Sunday, March 24, 2013

S2 Scholarship Information To Study in Japan

S2 Scholarship Information To Study in Japan - Japan is one consistent state to give aid to the former colony, Indonesia is no exception. The grant ranging from humanitarian assistance, disaster relief even in the form of scholarships for both undergraduate level or for graduate level and doctoral programs. Of course, the scholarship program provided by the government and private institutions in Japan is intended for students who have a brilliant achievement, so hopefully after studying in Japan later, on his return to the country of origin will be one of those who bring about change for the improvement of civilization and humanity.

One S2 Scholarship Information To Study in Japan already quite well known for consistently continues to provide scholarships to Indonesian students both undergraduate and graduate levels are Monbukagakusho reserved for those who meet the requirements. This type of scholarships awarded each year and have many Indonesian students get it.

Like most good scholarships given by the government or private institutions in the country, as well as in other countries, both require a good academic record in addition it has the ability and talent. Besides mastering a foreign language where the destination country is an absolute requirement. Due to the language problem was not to be an obstacle when the scholarship recipients studying and interacting with the institutions and the campus where he was studying.

Registration and Requirements

This program is intended for those who have interest to follow the student research program at one of the universities in the State Sakura. Anyone can apply for education in accordance with the circumstances of each person who filed the application includes strata 2 (master).

The applicants can also directly enter the program without first degree research student with the terms have to get permission from the university. And scholarships are awarded without bond department that covers the cost of tuition and living expenses while in Japan.

The requirements to be met by the applicants are as follows :
  1. It has a 3.0 GPA scale of 4.0 (or value EJU should meet at least 260 in 2 subjects were not included in Japanese). Minimum GPA standard is a reflection of the academic requirements of each scholarship recipients, so expect the academic scholarship recipients are well coupled with good language skills as well, able to complete the education program in accordance with the specified time period, so that the institution scholarship can reach targets have also been identified as the purpose of this scholarship by the founders of the institution. Inaccuracy grantee in completing their studies will not only hamper private interests but also the targets of these institutions.
  2. Have a minimum TOEFL score of 550 or TOEFL CBT 213 or the minimum value of Japanese Language Proficiency Test to be at least level 2.
  3.     Have a willingness to learn the local language (Japanese) because there are some campuses that use Japanese as the language of instruction lectures. Of course, this is one of the consequences for anyone eligible recipients of Japanese institutions.
  4. Have the same field of study with the previous disciplines. This is to facilitate the deepening field of study, so that eligible recipients are not required to start over again.
  5. Applicants are healthy both physically and mentally. Description of sound mind and body is approved by a certificate from competent institutions where scholarship recipients are. Physical and mental health is an absolute requirement in order not to fail awarded graduated as illness hampered both physical pain and there is a spiritual disorder.
  6. Each applicant must read and obey what is written in the attachment carefully. Various points are included in the attachment is an agreement between two parties, in which contains the right and the duty to be obeyed and executed together. So do not until later in life because of a dispute each party considered exercising their rights and obligations.

Applying Method

As for how those who are interested in applying for study in Japan to the scholarship fund are as follows :
  1. Form and all other information can be taken and asked the Japanese Embassy in the education section, or the Consulate General (Consul) in Medan and Surabaya Japan. Each time the officers in the office can be found and will give details and information required by the scholarship search, except on holidays or for no particular reason that makes the embassy or general Consultant Japanese government in Indonesia is closing his office.
  2. All requirements and forms should be brought to the Education Consul Embassy of Japan not to. When the administrative requirements have been met, the officers will selecting all applications from those seeking scholarships, and will include in the next stage of the selection according to the stages that have been determined.
  3. Prepare all the documents are not complete until there is unmet. Completeness of data will simplify and speed up the process, so the opportunity to attend the next stage of selection will also be faster.
  4. Follow each stage, and wait for the results of verification of the required documents and wait for the next test. Each selection results will usually be communicated to each prospective applicant recipients either directly through newsletters, emails, phone calls and posted at embassies and consuls general Japanese government.

As for those who are still not clear with this information can inquire further to address : Education Section Embassy of Japan, on Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 24 Jakarta 11350. Tel No. (021) 319-4308.

That is one of the institutions of the state scholarship Japan, both for level undergraduate and graduate levels. If you are interested to study in Japan primarily through scholarships provided by private institutions and the government of Japan itself, the first step is mastered Japanese advance. Japanese brushes it will smooth your move to accept the scholarship. Understandably language factor is one of the basic needs in order not to process hampered studies language acquisition.

It is true that many schools in Japan and S2 Scholarship Information To Study in Japan that use English as the language mediator language of instruction in class, but there are certain colleges or faculties precisely one hundred per cent using Japanese as the language of instruction in class. In addition, all written information is also written in Japanese and do not always add information in English. So it's Japanese mastery is absolutely necessary for anyone who wants to study in Japan, either through a scholarship program as well as at their own expense.

Interested in receiving a scholarship to study in Japan ? Soon learn Japanese now.

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