Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Short college, Why Not ?

Short college, Why Not ? After graduating high school, most people dream of continuing education college tuition alias. The reason of course vary. Something that is already set future goals (such as a doctor, lawyer, accountant, lecturer, researcher, etc.) are indeed only be achieved through higher education, but some are just going through the motions.

There is also a college to pursue a degree that will be used to find a job and a good salary levels. Not a few were confused choices: going to college where ? Should follow friends who are eye college level degree (S1) or simply follow the brief lecture ?

Currently almost all campuses launch programs that offer diploma course with shorter time. If the degree program takes about four years to graduate, the diploma program only takes one to three years to graduate.

Short college

What exactly is the definition of a meal with a short lecture ? Lecture with shorter time is lecture takes much less time than is usually available. We know that this is the travel time in higher education is much longer than the lower level underneath. If for completing secondary education at the junior high or high school levels, we only took three years for a normal, then for college education then it will take more than that.

For college education that takes levels S1 then it takes approximately four years. This is the minimum time that will be pursued by a student. This will depend on the seriousness to spend all the existing courses. And also to get the appropriate value to the passing standards for each course taken.

If there are several courses that have been taken, but the student scores below passing standards are then inevitably the student has the obligation to take back the course is to improve the value and get the value to pass the course. And automatically, this will increase the length of travel time study that must be followed.

This is what makes students are required to be more pro-active in completing each course there is. It all depends on the level of activity in the classroom such as the number of hours he went in the classroom. Also included are the results of the test run. This is the basis of how much a student of the acquisition value of the courses taken. But again, this depends on the measures taken enumerated by each college.

By looking at this condition, it can be said that to finish college with a stratum 1 time then it takes at least four years. This four-year period assessed is not a short time. Where there are many students who are anxious to work or is required to get the job done faster. By relying on this opinion, that everyone wants to get a job with one. Since time long lecture deemed incompatible with the desire and the need to be able to get a job faster.

Lecture Non Strata 1

As has been mentioned that it is college level strata 1 and not the main option at this time. each student can choose to study in non-level strata 1. For example, can take the diploma level 1 for one year in college, diploma 2 for a two-year diploma and three for three years in college. All of these options are considered more able to accommodate the desire and the need to get the job done quickly. Compared with the study must undergo a longer period of time.

Who said Not Cool ?. Course with a shorter time is often considered cool because it does not provide such a degree if attending S1. No fancy college degree that can be embedded behind the name.

For the hunter's degree, college program with a shorter time is not cool. But for hunters knowledge and skills, the opposite happens. Who says college with a shorter time is not cool ? Not important scholarly titles, but a skill that can be immediately used as capital to enter the world of work. For what fancy title that then just become unemployed ?

If an when required, college graduates with less time or diploma can continue to pursue an undergraduate. Subjects who had taken at diploma level will be taken into account when later pursue a master's degree. Ready to Work. Educational programs that offer college diploma with less time to prepare the students - female students to be ready to work. Given lecture material that is more practical than theoretical.

While students at the undergraduate level is still evaluating various courses of instruction (which sometimes seem unrelated to the direction you selected), then the diploma program is directly focused on their chosen fields. When the level of graduate students studying philosophy of science they are, then the diploma program students are ready to enter the world of work.

Many choices of disciplines offered by this diploma program include :
  1. Economics: Accounting, Business, Taxation, Marketing, Corporate Management, Computerized Accounting
  2. Communication: Broadcasting, Advertising, Public Relations (PR), Visual Communication Design (DKV)
  3. Literature: English Literature, Literature Indonesian, Japanese Literature, German Literature, Dutch Literature, French Literature, and others.
  4. Technique: Informatics, Computer, Information Technology, Electrical, Civil, Mechanical, Telecommunications, and others.
  5. Tourism: Hospitality, Tourism, Food and Beverage
  6. Library
  7. Secretary
  8. Filing
  9. Midwifery
  10. Public Health
  11. Medical Records

If you already have a clear goal of what will be achieved in the future, no need to insist college to pursue a degree, right ? This title is not going to be mean when there is no opportunity to apply the knowledge that has been obtained.

New Fashion Courses Study Strata 1

Indeed, many people have considered that the Strata 1 college level is considered too long. Because it had to take the allotted time for at least four years of college. But this time, several universities in Indonesia have new ways to make the four-year college shorter. But again this depends on each decision's in every college.

Period of four years which normally must be lived to college, this time can be shortened again. For example, is a three and a half years of college. It is possible to do nowadays. But it takes hard work and maximum effort from every student who had been make a decision to get a shorter time course. Because it is this can be done by maximizing all courses taken.

So every student should be able to complete all the courses taken in each semester. It should also be able to obtain the value in accordance with the standards of graduation of each course taken. So that the student will not be required to repeat or take the same course only to repair or obtain a better value.

By doing this the subjects allotted to be spent can be more quickly spent. If it is collected in each semester to take twenty four or two semester credit system then it will be able to be maximized in order to spend time course in three and a half years. Indeed, the levels of stratum 1 can only be shortened to only three and a half years or seven semesters. Shorter than this will not be possible anymore.

Short college with a shorter time are indeed an option. Because it was thought that the faster finish college sooner it will be to get a job. This is the primary consideration. But whether it is by taking this short course will ensure the quality of every graduate. The answer of course is in the student's own self.

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