Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Know Writing Bibliography Web

Know Writing Bibliography Web - Writing a bibliography of the web is always included in the preparation of papers, ranging from dissertations, theses, thesis, papers and papers to the students. Web can provide a variety of information, in addition to the ease of access. Actually, you can easily take the material from the web without having to include it in the bibliography. Even in a matter of seconds you can copy the entire material. However, the act of plagiarism is a violation of the code of ethics of writing scientific papers. You are required to know the writing of references from the web. There are a few rules of web writing bibliography presented in detail below.

Referral Form Individual Work

The format of the writing in sequence according to the following list :
  • As well as references from books and other print media. The author's name is written last name first, a comma inserted, followed by the first name as well as a middle name.
  • Years of writing.
  • The title of the work in italics (Italic font).
  • Writing "Online" is placed in parentheses.
  • Web addresses referenced by the statement continued, on the Web when accessed. This section also placed in parentheses.

Example :

Halil, Idham. , 2010. Kyai at the Crossroads between boarding and Politics (OnLine). (Http://, accessed August 19, 2010)

Path, Wong. , 2009. Kyai Pesantren Future (OnLine). (Http://, accessed August 19, 2010)

Referral Form Articles from Journal

Formatting sequentially according to the following list :
  • Author's last name, a comma inserted, followed by the first name and middle name author.
  • Years.
  • The title of the article.
  • Journal name in italics (Italic font).
  • Writing "Online" is placed in parentheses.
  • Volume or volumes of journals and number.
  • Referenced web address, followed by a description of when the web is accessed. Bagain also placed in parentheses.

Example :

Kuncoro. , 2010. Economy and Grassroots Development. Economic Journal, (Online), Vol. 2, no. 10 (, accessed May 23, 2010)

Shaped Reference Material Results or Discussion

Formatting sequentially according to the following list :
  • Author's last name, a comma inserted, followed by the first name and middle name author.
  • Date, month, and year of discussions.
  • Topics of discussion in italics (Italic font).
  • Writing "Online" is placed in parentheses.
  • E-mail address of the source of referral followed by description, on the Web when accessed. This section also placed in parentheses.

Example :

Wilson, D. 20 November 1995. Summary of Citting Internet Sites. NETTRAIN Discussion List, (Online), (, accessed 10 September 2010)

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