Sunday, March 10, 2013

School, Learning and Play Together

School, Learning and Play Together. Child's world is a world of play. But we have to play the style that they are a learning process. As parents, we should also believe that learning is a basic need of every person. Children's learning process was originally done in his own way, so that learning becomes a fun process. Which then damage the circumstances is the interference of adults incorrectly. Appeared many rules and attempts to control the perceived disrupt the child's learning pleasure.

The learning process does have a purpose that is in accordance with Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System. Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character and skills needed him, the community, state and nation.

That is, through the process of learning, children are expected to develop their potential, positive character and having moral values and faith as well as having the skills for later life stock. It's a noble goal. But in do that whether all that can be achieved ?

Why Homeschooling ?

The parents begin to look for a model home school education or homeschooling course with specific rationale. Among the disappointment that comes when seeing the condition of the learning process that takes place in schools in general. Children are encouraged just to get a high grade report cards. As a result, many have tried in various ways, such as cheating. That is, they began to ignore moral education.

The development potential of children also less unnoticed. That there, the school have to resolve the targeted delivery of instructional materials, whether or not the child understands, if the child is interested or not. The school did not have time to pay attention to internal factors within the child. Though the factors that determine whether or not the learning objectives achieved. What does it mean to learn if the child does not feel good ? What happens is a waste of energy and time.

Therefore, some parents began initiated withdraw their children from public school to home school or home based learning. They believe the school self-learning process is the real purpose of education would be achieved. Quality of faith, morals and character of the child will be maintained and refined without contamination by other parties.

Terms for homeschooling
Taking this homeschooling decisions can not be arbitrary. Several important factors must exist, namely :
  1. The totality of time parents must really for the children's learning at home. It needs a strong commitment. In addition to parents, tutors may use force. Still, parents are the primary teachers.
  2. Looking for teaching materials. Could be based on existing homes school abroad so recognized as graduates from there, because the standard was followed. However, in Indonesia also have many Home scooler a recognized exam results (program Packet A, B, or C). teaching materials can be searched via the Internet tailored to the needs of each child.
  3. Clear commitment between children and parents, in order to get an effective learning time.
  4. Extensive knowledge of the parents. Therefore, the responsibility of education entirely in the hands of the parents, then the parents must be willing to learn a lot before teaching the children.
  5. Creative in the learning process such as visiting libraries, museums, research institutes, stations, parks, houses, hospitals, police stations, shopping malls, factories, fields, gardens, and audiovisual means.
  6. Actively seek and participate in activities of fellow home school, so it gets a lot of enrichment, as well as children will get used socialism and work in groups.
Many of the pros and cons of homeschooling. However, the goal of every parent of course the same, namely to deliver their children achieve educational goals as expected.

But as an alternative, if the parents find discomfort in a children's school, maybe we can try to find another school that is more convenient and enjoyable (usually private schools) are very concerned with the formation of the moral, character and moral values in their students rather than mere academic values that can not say anything.

This school is semi homeschooling, have a clear learning programs and so come first, that school should be fun.

School is an educational institution that is expected to produce educated men who will build the country with love. That was so much disappointment generated by these institutions, it is the duty of all nations to overcome the elements. Cases of corruption, conflict, deception by teachers in matters relating to certification, all are smart people challenge the country's noble to think of it as charity fields.
Let's Doing Something

Direction of education in Indonesia is indeed pathetic. That's judging from how many educational products that do not have character. However, if only see of products failing that, it probably was not a real form of gratitude. The proof is a country of so many children who excel and carve works with a sincere heart. They show how the institution has teach is one institution was considering the development of heart and soul and not just the development of intelligence, based on the brain alone.

Children's performance was not only known country in the homeland, but also in other countries. Perhaps they are not reported in the newspapers or on television. However, rest assured that persistence and culture they introduced through everyday behavior, are enough to prove that Indonesia is a nation that is good and not just filled with the corrupt and teachers who do not educate the heart.

In some parts of the country, there are still many teachers who educate the heart. They have lofty goals. Their sincerity has led to so many worthwhile protege in the community. Perhaps proteges useful in society was never reported.

