Monday, March 4, 2013

Sports Drink Ice Water After Making a heart attack ?

Sports Drink Ice Water After Making a heart attack ? Sports activity causes the body to sweat and fluids in the body is reduced or dehydration. Drinking can overcome the problem of dehydration. Usually, some people choose to drink ice water after exercise, it tastes fresh. Then there is a growing assumption that drinking ice water after exercise can lead to heart disease. Is that opinion?

Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra, Dr. Dr. Afriwardi, SpKO, MA asserts, not a single scientific literature that proves that drinking ice water after exercise cause heart disease. Thus, the story that developed in the community has not been proven medically.

According to him, a drink after work is required to overcome the dehydration that occurs in the body. To restore the dehydration status UASI exercise, Afriwardi suggested, "drink the cool temperate with low sugar concentrations, and added a little salt. So as we make ORS diarrhea while helping people. "

If the choice to drink fruit juice, it could have been done after the exercise. It's just fruit juices should be taken in low concentrations, that juice is not concentrated or condensed. And what about the canned drinks are touted to contain ions, are best eaten after exercise ?

"The use of such canned drinks is fine, provided it's not excessive," he added. Health experts in the field of Sports Medicine recommends only one can drink enough after exercise. Because, if you use too much it can cause nausea. Of course in the end is not good for health. While the number of liters that need to be taken after the match, each person's needs are not the same. It depends on the intensity and duration of exercise. Even so, it could be calculated needs. To calculate the need for drinking water after a workout, ideally by measuring the weight before and after exercise, especially if if his body weight.

"The difference is the amount of weight lost fluid and needs to be replaced," he explained.

To measure whether the beverages we consume is enough to replace the loss of fluids in the body, how it's easy. The size is not a favor or do not drink water, but thirst. Afriwardi confirmed as missing thirst after drink into the body, it can be a sign to assess the adequacy of the drink for someone. Usually, within a period of two to three hours after exercise will emerge feeling the urge to urinate.

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