Thursday, March 28, 2013

Microsoft Excel, Spread Sheet Work Can you Need !

Small Business School - Microsoft Excel, Spread Sheet Work Can you Need ! Learning excel for an accountant or financial staff is a must. Microsoft excel is processing a number of application programs that can help in math. By using excel, math lessons will be easy and fun. In addition to math, excel can also be used to create graphs, charts, and process data in very large numbers.

Excel was introduced by Microsoft in 1982 to create a new spreadsheet program from the development of the so-called Excel. Recent version of Excel for Windows is Microsoft Office Excel 2010.
Microsoft excel is a spreadsheet application, which has been written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. With this application, we can calculate, create charts, pivot tables, etc. It also features a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications, abbreviated as VBA. This is one of the most widely spreadsheet application used, since version 5 in 1993. It is part of Microsoft Office. The current version of Excel being used is Microsoft Office Excel 2010 for Windows and 2008 for Mac. Because there are interesting and useful feature so much, that comes with Excel, do you want to know how to do go about using Excel ? Let's find out.

Opening Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is in a package with Microsoft Office and can be run using the windows operating system. How to open and run Microsoft Excel, follow the steps below :

1. Click the Start button.
2. Point your mouse on All Programs.
3. Choose Microsoft Office
4. Click the mouse in Microsoft Excel

Make a check against the computer if already installed the Microsoft Excel or not. If so, please run the Microsoft Excel according to the computer's operating system.

To be able to use Microsoft Excel, there are things we have to do, including :
  1. Checking program Microsoft excel application is already installed or not
  2. Has instructions for using Microsoft excel application program conceived
  3. Having a computer device with an operating system that can run normally and have installed Microsoft Excel application program.
  4. Running Microsoft Excel application program in accordance with the instructions

Know the parts of Microsoft Excel

When Microsoft Excel is activated, then a workbook (workbook) will open blank, ready for use. The new workbook consists of 3 worksheets (Sheet) represented through the worksheet tabs (tab sheet) located at the bottom of the application window. The number of each sheet in the workbook can be increased or decreased as needed. Each worksheet in the workbook, consisting of 256 columns and 65536 rows.

Columns are represented by the letters, A, B, C, D ......, whereas the line represented by the numbers 1, 2, 3, .... Up to 65536. The intersection between the row and column is called a Cell. Cell were named according to the position of columns and rows on the location. Examples Cell B5 is the intersection of column B and row 5.

For us to work with Microsoft Excel more effectively, we must first understand the concepts used in Microsoft Excel. Workbook is a collection of the sheet, while the worksheets contained in the sheet called a worksheet.

Creating a New Workbook

If you want to create a workbook (file) a new, empty, can be done by :

1. Click the File menu
 2. Select New (Ctrl + N)

If need a new worksheet in the workbook that is being used, is done by selecting the sheet tabs at the bottom of the worksheet, and the name of his Sheet 1, Sheet 2, Sheet 3, and so on.

Saving Workbook

In order for the data that has been created in the workbook can be opened again the next time, it should be safe workbook. Storage step workbook is as follows :
  1. Click the File menu, select Save or press Ctrl + S, you can also click on an existing disk image on the standard Toolbars such as Microsoft Word, to the Save As dialog box appears.
  2. Click on the Save tab in to select the drive where the data will be stored
  3. Click on the File Name for the file name, for example: Exercise excel
  4. Click Save to save the selected files to the drive.
  5. If you want to cancel the storage Workbook Click Cancel

How to Use Microsoft Excel ?

If you are a bit familiar with Excel, you may discover how to use Microsoft Excel tutorials are very basic, as it has been designed for beginners. Learn to use Excel will allow you to utilize spreadsheets professionally. However, there is always a way for a beginner, that is to try, and keep trying.


This is the first point in how to use MS Excel. Launch Microsoft Excel, with which a workbook with three sheets will open. If you have changed the settings, then only one sheet will open. Now when you look at the bottom left corner, you'll see Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3. Right click or double click it and you'll be able to rename the sheets. Because there are multiple worksheets, you will be able to build a relationship between the different sheets.

If you want to add more pieces to the spreadsheet you will have to go to the Insert menu and select the worksheet there. With the worksheet will be inserted before the selected pieces. An alternative to this is to right click on the sheet tab in the lower left corner and select insert.

To use the cell, the rectangle in a spreadsheet, you can simply click on the sheet and enter data. To move to the next cell you have to just press the enter key or use the mouse and move to the desired cell. If you want to move to the line above the current line, then you have to hold down the shift key and then press the enter key. To move to the cell to the right of the current cell, ie to the next field, you must press the tab key. Or for all of these functions, you can also use the up, down, left, right button. Locking cells in Excel will ensure that the data from certain cells will not change.

Formula in
Microsoft excel

If you have launched an Excel spreadsheet by now, you should be aware that the columns in the Excel sheet are labeled with letters, while the rows are labeled by using numbers. Therefore, the top cell on the left side are numbered A1. To highlight the entire row or column, you will have to click either on the number or letter. Once understood, we will take sides, how to use formulas in Microsoft Excel.

Every time you want to enter the formula to a particular cell, the first thing that enters the cell is '=', as it is a rule that all formulas must start with an equal sign. Some general formula programmed in Excel. For example, if you want to take the average, then you have to type = average, open a circular bracket and then specify the starting cell, followed by a colon and then terminate the cell, followed by a closing parenthesis circular. Therefore, the formula would look like:

                                 = Average (A1: A12)

Then, you have to press enter. Similarly, you can use the 'sum' keyword. To find out, which is a list of keywords, you can click Insert and then the function. Similarly, if you want the data in a particular column should be multiplied by a certain amount then you can click in a cell and write in 'B1 = * 15' C4, etc. Instead of typing the formula in all the cells on the bottom, you'll have to Dragg C4 to C15 , then click on the Edit tab on the tool bar and select Fill and Down. When you use the formula, you should use the basic rules of math, so you do not have a wrong answer.

That glance hopefully learn
Microsoft excel helpful.

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