Thursday, March 14, 2013

Method Research Writing Scientific by Type

Method Research Writing Scientific by Type. Position papers in education is very important because the manufacture of scientific achievement is the formal demands of the academic world. To understand the methods of scientific writing, we need to know the kinds of scientific work. By knowing the types of scientific work and the difference, we can see how these methods of writing scientific papers according to the type that will be created.

When viewed from the kind of scientific work can be divided into two. First, scientific work to fulfill assignments, such as papers and scholarly works in the form of a report or a book report assignment. Second, the scientific work is a requirement for graduation academic degree, ie,
  1. Scientific work in the form of thesis is a requirement for education level S1
  2. The scientific work is a form of thesis for education graduation requirement S2
  3. The scientific work is the dissertation requirement for graduation education S3
Working papers students are required to think systematically and must conform to the rules of science to be taken, therefore the method of writing a scientific paper is essential, so that the systematic pattern can be seen. In general, the method of writing scientific papers based on its type can be seen as follows.

Writing Scientific Papers in Shape

The paper with Method Research is a scientific paper, for my friends who are still studying must have been given the task by the lecturers or teachers to make paper. Do not carelessly weave patterns of writing papers, as papers are part of the scope of the course. Papers are usually given as an assignment and became one of the requirements to get a passing grade school subjects. The method of writing scientific papers in the form of papers in general as follows :

1. Preliminary

In the introduction, you have to vent and write issues to be discussed, namely the background of the problem, what are the issues discussed, how the problems are solved, and described a systematic investigation in the form of descriptions.

2. Section Contents

On this page, you must do the analysis, and answers what are the research questions

3. Conclusion

Still there are some who think that the conclusion is the same as the summary, the opinion is clearly wrong. Because what is the conclusion here is the meaning or meanings derived from the findings contained in the contents. At the time of the conclusion, researchers should refer to the issues contained in the proposed introduction page.

Method Research Scientific Writing in Report Form

Scientific papers with Method Research or reports of scientific journals is an understanding that exposes students to the book, can be a chapter or in a journal. There are many advantages when working on a lot of reports, because there is a pattern teasers analyze and better understand what the topic of discussion. Write reports clearly have methods. Writing scientific papers should include the type of report and quoted portions of the book, chapters or journal articles the subject. But the quote should not be dominant, to the page by page. In a report made, is required to formulate the main ideas the author or the author of a book, which involves :

Referred to as the principal author of the mind is: what is the problem presented by the author in his book surface.
  • How does the author explain and what way to solve the problems posed.
  • What are the concepts and theories in the book and what the author characterizes.
  • If a report section, it must be noted the position of the entire chapter in the book.

Systematic method of writing scientific papers in the form of the report consists of :

1. Preliminary

In this section, give an overview of the book / chapters or journal articles for example about the book title, author's name, the year of publication, and publisher. And the reason why you made the report. Note : The reasons cited no reason "assigned" but rather what is the reason for the interest element of a report on selected books.

2. The contents of the book / chapter in book / journal article

This page is a part to put forward the contents of the book / chapter / journal article reported. In the section of this chapter seems evidence of how an understanding of the research and the things outside, the objects relating to research or book of discussion, chapters or journal articles.

3. Comment

The method of writing scientific papers comment section, can be made in the form of a report, which expressed views on the contents of the book, chapters or journal articles studied.

4. Conclusion

In the final stage, the conclusion must also be reported on the implications of the study or being studied.

Method Research Scientific Thesis Writing, Thesis and dissertations

The method of writing scientific papers on the three types of research theses, theses and dissertations have provisions that are sometimes different, but generally three types of papers should be arranged in a systematic and structured. The method of writing scientific work consists of several parts :

1. Title

This should be listed on the title page of research and other information (name, serial number of students, field studies are taken, year of manufacture and the name of the university).

