Thursday, March 21, 2013

Example of education speech - "Technology Theme"

Example of education speech - Yesterday I just got an assignment to make a speech themed education of Indonesian teachers. Rather than a speech script I save myself, so this time I will post here who know much in need. Happy reading. Broadly speaking, a text to speech consists of three parts, namely the opening, contents, and closing. Opening section can contain greetings, greetings and gratitude. Part of course content in the form of material that will be presented to the reader. The concluding part of the speech can be a conclusion, recommendation, saying sorry if there are errors, and closing greeting.

In addition to the parts of education speech, another thing to note from the speech is a method of showing the speech. There are at least four different methods of speech, the methods impromtu, memorization, manuscripts, and methods ekstemporer. The method is impromtu speech made spontaneously without prior preparation. The method is the speech memorized view of preparing the speech which had previously memorized. Script method is the speech by reading speeches that have been written previously. While this method is ekstemporer speech without preparing the manuscript but noted the important and speech sequences only.

The other knowing about Example of Education Speech you can learn it here.

Here is an example of education speech entitled "The Impact of Positive and Negative Development Technology" :

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh.

Ladies and Gentlemen teachers, as well as all my friends I'm proud of. Let us together to offer praise to the presence of Almighty God, for His grace and the gift that we can gather in this place in good health with no shortage of anything.

Ladies and happy, in the age of globalization we seemed increasingly spoiled by increasingly sophisticated technology. Although we get a lot of convenience in living our daily lives, but it's easiness, sometimes even bring harm to us.

Let us briefly look at life around us is increasingly affected by developments in technology. Let me give an example of just the Internet, this technology is now more easily accessible to anyone whether old or young. If we want to think more openly, in fact there are a million benefits we can get from the internet. For instance we can get a lot of information, communication gets easier, even more people are becoming rich because of the internet. But unfortunately many people who abuse the internet technology is, for example, just the rampant pornography, fraud, piracy, and much more.

Internet has also become one of the entry gates of foreign cultures sometimes do not fit with our culture. We can see that our young people are getting poisoned by the western culture which is contrary to the culture of eastern Indonesia as a country that upholds the norms of decency. We can see our youth who seemed very proud to wear the clothes that completely lack a true offensive in our culture.

Therefore, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have to be very clever to filter out all that we can in this era of globalization. Foreign culture is actually not all bad, but we should be able to sort out which ones are good and which are bad for us. Finally, I thank the audience's attention. I apologize if there are words which offend the audience.

Thank you, wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh.

Please copy and paste the above Example of education speech if it is beneficial, but message me, please do not plagiarized it raw. Make education-themed speech as an example only, for the rest please make yourself better than this. Thanks and good luck to all of my friends.


  1. Assalamu 'alaikum.
    This is a good one for a project. I wonder whether you made it by your own words of English or just translated it via a 'robot' translator. Cause, sory to say, I found it stiff and so Indonesian. Anyway, it's pretty adorable. Especially the content.
    I hope my comment not giving a hatred to you.

  2. Awesome blog. I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work! Education news in german


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