. Maximum age when submitting the application is 36 years old. For there are some majors that require 32 years.
  2. Having a bachelor's degree (S1) or master (S2)
  3. GPA not less than 2.75 (some majors require more than 2.75) for S2 and minimum GPA of applicants who apply for scholarships S3.
  4. Minimum 2 years work experience after finished bachelor's degree.
  5. International TOEFL (minimum score: 550 for paper based, 213 for computer based or 80 for the internet based) or IELTS (band 6) for applicants who choose majors with lectures in English.

Then when will submit applications for DAAD scholarship, applicants must prepare the following files :
  1. Registration form has been duly completed
  2. Prepare motivation letter of interest
  3. Curriculum Vitae applicants
  4. Letters of recommendation from two people who are competent in their field
  5. High school diploma
  6. Diploma S1/S2
  7. Transcript academy. This document should be translated into English or German study
  8. Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS. For some special courses, prospective applicants are required to include its German language test certificate.
  9. LOA (Letter of Acceptance) from the campus who will go.
  10. Essential requirements that should also be included when applying for a scholarship is the letter from the professor about the professor's willingness to mentor during his education there. If the latter requirement can not be met, the existing files will not be processed.

Tips on Getting Scholarships DAAD

The following will be delivered on tips you can do in the hunt DAAD scholarship outlined as follows :
  1. DAAD offers scholarships per year. Prepare as early as possible the necessary paperwork. The sooner the better. Do not use the science of "The Power of destitute". It is a term that is quite familiar among the students. The purpose of the term is to do duty in the final seconds. Since the beginning prepare the documents that have been legalized, then copy or scan, be safe. Do not wait for the new mobile fitting no registration. The limited time we had and the level of bureaucracy that sometimes is not smooth can make a frenzy. Here applicable law: good preparation = good result. Good preparation will produce good results.
  2. Certificate of TOEFL / TOEIC better if authorized. This test should be taken early. Because if you take a new approach new registration test, may actually make the mood to apply the scholarship to be reduced.
  3. Preparing passport. This document not only held when going abroad alone. Passport as important as the ID. Although no plan will go to any country, a passport sooner the better. Either this is a teaser for the plan to go abroad can be realized.
  4. Letter of Motivation. Use your best writing skills to prepare for this one letter. Make the scholarship enamored with you because of the sophistication of the language in the letter string motivation. Motivation letter does not always contain the goodness and benefits of self. Demonstrate attention and interest in the sciences to be studied will certainly give a plus in the eyes of the scholarship. DAAD Scholarship provides an opportunity to apply for scholarships 2 times. If this year failed to get, they can repeat next year. If it fails in the first application, the next step is figuring out what things are made the application was rejected. Fix shortcomings here.
  5. Involve God Almighty in all the efforts to get a scholarship because knowledge belongs to Allah, it is He that will show you the way to go to Germany to study.

Hopefully these tips to get DAAD scholarship above could add ammunition to fight.
Study To Germany With Scholarships DAAD, No loss is obtained when obtaining scholarships. Indeed, it appears are various advantages that may never imagined before. If there is a desire to continue his education there, then pursued vigorously. Good luck.

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