2. The name and position of the faculty mentor.

3. Foreword

In the preface section, can be described a little about the purpose of making the research, there is no definitive method for writing the foreword. Able to write a thank you to those who have helped in completing the study.

4. Table of contents

A page that is able to facilitate the reader to know the title or subtitle to be read.

5. List of tables (if any)

List of tables has the same function as the table of contents, how to write it sorted with two numbers, for example: Table 1.2., Which is a (1), Chapter 1, while (2) is a table no 2.

6. List of Figures (if any)

List of images can also determine your images in scientific work, each image mentioned at the writing table list.

7. List of Attachments (if any)

List of attachments the same function with a list of tables and figures.

8. Chapter I Introduction

Introduction is the beginning of the writing of scientific papers, which contain about; striped background issues, analysis, formulation of the problem, identify the problem, research objectives, usefulness / benefits of the research, research hypotheses, methods used in the study, data collection techniques and essay organization.

9. Chapter II Bibliography / Theoretical Framework

The method of writing scientific papers in this chapter is the study of theories related to the research.

10. Chapter III attractions Research

Is a chapter that describes something or event / objects in the study.

11. Chapter IV Discussion

On this page the method of writing scientific papers follow the points into a research question, it is that the discussion and the writing of a systematic.

12. Chapter V Conclusions and Recommendations

In this chapter and the researchers assessed the meaning of what the results of the research. The method of writing scientific papers step by step conclusions can be presented in the form of points, or can also be presented in the form of a solid essay. Meanwhile, suggestions can be directed to the field of study / science that is being taken, and for the perpetrators, or object to be used as research and agencies / institutions associated with the object under study.

13. Bibliography

Bibliography is a list of information sources as reference / use in research, how to write a bibliography must be contiguous based alphabet, without any numbers.

14. Attachments

Attachment is the page that contains the documents used as research data.

15. Biography

On this page do not need to include all the information about you, enough with the information: name, place and birthmarks, address, education history, work history, accomplishments ever achieved, studies that have been done. Of three types of scientific writing method described above, can be seen the differences of each pattern writing. If you are able to understand the methods of each type so you can make a research or scientific work in a structured and systematic research that allows you make could be perceived and understood by those who read, help other researchers to find methods of scientific writing, through your work.

Educational Scientific Method Writing

The Method Research is a method of writing scientific papers or references used in writing or preparing scientific papers. Methods of scientific writing can be learned in books or the like research methodology. There are many references method of writing scientific papers that can be used. There are many methods of writing the name of the author of scientific papers from both domestic and foreign. In essence, the paper can say if the overall scientific content writing is in accordance with the criteria of writing scientific papers in general. This means that the text can be justified scientifically.

Educational Scientific Writing
Scientific method of writing education different from scientific papers in the field of the other. One thing that is different in scientific writing education today is more focused on action research or action research. The study is directed to a class action in the implementation of learning activities. Prior to the practitioners of education, or teachers do action research so that must be well understood is the method of writing scientific papers. Education for practitioners such as teachers and lecturers, are used to carry out activities of writing scientific papers for various purposes related to education.

The method of writing scientific papers education also almost every time change according to the decisions and the needs of the agencies. In such conditions there is a demand for education practitioners to always actively follow the development of writing scientific papers. In order to be in accordance with the ability to write scientific writing method, then the question must diligently follow the training or many writing workshops organized by the government agency or agencies.

Interests Research Report

The method of writing scientific papers to be one important thing to be learned and mastered. The method of writing this paper will be helpful in writing a research report. If a study reported to be followed up by the Government relating to the policy will be made, it needs to be presented in the report are clear, coherent, valid and reliable.

Through reports in accordance with the rules or methods of writing scientific papers is the result of research will be understood by anyone who reads it so it can be followed up. So before someone doing research, then it should be understood method of writing this paper.

Method Research of scientific writing can be learned easily by reading some of the literature according to the type of interest and research needs. Even ideally all the formal report performance results, the writing must be in accordance with the method of writing scientific papers.

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