Friday, March 22, 2013

Introduction and brief description of the Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Introduction and brief description of the Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University - State Islamic University of Jakarta or UIN Sharif Hidayatullah Jakarta is one of Indonesia's leading Islamic university located in Chester, South Tangerang. The university is celebrating the golden anniversary on June 1, 2007. During this time, Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University has been carrying out its duties as an institution of learning and transmitting knowledge, research institution that supports the development process of the nation, and as a community service institution.

Nearly half a century too, the university is undergoing a period of Islamic history. History Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta is divided into several periods, namely the period of pioneering, faculty periods of IAIN Al-Jami, Äôah, Sharif Hidayatullah IAIN period, and the period of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.

Pioneering Period Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

History of the Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, is closely linked to the historical development of Islamic universities in Indonesia. This history begins long before Indonesia's independence.
One Muslim scholar named Dr. Satiman Wirjosandjojo tried to establish Islamic educational institutions in the Dutch colonial era. This effort ultimately failed because it prevented the Dutch.

At the time of the Japanese occupation, Indonesia pledged by Japan to establish the High Institute of Religion in Jakarta. This promise Muslim leaders responded by forming a foundation headed by Muhammad Hatta and Muhammad Natsir as secretary. The foundation then set up Islamic High School (STI) on July 8, 1945.

STI renamed widened Indonesian Islamic University (UII) on March 22, 1948 and has four faculties, namely the Faculty of Religion, Faculty of Law, Economics Fakuktas, and the Faculty of Education. Faculty of Religious UII evolved into the State Islamic University (PTAIN) and set its anniversary on 26 September 1950.

Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University ADIA Period (1957-1960)

In the 1950s, the energy functional areas of the Islamic religion teachers are needed because of the demands of modernity. Finally, the Ministry of Religious Affairs Department established the Academy of Theology (ADIA) in Jakarta on June 1, 1957. ADIA is the origin Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. Hence, the anniversary of ADIA made Anniversary Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, which is dated June 1.

ADIA course at that time was as follows.
  • Indonesian
  • ArabBahasa English Language
  • French
  • IbraniIlmu Language Teaching
  • General Cultural Studies and Indonesia
  • Cultural History IslamTafsir
  • Hadith
  • Musthalah HaditsFiqh
  • Usul FiqhTarikh tasyri, AO Islam
  • Kalam Science / MantiqIlmu
  • Akhlaq / Mysticism
  • Philosophy of Science
  • Science Comparative Religion
  • Community Education

Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University - Faculty periods of IAIN Al-Jami, Yogyakarta (1960-1963)

From time to time, PTAIN growing rapidly. It is characterized by a more extensive study and the number of students increase. Students here are not only from within the country, but also from neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and Singapore.

PTAIN in Yogyakarta and Jakarta ADIA eventually merge into a single Islamic state higher institutions. This is done because the number of students increased and widespread area of studies. This institution was named the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Al-Jami, Äôah Al-Islamiya Al-Hukumiyah and inaugurated in Yogyakarta.

Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University - IAIN with Wider Mandate

IAIN Sharif Hidayatullah is one of the IAIN the oldest in Indonesia located in Jakarta and occupies a unique and strategic position. The university is not limited to a window of Islam in Indonesia, but also as a symbol of the progress of national development, especially in the field of socio-religious development.

As a step to synthesize general science and religion, the university began to expand through IAIN concept with a broader mandate (IAIN with Wider Mandate) towards the creation of Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta. Step this unification began in earnest at the Islamic university is led by prof. Dr.Azyumardi Azra, M.A. marked by the establishment of the Department of Psychology and Mathematics Education at the Faculty of Tarbiyah. In addition, the Department also opened Islamic Banking and Economics at the Faculty of shari'ah, Äôah in the academic year 1998/1999.

In order for this conversion step more steady, Islamic university opens Agribusiness Program and Information Engineering in 2000. The opening program was realized because Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in cooperation with the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), and Program Management Studies and Accounting.

In 2001, the university dedicated the Faculty of Psychology and Dirasat Islamiyah in cooperation with Al-Azhar, Egypt. Other collaborations undertaken Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University is to :
  1. Islamic Development Bank (IDB) for funding the construction of modern campus;
  2. McGill University through the Canadian International Development Agencis (CIDA),
  3. Leiden University (INIS), the University of Al-Azhar (Cairo);
  4. King Saud University (Riyadh);
  5. University of Indonesia;
  6. Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB);
  7. Ohio University;
  8. Indonesian Institute of America (LIA);
  9. Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT);
  10. Bank Negara Indonesia, and
  11. Bank Muamalat Indonesia.

Efforts to change the status of a university IAIN obtaining governmental approvals marked by the signing of the Joint Decree (SKB) between the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs Minister on 21 November 2001.

Vision, Mission, and Goals Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

1. Vision

Making Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta as the leading higher education institutions in integrating science, Islamic, and Indonesian-ness.

2. Mission

Produce graduates have a competitive edge over the competition global.Melakukan reintegration epistimologi science.
Provide a moral foundation for the development of science and technology as well as doing the coaching IMTAQ enlightenment.
Developing science through activities penelitian.Memberikan contribution to improving quality of life.

3. Destination

Preparing students to be members of the community who have academic or professional ability to implement, develop or invent science, the field of religious, social, and science and technology.
Develop and disseminate religious sciences, and social sciences as well as efforts use technology to improve people's lives and enrich the national culture.

University - Period UIN Sharif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Sharif Hidayatullah Jakarta IAIN name was changed to UIN Sharif Hidayatullah Jakarta after Indonesia tebitnya Presidential Decree No. 031 dated May 20, 2002.
The inauguration was held on June 8, 2002 by the Vice President of the Republic Indonesisa conjunction with the 45th Anniversary of the first pole erection and construction of this campus.

In addition, the UIN Sharif Hidayatullah also add faculty, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences :
  1. Faculty at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University
  2. Existing faculties at Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University are as follows.
  3. Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching
  4. Faculty of Adab and Humanities
  5. Faculty of Islamic Theology and Philosophy
  6. Faculty of shari'ah, Äôah and Law
  7. Faculty of Da'wa and Communication Studies
  8. Faculty Dirasat Islamiyah
  9. Faculty of Psychology
  10. Faculty of Economics and Business
  11. Faculty of Science and Technology
  12. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
  13. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
  14. Graduate Program
Leader of Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

UIN Sharif Hidayatullah Jakarta has an instrumental figure in the world of education and religion, namely :
  1. Prof. Dr.. Nurcholis Madjid;
  2. Prof. Dr. Harun Nasution;
  3. Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra;
  4. Prof. Dr. Quraish Shihab;
  5. Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat;
  6. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ridwan Al-Jufrie.

That's the history of the Sharif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta. Are you interested in college there ?

Preparation for College Entrance

College entrance exam often make the prospective student stress of having to compete with thousands of people. But there are some ways that can be taken in order to help you in the exam. The most important of course to learn it seriously, at least 30 days before the day of the exam. If you have the funds it is advisable to follow the guidance of learning, in course will be notified about the grid that might be out at Entrance Examination along with the discussion.

To determine the ability, frequently attend tryouts. Then you also need to study the issues of Entrance Examination year-earlier. The day before, you should rest for the brain to be fresh, and also look for the exam room so you are not confused later. When the day arrived Entrance Exam, came early in the morning, use the time before the test as a means to relieve the tension. When it was time to take the exam stationery moderation. Do not forget to pray before a test. Good luck !

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