Sunday, March 24, 2013

Methods Translate English Language

Methods Translate English Language - Before the start translate English do, keep in mind that the translation is decision making. Translating is the process of decision making. This process occurs either when doing translate English to Indonesian and vice versa. This is certainly true in the translation process all languages.

The decision making process in conducting translate English to Indonesian (and vice versa) can occur in several levels or aspects of translation. For example, the choice of words (usually optional interpreter-translator with the translator who else would have a different taste in choosing and using words), style (formal or informal), target audience (or the general public intellectuals certainly different ways to deliver ); translation method chosen (whether freely or literal translation), and others.

For the last point (about the translation method), has become controversial since the first of which translation method is better. Free translation methods are more concerned with the message conveyed rather than tied to words. Meanwhile, those who have a tendency to believe that the literal translation of the language is the language of a cultural product and therefore should be translated seliteral possible.

There are several methods of translation was initiated by Peter Newmark in his book entitled A Textbook of Translation (1988). This method applies to the translation of all languages. Therefore, this method must be applied in conducting translate English. Translation methods fall into two basic categories : Source Language Emphasis (more attention to the original language) and Target Language Emphasis (emphasis in the target language).

Translate English - Source Language Emphasis

There are four kinds of methods translate English into this category are :

1. Translating Words Per Word (Word-for-word translation)

English translate word for word translation is a method in which word order is maintained as in the original language or translated each word independently (one by one) as the basic meaning, without being bound to the context. This method is commonly used to understand the mechanics of the original language / source or text that are difficult to interpret. This step is the first step in the process of translating the text difficult.

2. Literal Translation (Literal Translation)

Translate English using the literal translation is the process in which the grammatical forms have been observed, but the lexical words are translated independently, and still do not consider the context.

3. Translation Faithful (Faithful Translation)

If you translate English using this method, then it is certainly the translation faithful to the form and content of the source language, and have noticed the shape grammar. Perjemahan is contextual, there is a process of cultural translation, lexical abnormalities remain, and he said the selection (diction) is still to be dogmatic. Translating this way done everything possible to be faithful to the purpose of the source language author.

4. Translation Semantics (Semantic Translation)

Translate English using this method still translate cultural language, but for the words that are not too important, not too concerned. Semantic translation differences faithful translation is that semantic translation is more concerned with the aesthetic value in terms of beauty and naturalness of the source text. If the choice of words in Translation Faithful character still opinionated, hence the semantic translation method is said to have a more flexible option.

English translate - Target Language Emphasis

Translation method is more attention to the target language (Target Language Emphasis) is also divided into four types :

1. Adaptation

Translating adaptation is the method most free translation. Translation method is most commonly used in translating the drama and poetry, in which the themes, the characters, the plot is maintained. Translated source language into the target language, and text adapted manner rewritten.

2. Free Translation

Translate English with free methods are more concerned with things (matter) than the way (manner) or in other words more concerned with content than form as the source language. Quite often paraphrasing done this way in the translation process.

3. Idiomatic Translation

Methods translate idiomatic English is translating the message (message) of the source language, but have a tendency to change shades of meaning. This happens because the translation by this method tend to use the phrase everyday (colloquialisms) and idioms which do not exist in the source language.

4. Communicative translation

Translate English communicative methods attempt to translate the contextual meaning of the source language in such a way that both the content and the language can be acceptable and understandable to the reader in the target language. Communicative translation typically use words everyday so easy to understand.

Of the eight methods of translation was initiated by Newmark (1988) above, Newmark found only semantic and communicative translation method that meets the two main purposes of translation. The purpose is first, the accuracy of the translation and the second is the economic factor. In general, the translation was based on the level of linguistic semantics authors, while communicative translation is based on the reader (the target language).

Translating semantic personal and individual nature, follow the author's thought processes, tied to the nuances of meaning, and tend to over-translate. While a social communicative translation, where the translation was concentrating on the text message, likely under-translate that into simple, clear and concise, and translated with a natural style. In addition, the translation of semantic interpretation must process, while communicative translation is explained.

Translate Language English - Role of Translators

Communicating for humans as social beings is something that become necessary. Communication is very important in building relationships. To be able to communicate well, are needed to understand each other, at least understand the language and the meaning that would be submitted. Good communication allows the transfer of knowledge, information, promoting economic growth, get to know other cultures, promoting education, supporting social, political, etc..

Ever imagined if it were it not for the international language-English ? Or try to imagine what if there is no English translator ? Given the important role of communication as mentioned above, English is certainly a very important role. Given that not everyone can be in English, this is where the translators assigned to conduct translate English is required.

According to Roger Chriss in The Translation Profession, "Translators are language professionals". Translator is a linguist, writer reliably, diplomat, and the educated (educated amateur) at once. As a linguist (linguist), the translator must be able to understand the subtleties and nuances of their language, researching terminology and colloquialisms, and handling new developments in their language.

Like the authors, translators who translate English should be used to working alone with long working hours in translating a language understood only by a few people in the neighborhood. As diplomats, translators must also sensitive to social and cultural differences that exist in the target language and be able to apply when performing the process translate English. As an educated amateurs, translators must know the basics and some details of the subjects they translate.

According to Newmark (1988), translator of works four levels. First, the translation is a science. In the process generally translate various languages and translate the English language in particular, it takes knowledge and verification of facts and language of the translated source. A translator who understands or has knowledge of the subject being translated, it would be much easier in the process of translation. Second, translate the English language is a skill. In translating the original / source to the target language necessary writing skills, choice of words, and convey the message that the most appropriate and acceptable in the target language.

Third, the translation is an art that is creative and inspiring. It takes the ability to write well and creatively translated into the target language. Fourth, translate English is a matter of taste. Argument and a translator preferences expressed in translation. Therefore, do not be surprised if you had a different experience when you read the same story but translated by two different translators.

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