Saturday, March 23, 2013

Some Australian universities

Some Australian universities - Higher education system in Indonesia flavor-it already has a pretty good system of teaching. However, it seems to still not be used as collateral. In fact, many young Indonesian high school graduates decide to continue their education in neighboring countries, such as universities in Australia.

Study Abroad

For people who are able to finance his studies, and cost issues where not too concerned. The important thing is accredited colleges good and famous, even to schools abroad, such as lecture in Australia. This is one of the phenomena that occur in the world of education. People can continue their education to a higher level, as long as have a lot of money. Whereas in the legislation stated that all citizens have a right to education.

However, why do people who can not afford, in terms of cost, can not continue their education to a higher level, but has the intelligence and wit. What a pity to waste people that have great potential to advance the country, but can not be developed because of the cost factor. Cost of education is increasingly expensive to make the Indonesian people can not be educated to university level. Only certain circles can enjoy college.

The potential for the Indonesian people to enjoy college very large, judging from the interest of high school students and above. They want to continue their education to a higher level. However, due to the cost factor, they are not able to finance their education at university or college level. Fortunately for those who are able to continue their education in college. Although there is a scholarship program at each college and from the schools, but the process is complex make students lazy to take care of.

Most of the students who graduated from high school chose not to continue their education because of the cost factor. They become more interested in work that can make money. And work they receive is not too big to make money. Government can provide facilities and assistance in the form of scholarships for those who can not afford. Of the universities themselves provide drought cost for underprivileged students and provide scholarships as well. From the community itself, which support students to continue their education to a higher level again.

To that end, all parties need to support students to continue their education to a higher level. Both of the students, schools, universities, government, and society. The lack of school went overseas because of cost factors. However, today, many scholarships are provided to schools abroad, such as schools in Australia.

It is about providing opportunities to students who have the academic ability enough to go to school abroad and have achievements. But, it should be noted also in the selection of schools abroad. As mentioned earlier, the existing school abroad is not all good in the quality of education. Therefore, in the selection of overseas schools need no direction from the education.

Universities in Australia

If you want to know the school or university that has quality okay, just look at how the selection process. When a school or university requires the value of English (IELTS / TOEFL), and grade (IP) is high, it can be guaranteed a high quality university. Call The Australian National University, University of Sydney, University of Melbourne, Monash University, University of Queensland, University of New South Wales, University of Western Australia, and the University of Adelaide.

These schools are leading school that joined the Group Eight (G8). Group results lobby networkn the rectors (vice-chancellor) and no doubt the quality of education and graduates.

Universities in Australia each year received many applications from high school students graduate from Indonesia. Australia has about 14 colleges that focus on teaching in a variety of applied sciences. Below are lists of universities in Australia are often used as the destination of Indonesia.
  1. University of South Australia
  2. University of Canberra
  3. University of Technology Sydney
  4. RMIT University
  5. Deakin University Australia
  6. Macquarie University
  7. Northern Melbourne Institute Of Tafe.
  8. Monash University
  9. Le Cordon Bleu Australia
  10. University of New South Wales
  11. Victoria University
  12. Box Hill Institute
  13. University of Queensland
  14. Chisholm Institute

Ideally other countries, Australia has standards and entry requirements that must be met by prospective students from various countries. Thus, the opportunity to be enrolled in universities in Australia is quite competitive. Standards in English speaking skills is also a priority for anyone who wants to study in Australia. Here, four brief profiles of some of the universities in Australia.

1. Australian National University (ANU)

Is one of the best universities in Australia. Starting up in 1946, and is located right in the capital of Australia, Canberra. ANU has ranked 17th out of 200 universities world's best version of Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) in 2009. Rated it as the number one university in Australia. With the motto "Primum Naturam Cognoscere Rerum" (First, to know the nature of things), famous ANU has featured some of the world majors. One is majoring in arts and humanities (humanities). More information about the ANU, you can see on the site reminya,

2. University of Sydney (USyd)

Is the oldest university in Australia, established in 1850. USyd including the second largest university Monash University, the number of students reached 47,775. The main campus is located on the ground Usyd Oxbridge are spread throughout the city outskirts Camperdown and Darlington, southwest of Sydney. The university also has several small campus not far from the city of Sydney, the result of the donation several donor world. For the full profile, can be seen on the official website of the University of Sydney, which is

3. University of Melbourne

Founded in 1853, making the University of Melbourne predicate second oldest after the University of Sydney. And the oldest in the state of Victoria. The main campus is located in Parkville, north of downtown Melbourne, Victoria. As one of the popular schools, the University of Melbourne holds top rankings in the ranking of universities in Australia and the world. Competing with the University of Sydney. Especially in the field of social sciences, cultural sciences and biomedicine, graduates of this university are guaranteed quality. View the profile of University of Melbourne in

4. Monash University

Although countless youngest of other woods leading universities in Australia, the university was established in 1958, has mencorang prestige on the world stage. Especially for business majors. The Monash University Named a key generals and heroes of Australia, Sir John Monash. With its main campus located in Clayton, Victoria, Australia, this university is unique. Monash University has several campuses not only in Australia, but also outside Australia. Namely Malaysia, Johannesburg (South Africa), and a small branch in Prato (Italy) and London. For the official website at

Qualification offered by various universities in Australia include the Undergraduate (with graduate level) or Bachelor Degree (Honours), Postgraduate (Masters degree), Master Degree and Doctor Degree. For the Master's degree, universities in Australia offers three achievement system. First, Causework Masters, Master's degree attainment through lectures, project work, or do research.

Second, Research Masters, a Masters degree achieved by performing various in conducting thesis research. Furthermore, Master Professional, a Master's degree can be achieved because the students have done a variety of work-based projects. Meanwhile, to achieve a doctoral degree, the university offers two systems in Australia attainment. Research and Professional Doctorate Doctorate. Both systems have different ways of achieving it.

For the former, students must conduct research under the supervision of experts. And, the achievement of the second system, students typically requires various Research Master's degree and coursework Masters first. In addition, students who wanted to pursue this degree must have sufficient practical experience professional job. Universities in Australia also offers a range of courses for undergraduate education. Ranging from engineering to the study program is unique, such as the program of study viticulture and wine making, program maintenance study of horses.

Both of these courses can be found at the Northern Melbourne Institute of Tafe. Diversity
study in University Australia ranging from research being conducted by the students to the maintenance department horses.

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