Thursday, March 28, 2013

Courses, Educational Competencies applicable

Small Business School - Courses, Educational Competencies applicable. Education is a conscious effort to make changes to the competencies themselves. With education we hope that the changes we are experiencing is a positive change. And technically, education can be done within 3 (three) pattern, which is informal, formal and non-formal. Informal held in the family, at school formal, non-formal and in communities such courses.

The course is the process of changing or improving the quality of competences, skills are applicable. By following the course means that we expect to acquire skills that can be immediately applied in the life of our community. It is an awareness of the conditions and needs in life. Communities need figures who are able to work and not just theorize.

Related to the conditions of life, in which all aspects of the course has undergone computerization computers become the primary choice. Everyone is trying skilled in using computers. They do not want to marginalized lives just because technology illiterate. Do not let us fail social since the problem can not operate a computer.

Computer courses are applicable

In this case, what we expect from our participation in a computer course is that we have the ability to use computers for the necessities of life. There are many things in life that should be done by using a computer. If you are not able to operate a computer then we miss technology. And, we are lagging in technology makes us frogs in the shell. Because of very diverse aspects of life, we must determine a computer course that we follow how. Of course we need to know and understand the level of our needs.

This is because in its use, the computer was very spacious. Indeed, we can just take a course in generalist, but it is very difficult. Therefore, if we follow a computer course, we'd better to specialize. Specialization we mean in this case is that to follow a computer course, we better course parts. For example, we follow a course to master Microsoft Word, Microsoft excel or power point. We follow these specifications so that our concentration maximum. In this way, we follow a computer course really applicable to our lives.

Computer Classes as Non-formal Education

As we know, education is the process of non-formal education in the community in an effort to help people who have difficulty in the process of education. And, of course the computer is one of the educational society organized to enhance the computer skills. Actually, computer education materials are provided in the formal National Education, but have not received rations learning according to the needs of the community. The material provided in formal education, such as schools, more emphasis on the introduction and understanding of the concepts of computers and their usefulness in life.

In formal education, the material given are the basics of computer work or concepts widely, generalists with little restriction process, ie 2 (two) hours of study each week. This means that only ninety minutes every week. What can be learned from a very short time it is ? As the non-formal education computer course should still have to coordinate with formal education. This is to provide learning programs that actually applicable to participants.

That, course participants are more practical aim than those who go through formal education. Therefore, computer courses should be more comprehensive for improving the quality of competency participants.

Better if it contributed Participants in Employment

We have to admit that when someone decides to take a course, the ultimate goal is for them to have the skills that are directly applicable can be applied in the work. It is indeed a community needs. Applicable labor, is an advantage for the company. Hence, a manager of a computer course should not only think about how to get the most out of participants, but also the course participants should contribute to significant employment. The course should have a link that is widely recommended that graduates are able to partner owned.

Thus, the public is increasingly convinced that the course is very contributive for learners. Indeed, managers should think about the continuation of the course participants course. They should be directed to the jobs according to their chosen course. Establishing training institutions use various kinds of software can be a good business idea. Business in the field of training does not require a lot of capital to open a clothing store business or restaurants. Can be likened as well as making tutoring agencies, but the difference should be prepared several computers with adequate infrastructure and well enough to accommodate several people.

Business in the realm of training and competence of the computer software there is no death. This means that the business will continue as each time will encounter people who need such capabilities. In addition, the company's software developers will continue to produce its products every year. For people who want to master new software then nothing should go to training institutes or at least buy the book. And learn the self-taught, but the type of people who want to work hard like that very rarely encountered.

Busyness in learning or work often inhibits a person of to improve. So the training institutions are preventing as well as solutions to the problems faced. Of course, setting up a training institute is not an easy task, it takes a few steps and preparations that will be presented as follows :

1. Preparation training institute establishment of venture capital

From a brilliant idea that needs to be followed up with a concrete action. One is looking for venture capital for business start-up training. Most people find venture capital as an obstacle in starting entrepreneurial journey. But in fact the constraint is the lack of knowledge and hard work in realizing their business plans. Therefore, try to think of a few pockets of available capital in your life right now. For example slowly to save each month, to collect sufficient funds to make the effort. Another way that makes the effort to con talks with friends, colleagues or family members owned.

2. Making learning modules and training

Software modules in the training exercises can be easily searched on the internet, then slightly modified to fit the needs and the material presented to participants.

3. Tutor recruit qualified

Tutor training institutions are not necessarily those of the university or graduate degree. While it takes some people to show the quality of the institution, but to teach computer skills competency can find the new diploma graduate from learning.

4. Conducting promotion of businesses established

Promotion of training can be done in various ways and media, such as invitations to or through Facebook and blogs on the internet. Congratulations establish training institutes and success always !

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