Sunday, March 10, 2013

Olympic Education and Learning

Olympic Education and Learning. Education is very important and obligatory for everyone. Development and welfare of the nation is determined by the educational factor. So that gifted children can show they have potential gold, holding the Olympic would be very good education good they are. Olympic education is a means for kids to show their best in academics. By following these Olympics, surely the children will feel proud of their own accomplishments and abilities, as well as families, and of course school.

Olympic Education West Java
Usually Olympics is held by regions within a country, as in Indonesia. One of the Olympics was held in West Java, which includes all schools as West Java. Of course, not just any child can follow the Olympics, they are smart and achievement are eligible. Thus, for children who are normal academic achievement can not follow these Olympics.

Olympics covers all areas of education and learning in schools. Later they were to one another must compete with each other to get a lot of points. The more correct answers means a chance to win more wide open. For the Olympics as West Java 2012 has been held at the University of Siliwangi Tasikmalaya. Some of the material be championship among others, debate Indonesian, Social Sciences, and choir.

Provisions in the Olympics
At every Olympics held there are many provisions that must be passed by the participants in order to follow the game. All provisions that became the benchmark for the success of the participants in solving all the problems in the Olympics. Before starting the game the students to come on time, then register as a participant as he takes the number of participants. The maximum number of teams that can be taken by each school is only 3 teams. If there are participants who are late to follow it will be disqualified.

Provisions or Technical Olympic Indonesian Debate

These provisions in the debate following the match Indonesian :
  1. There are 2 teams to debate, both teams contradictory aka the pros and the cons. Means to support the pro and cons are rejected.
  2. Each team consists of 3 speakers, they initially spoke with words that end with the pros and the cons of words.
  3. While doing the debate, there are two sessions to be passed first session is a session of parliamentary debate and debate session 2 rapidfire (charioteer). Is the parliamentary debate and the rapidfire ? Parliamentary debate begins with the first participant in the team's pros and cons team. And so on until the third speaker team pros and cons. Each speaker had talked for 2 to 2.20 minutes. If any participant speaking under and over 2 minutes, it will influence the jury. Other speakers who are not speaking can deliver interruptions as it is on their mind for 15 seconds from the first to the second minute.
  4. In the parliamentary debate, there are several "how to play" of each participant. Each speaker has their respective duties.
The first speaker in pro team is going to explain the background, the definition of motion, teaching team, then an argument. From the team's counter gives the first rebuttal to the statement of the speaker's pro team, then explained the purpose of the team and argument. After first speaker of each team is finished, the second speaker of the pros and cons of the team began to debate.

The second speaker of the pro teams to explain the objections that have been made by a team of cons, the long-term effects of motions, arguments, and perspectives "actor" who played in that. After that, the third speaker started the turn. The third speaker of the team's task is to explain the pros rebuttal on arguments from both teams counter speaker, and vice versa for the last speaker of the team's cons.

All speakers must have a different argument, will have an impact on the assessment if the arguments of each speaker the same team. When there is a team keeper to debate that gives a signal to the speaker of the time turn argued. If the team's keeper knocked mean much once the speaker had been talking for two minutes. At the last minute keeper will knock 2 times and expect the speaker to finish their conversation. If the speaker is still talking to the limit of time 2.20 minutes, the keeper will knock non-stop.

Had been a parliamentary debate session, while the debate rapidfire has other provisions, among others :
  • Participants were given 6 minutes to debate, while the speakers are given 30 seconds and can not interrupt. Speaker of the team is the first pro start.
  • If one team does not have a pro or con arguments, the team added a talk given 30 seconds before the time runs out to argue.
  • If there is a time of 15 seconds and no one speaks anymore, meaning debate session otherwise been completed.
After the debate session, it was finally time to conclude the session. The conclusion is of course made by the team members represented but with just one person, but should not be the third speaker. Advanced speakers were given time for 1 to 1.20 minutes, they had to summarize what has been discussed earlier when arguing with the opposing team.

Under time and over time will also affect the assessment, to determine the winner, Olympic education using knockout. When appeared their conclusions before the jury, participants are not allowed to do things like, banging the table, emotions, provoking an opponent, and other bad deeds. if there are participants who do so, will be immediately disqualified. All proceeds from the absolute nature of the jury's decision (not to change).

There are several criteria selected by the jury for its participants, among other arguments presented by each participant, the conduct of the speaker (good order and decency to speak), and how to convey the arguments of each speaker.

Technical Olympic Provisions or Social Sciences
The material for the next contested is about Social Sciences (IPS). Just like other materials, a field in Olympic education has provision of technical alias. Each participant was given 100 questions, 25 questions about the economy, accounting about 25 sociology, 25 about the history, geography and 25 questions. Just as the final exam, participants are required to work on a worksheet using a 2B pencil. The time given to do the problem is 100 minutes.

Actually, the rules are the same as the final exam in general, such as selecting multiple choice questions consisting of AE, answer the questions by circling the answer sheet. If there are participants who made up more than one answer sheet stated the answer wrong.

If the answer is correct, the participant will be given a value of 4, while the wrong one and not filled minus the value 0. If the question is about the calculation, the participants are allowed to make a booklet into a squiggle. Problem is no error at all, all questions should be done well by the participants. If the participants have completed all the questions, their answer sheets are stored in the table upside down and then raise your hand to tell the committee that you have to solve problems. Then you are allowed to leave the room.

The winner will be drawn from the top 10 ranking, the highest value of 10. All winners are given a medal, and to the rank 1-3 are also given trophies and money coaching. What if there is the same value ? So the winner is determined by the length of time spent on a matter, he's the fastest who wins.

So some areas of race and mechanisms of Olympic education. Come, be a child who can boast achievements that you, the parents, and everyone. Show me your best performance.

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