They are just being ordinary people who live ordinary with ordinary lines. Rumble usual but they do not disturb others, and their patience with any difficult life. These products are both educational institutions have always thought to reach heaven with the science that has been had.

They do not have to be famous. They do not have to be rich. They do not have to be official. Proof of the greatness of the institution was assessed from all that. Proof of the greatness of the institution is that its graduates have the correct view of life. That the world is where farming and the results will be picked in the next. Educational products like this that will make people believe that the institution is a teaching institution with a heart and liver have any intention of developing their students to become people who are grateful and never give up.

Do not Blame Institutions
School is often associated with one's disposition in the community. Someone who has a lack of good taste never considered education bench. Conversely, someone who has a good temperament will be respected and appreciated for his battle was educated at the institution. In fact, formal education institutions is not the only agency responsible for the mental and spiritual development of students. What about the house ? What about the people themselves ?

Whatever the reasons cited, however, formal educational institutions can not be eliminated from human civilization. If a nation wants to be judged advanced, the quality of education of its citizens should be improved. The question is, where education was obtained? One of them, from the school as one, even the sole, formal educational institutions.

This is what makes parenting so angry when their children do not achieve good performance. They do not want their children to be important to know the smart kids. Though they are supposed to provide education first and foremost to their children. Can not regrettable when a parent dies are not bathe her children, who clothing and praying not by his own son. Arbitrarily done by someone else paid. Pathetic. But the fact is usually in society because parents are not vital role in educating their own children. They are more giving everything to the formal educational institutions or schools.

As a second home ?

Expression of the school as a second home for children seems less appropriate because the opposite is true. Yes. School is the first home for the child, while the parent is the first teacher. Why is that ? Children tend to spend more time in the institution as a teacher rather than at home with their parents.

Just imagine, children are in educational institutions since 0700 to 13.00 or 14.00. Finished studying in institutions of formal education, the children sometimes continue the learning process in a tutoring until late. Not to mention, kids spend time outdoors to play. Thus, it can be calculated how long the child was in the house.

Teachers can also be said to be the first parent because every day to meet with the child and teach various science. While at home, how many hours children meet with parents? Moreover, taught a lot of things. Meet the parents will be something very expensive for a child if both parents are busy working.

Given the importance of education for the next generation, parents need to be the first and primary teacher for their children. Do not let the Hereafter even more investment achieved by teachers of children than their own parents. Be a great teacher for the children themselves. When a newborn child until he had entered the institution, as much as possible and do our best to educate children about the basic science of life and godliness.

When a child gets his first knowledge of the parents, the child will not be considered greater than his teacher parents. Children will continue to feel that the parents are the first teachers and role. When he was an adult, the child will do the same to their children someday. If this cycle goes on and on, it means that the educational process will run smoothly and be a complementary institution of education that has been earned by children at home.

Role of Schools in Education
Formal educational institutions are deliberately designed as an educational institution that has the methods and techniques of teaching that is based on a standardized curriculum. The existence of this institution is very important for the development of civilization has demanded the younger generation to get more knowledge that can not be found at home.

The role of formal educational institutions will be increasingly necessary with the progress of society. The teachers are well-educated are expected to transmit knowledge and to transfer their knowledge to their students make people great and dignified.

As the center of education, school education can function optimally with ways to develop children's ability to improve the quality of life and national superiority. If generation smart, be prepared to become a developed nation! Conversely, if the younger generation did not get a decent education, get ready to be colonized nation as a whole by another power-hungry nation.

Function Non Formal Education
There are several functions of formal educational institutions that should be known by everyone. These functions are expected to be a reliable scoring students are not only smart brain, but much more important is that the students have the intelligence of a wonderful heart. Great Heart is a strong heart who will be able to survive in the face of the wave and the maximum life for anything.

The first function is to prepare children to plunge into the world of work to obtain a decent job. At least, with a capital of diplomas, one would be easier to get a job than those who are not in school. Second, it provides a variety of basic skills for children. Thirdly, the opportunity to improve the way of life or fate.

Fourth, prepare development experts to form the souls of men to socialize and mingle in society. Fifth, educate and teach norms. Those are some of the roles and functions of the school as an educational institution in building a quality generation. With education, a person is expected to bring themselves within the scope of social life. Do not think that education is not important.

May be useful !

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