Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Forestry Management Efforts

Forestry Management Efforts - Have you ever wondered about the beauty and mystery of the rainforest ? Rainforests are found in areas that receive a high amount of rainfall, throughout the year, and vary according to their location. Forests, which grow close to the equator, known as evergreen, because hot and wet climates where trees grow. Rainforests are seen in areas experiencing climate, including a variety of fall. Human intervention destroyed thousands of important and rare species of trees, which is why the rain forest is on the verge of extinction.

Need for people to be educated about the importance of saving forests are very important and should not be ruled out for later perusal. The rainforest is home to some of the rarest living organisms on Earth, which together form the soft tissue, and ecology. With deforestation and forest management mess, now thousands of species in danger of extinction, and they stand as evidence of extinctions that occur with each passing day! Let's check out some interesting facts about the rain forest, which will give you an insight into their importance for mankind.

What is Forestry ?

The community forest is one type of forest that has a major role both in the economic and environmental preservation efforts for the surrounding community. Public forests are forests managed by the people. This forest area could be in the area of ??land, indigenous land and state land. Physically community forest development positive impact on reshaping the topography of land previously barren and dry, fertile land that produces a variety of helpful resources.

Development of community forest as well as reduce the number of natural disasters such as floods and landslides. The concept of sustainable use and management of people is highly dependent on local soil conditions, cultural and local policies of the government concerned. Public forests are usually planted with a variety of plant species, both plant species and not a tree. These plants were allowed to grow and develop to form a mini forest. Various plants will deliver economic results are pretty good for the community, because of the type of forest will be able to produce the crop short and long term.

In the era of the 1980s, forest management oriented to meeting the needs of the people of his own household will forest products. At the present time orientation has switched to a commercial orientation, which is addressing the needs of the market commodity of forest resources. Some examples of such forests; rubber, camber, incense, durian, cashew nuts, beef stew, hazelnut, coffee, pepper, nutmeg, banana, clove, teak, mahogany, leather and so sweet. Producing areas of community forest plants is widespread in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali and so on.

Forestry Management

For people in Java, forests are more familiar they are familiar with the term yard, moor, gardens and so on. Every yard of each house of the population will produce a lot of different plants mentioned above.
Here are some of the characteristics of community forest management system as one of the supporting system of the people's economy;
  1. Community forest management efforts based managing principal of which was built by a family to the forest that is rightfully hers. Public forests are usually built as an attempt produce barren land conditions and less fertile, difficult topography and so on.
  2. To overcome this built community forest management with main base at the level of the owner's family.
  3. The absence of a professional organization that is built to manage the community forest to be one of the people of forest utilization constraints. Management system that has not been good cause farmers forests not guarantee the supply of timber for industry.
  4. There are many benefits to be derived as a family to manage public forests, of which every family has the freedom to plant crops they want, then variant.
  5. Although it has been recognized as having an important role to support the economy, but there is no single definition for a sense of community forests. Two of the Forestry Law of the Forestry Law No. 5/1967 and Law No. 41/1999, did not specifically mention the sense of community forests.
  6. Community forest management is a series of business activities include the production, harvesting, distribution and process industries. A series of activities was also implicated in efforts to absorption of labor resources, not only for the forest owners, the wider benefits it can also be generated from the management of the community forest.
  7. Not only that, the efforts of community forest management also encourages the development of business services such as wood craftsmen. Teak and mahogany wood is a type of timber from public forests have a very high economic value.

Deforestation Facts
  1. Deforestation is a major problem today. Results from deforestation worrying if you consider what the experts say. It is believed that the absence of almost half of the species of plants, microorganisms, and animals are highly endangered due to deforestation. Hence, the need to protect the cemetery has become an important issue.
  2. About 56,000 square miles of natural forest are lost every year. Common reasons for rainforest destruction is none other than the man himself! Man-made fire, the use of chain saws and bulldozers, causing permanent damage to the flora and fauna of the rainforest.
  3. Trees felled to provide timber for mass industrialization, to make paper, furniture, cardboard, construction of houses and buildings. The saddest bit is that many countries are importing rainforest wood to make coffins, which eventually burned or buried?
  4. Forest land cleared for subsistence farming, where the government is exploiting the land, in the name of development for the country. Population strip of land all the nutrients and leave it barren, after which they moved to other parts of the lush forest.
  5. Forests play a major role in preserving fresh water and prevent soil erosion. Tree roots and stems, ensuring that the nutrients from the soil that is protected in the trees themselves. However, when the tree is cut, these nutrients are lost by the tree and never returned to the soil.
  6. Since there are no roots to hold the soil, floods would come often erode the rainforest floor and tearing food left. Lack of land, ensure that no more trees can grow down from the forest, and the land was not feasible, and barren.
  7. Without the rain forest, the entire water cycle will collapse. In this case, we will be plagued with drought, famine, and epidemics. The reason being, that all the excess water from the trees and the adjacent river transpires into the atmosphere and will be collected there. However, much water remains in the trunk of the tree and the water table under the tree.
  8. With rampant deforestation, we lose 90% of the animal kingdom, plants, and insects.

I hope that the facts about forest management above will help you realize the importance of the forest in the Planet Earth. Let's hope each shoulder some responsibility to restore the greenery of our planet.

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