Thursday, March 14, 2013

Research Methods And Technique

Research Methods And Technique. Everyone who wanted to do research, are required to follow the existing research methods. The use of standardized research methods as an attempt to test whether the research conducted is considered valid or not. At the college level, the research process is embodied in the form of thesis for undergraduate students, the thesis for the master's level. Meanwhile, for those who pursue education at doctoral level or stratum three, the research process is called a dissertation.

Of the three types of study, have the same requirements in terms of process. Where all three of these studies should use the scientific method became a standard rule of the research process. In the process of research, most researchers prefer to use quantitative methods. This is because, by using quantitative research methods are better able to be measured accurately based on the data obtained. Thus, the conclusion that can be drawn would be more in line with the existing conditions and not based on mere estimates.

The use of quantitative methods is to use the basic knowledge of mathematics, statistics and econometrics. These three disciplines are interrelated in creating a case study method that can obtain accurate analysis results.

One of the many areas of science using quantitative research method is economics. This is when considering the proximity between the economics of exact science. This closeness among other things, the scientific principles used in the discipline. Where in this case, a phenomenon that occurs in the field of economics, able to analyze receipts method of exact science.

Quantitative methods are widely used in economics research, the emerging paradigm backdrop of positivism as it existed in the exact sciences. The roots of positivism paradigm is derived from the concept of realism in which it is stated that the concept of reality is the reality. In addition, the reality will run in harmony with natural laws and regulations. Thus, research aimed to determine the truth of reality, where reality itself already exists in accordance with the laws of nature.

Research Process
In the research process, there are elements of the so-called method. The method itself is defined as the rule that must be followed or done at the time we want to do an activity. The method itself should be run in the order and succession. Thus, the method should be run through the special stages that should not be omitted or skipped any portion thereof.

So when there is a conclusion that the process is not over existing methods in the concept of scientific
Research Methods, the conclusion could have two meanings. The first meaning is that conclusions can not be categorized as a result of scientific research. Thus, the validity underprivileged accountable. The second meaning is, conclusions without scientific method is a process that still requires a process of hypothesis testing and in-depth. Thus, the conclusion can not be used as a basis to determine something.

Type of Research Methods
In the academic world, there are two types of research methods are widely used by researchers. Both types are quantitative research methods as well as qualitative research methods. Both have an equal role in the discovery process at the conclusion of the existing realities as basic root paradigm of positivism.

However, still there are differences in the two types of research methods. differences lies in the system used in each method. But in general, these two systems have the same element of goodness that can not be said to be one method is better than other research methods.

In general, the qualitative paradigm and further highlight the concept fenomelogisme verstehen associated with understanding human behavior. Especially when viewed from the basic concepts of human behavior or the framework. In qualitative concept, the size of the data can not be controlled as well as a natural or unnatural. Thus, the qualitative paradigm more prominent element of subjectivity in the process of research analysis. This element is one of them influenced by seeing the proximity of researchers with data that is part of the insider perspective.

In a qualitative concept, type research done tend to be basic and oriented towards the discovery of new things. Can also be explorative, expansionist, descriftive or too inductive. It is associated with a more research orientation refers to a process problem. The data obtained in the qualitative methods of data that is likely to be a direct, broad and deep. Where normally, researchers will obtain data by jumping directly to the object of research and engage in it. Thus, researchers can explore a wide range of discoveries and data that has not previously estimated.

One of the uniqueness of the concept of paradigm of qualitative research is that the results can not be generalized. Thus, the results were analyzed from a single case study. And analysis of existing research on an object, the result would be different if the research object is replaced.

An example is the study of the characteristics associated with the traditions of a community festivals. Of course, the analysis of these studies will vary with the characteristics of the research conducted in the region B. Although in both of these studies, viewpoints used as a research tool together, but the result would have been different. Whereas, the two societies have different characters from each other.

Quantitative Research
In the paradigm of quantitative research methods, in general, have an element as opposed to quantitative methods. In quantitative research, put forward the logic elements of positivism. Where a more forward in the process of research to look at the facts or phenomena that exist in society. Meanwhile, the process to obtain the information that is subjective of individuals have smaller portions.

That is why in this quantitative study, emphasizes the element of objectivity in the process of data mining. In addition, any data obtained will be changed in certain units as a measurement tool. Thus, data can be entered and retrieved measured and controlled. In quantitative research, the need for data tends to be more readily available. Therefore, the need for the data can be obtained from sources that are secondary or indirect. In other words, the availability of data in quantitative research is replicable or can be replicated.

Similarly, in terms of the analysis. In quantitative research, the analysis results obtained can be generalized or may be used in some multi cases. As research on consumer behavior or promotional strategies. A company managers do not need to do your own research to find out their consumer behavior or choose how to conduct a campaign. However, they can see and learn from the studies that have been done prior to then look where that has similarities with the conditions they face.

In quantitative research also emphasizes or results-oriented. It is evident from the process of proving the hypothesis that was made before the research process running. And then, the results of this hypothesis will be proven by the data obtained when the research is already running.

How to interview a good method ?
The method is a way. Interviews also need a method. Good answers come from good questions too. The interview process is not trivial. Often the response is not as expected. A good question is sometimes not obtained immediately. Need to practice over and over to get a good instinct ask.

