Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Student and Schools - Various kinds of Study Students

Student and Schools - Various kinds of Study Students - The first year as a freshman often confusing because they have not experienced. In order not to shock, you can take some steps. Re Define ideals. If it can be an overview of study, you can select the activities that will be taken and determine priorities.

Clever choose new friends. Choosing friends is tantamount to choosing behaviors. Determine the appropriate target IP ideals. Follow the on-campus seminars to broaden and reference. Continue to explore the most ideal way of learning. Remember, the first year do not be hasty. Think before following activities. Measure the capacity used, especially the problem of learning time. Do not get used to staying up late. Staying up late once in a while certainly not inevitable but do not get used as much as possible because it is not good for health. Do not be easily discouraged.

Sometimes, the problem comes when the college can be very extreme but stayed positive as possible. Lastly, Work hard play hard. Because learning more severe pressure than high school, when there is time to have fun, take advantage.

So delish Students

Students, a status that is not familiar to the public. A status may be a desire of students who have passed the white uniform gray. So student status is quite encouraging, because the predicate fairly valued in the eyes of educated people as a group are quite proactive on public issues that occur. Students are even thought to have a role as a transmitter of the aspirations of the people against the government. Students have a role as an agent of control in the middle of national life. This can lead to respectable status as a student.

In addition, the title as the student also has the advantage of a fairly privileged in society. As a simple example the opening of various opportunities and special occasions a variety of areas set aside for students. Various dispensations and other facilities, the opportunity to channel the achievements, interests and talents, and so on. This causes the student status to be the desire of each student who has been saturated with their status as students in uniform.

In the middle of the privilege status as a student at the top, unfortunately our society is still quite blurry with the facts as to what is actually on campus student life. World soap opera glass screen which often depict the lives of the students were slightly shifted from the true to make the public think that the students world is a world full of freedom, full of rah-rah, glamor and so on.

But whether such facts actually in college campuses? It depicted on screen is no more only about 20% have occurred in colleges homeland. That it thrives is a dynamic range of campus community life. Pull of various community interests on campus led to the campus a little more complicated and challenging than the lives of the students at the school.

Various kinds of Study Students
If you are a student, you will be able to assess which category of student you are. Here are some of the type and character of students on campus that often we find;

1. Type of Study Student Oriented - Apathy

This is the type of student on campus for students to complete their studies only focus. He has in mind is how to complete the number of college credits in a relatively short period of time. Hurry over and quickly got a job. Students of this type usually have a route-boarding school-library. Everyday spent his energies entirely to focus on college she lived without going to care about the condition of campus dynamics that occur.

Students are reluctant to organize this type. As a result, the soft skills he has not honed. He will be a figure of a soulless robot workers were prepared to come in the world of work.

2. Type of Student Organizational

This type of student who loved to develop the potential and ability. This type of active students attending various forms of organization of activities on campus. Possible worst that can happen is if the relevant personalized weak in time management, the study also will eventually fall apart due to lack of priority. He prefers to spend time at his beloved organizations.

3. Type of Student Achievement

There are also people who really like to maintain the status students of them just because achievement goals to be achieved. For example, various forms of scientific research opportunities that deliver seminars to students around the world. Or he could also take the opportunity in the prestigious competition arena-national level. Students of this type will usually be willing to linger as long as it can reach graduation goals accomplishment of his desire.

4. Students Ideal Type

This type is rarely found. This is the type that can lead a student earned the accolade as a model student. He was able to combine a variety of potential, both in terms of achievement, academic and organizational skills.

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