Monday, March 4, 2013

Reasons Athletes Eat Bananas and Oranges After the Match

Reasons Athletes Eat Bananas and Oranges After the Match. Athletes who competed requires stamina and good concentration. All this is a large energy drain. So what athletes do to maintain his stamina ? If the match seems the athletes consume mineral drinks are provided at the edge of the field, unlike the case with their intake after the game. In general, oranges and bananas so fine athletes routine after undergoing a grueling match.

Certainly eating bananas and oranges after playing for a reason. Hario Tilarso sports doctor explains the body requires carbohydrates after the match. Therefore, in order to restore energy, carbohydrate needs to be filled again through the fruits. "Bananas and oranges contain carbohydrates. The fruit is a source of carbohydrates and contain glukogen "said Hario.

These two benefits for athletes or people who exercise after glycemic source is replacing used up. "Athletes need a backup source glycemic input for the next day if the match is ready, by eating sweet foods and sweet drinks," he said. Hario also explained, after eating bananas and oranges after exercise, your body will feel fresh again. "Glycogen takes half an hour after the match. The body, especially in muscle, blood and liver in need of glycemic foods that are sweet and high sugar source, "he said.

He went on, the choice of food or other beverages are consumed after the fight is not limited to only bananas and oranges. Virtually all foods and sweet drinks for consumption. "The bread, soft drinks containing electrolytes good for consumption," he added.

Hario explained, the game that took more than an hour, making the body's need for carbohydrates and the glycemic it must be recharged. "So if we look at sports such as tennis, running, or bike, or finish in each of his posts are always supplied drinks that contain electrolytes," he explained.

Just a note, or isotonic electrolyte drinks containing sodium and potassium salts will fill the needs of the body's water and electrolyte levels are depleted due to sports. Beverage type has benefits to reduce the risk of dehydration.

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