Interview Preparation
Preparation is arguably halfway towards victory. Moreover, in an interview. At the very least, we should have an answer to imagine what we want from the interview process. Interviews are aimed at obtaining information from the interviewee. Often this information is important for many people. Sometimes this information is also sensitive and controversial. Because of certain considerations, the interviewer must be prepared a variety of possibilities. Includes speakers who do not want to answer, or even threatening.

The interviewer should know the answer to what he wanted. After that, see if the person to be interviewed is right. This is done so that the answers later on it will be obtained from the competent. Asking questions to the wrong people will only get the information useless. However, useless information could be useful if they can be used as ammunition interviewed other sources. Purpose of the interview itself there are two, namely to obtain information about a case, and to obtain data that person.

After sorting and selecting speakers, interviewers should prepare secondary information. Information will be important as ammunition in an interview. At least, we know little of the issues that will be asked. After getting adequate information, then the next step is the preparation prepare questions. The question here should not be drafted in detail. Still depending on context interviews. If the interview is conducted in order to study in-depth interviews alias, then the question can be prepared in detail and structured. If the interview in order to construct the news, we can formulate questions based on the desired points.

Not to be stored behind the important questions. Firing questions in an interview a journalist often systematic stiffly. Moreover, the investigative interview, informant will not necessarily provide information. These interviews skilled interviewer to adapt in any situation. After the questions are ready, a subsequent method is to contact the informant. Sometimes this can be scheduled to interview informants. Sometimes also be done spontaneously. This applies when the interview involves case sensitive, so the speakers can be hard to find.

After getting the schedule, the next method is to determine the time and place. Usually the interviewer will offer it to the informant. This is to give comfort to the source. Convenience is important, because the speakers who feel safe and comfortable will give you more information. Sometimes additional information is not suspected interviewer can get out in this state. All of the above can be done if the resource is expected to be encountered. For sources that are relatively difficult, need to do a particular approach. In essence, in order to make the resource persons believed to provide information to us.

This approach is often prolonged. This method is also often spend time and cost. In fact, sometimes after a long time approaches, sources still refused to testify.

Methods Interviews
Once the preparation is good, then the next method is the interview process. Interviews can be conducted as scheduled. Never interviewer is late, because it can give a bad impression to the informant. Get used to maintain decorum. Good manners can be a weapon to obtain information.

Dealing with unexpected sources, the interviewer should prepare for all sorts of situations. Techniques interview smoking gun unreliable. Thus, the interviewer immediately hold up the corner speakers with questions based on secondary information is already known. This is done by weighing the situation allows. The consequences of this technique, the informant will panic and try to escape, trying to clarify, or even reverse aggressively threatened. Thus, the interviewer should be wise in using this interview technique.

After making introductions, the interviewer should introduce yourself completely. Where are you going with that interview purposes. This is to ensure that they had promised and that will be present, will be different or not. Lag between the agreement and the meeting could make the speaker changed his mind. If this happens, then the job interviewer to convince sources. Sometimes it can be added to the lure of reward or even a threat. However, it should also look at the situation. If the interviewer look very life-threatening informant, then he should choose another way.

Can also cancel the interview, because the information is not as important as more important than the lives of informants. After introducing himself, the next method, both parties must agree on a few things. For example, how the interview was recorded ? Whether recorded or not ? And agree on which part should be off the record. It was first said by the interviewer. We need to explain how our position. If we are law enforcement officers who are conducting an investigation, perhaps we can guarantee it. But if you are a journalist, we only give advice on how he can get protection.

Interviews, usually in the investigation, sometimes there is no recognition that the interviewer was a journalist. Many people who do not want to give important information to journalists. The interviewer should conduct undercover identity. This should not be done if there is another way. Once an agreement is reached, then the method of interviews could be conducted. Prepare equipment needed for the statement is not missed. Throw questions in preparation and latest mood. Proficiency remove the bullet questions do need exercise.

Sometimes resource needs were crucial to direct. However, there are also sources that should be asked questions in order to feel peace. Carefully light of the situation becomes a must-have interviewer. If the interview is tense, the atmosphere can be disbursed. We recommend that if the speaker is wandering, then interview the interviewer should stretch again to its original destination.

Interviews are already planned it easier. Be difficult to practice if the interview takes place spontaneously. Moreover, if the information in question is sensitive and dangerous. Or it could also interview request clarification of the perpetrators. This can be dangerous for the interviewer. Therefore, consideration of the effect of the interview should be carefully considered by the interviewer. Interviews are dangerous is not to be avoided. If it is necessary, steps are minimizing the adverse effects that we might receive.

Do not let the interviewer accept fate without any consequence. But if it does happen, then this is a risk that must be accepted. The next method is note interview. The results of the interview should be documented. The results can be documented interviews amplifier defend us in court. Since this particular investigative interview can be very dangerous. Moreover, if the interviewer did by way of disguise. Sources could deny he had interviewed, even if there is documentation notes or sounds.

Various research methods above can be used as a guide in conducting interviews. However, awareness of the situation and anticipated measures are sometimes not found in formal knowledge. Therefore, the success of the interview is also supported by the experience of a person in doing so. Good interview methods, the success of the interviewers in digging up information.

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