Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What is Your Zodiac ?

What is Your Zodiac ? We all would like the zodiac. Ya! This horoscope is popular all over the world. No wonder, every week a lot of people who never miss zodiac forecasts in magazines, tabloids, newspaper, or even on the internet. Behind the 12 zodiac symbols that we know, we know what exactly the zodiac ? Since when did the zodiac known to the public ?

History of Zodiac
In the science of Astronomy, zodiac constellations means that lie along the path the sun lines. Zodiac comes from the Latin word meaning circle of animals Zodiacus. In the science of Astronomy, zodiac constellations means that lie along the path the sun lines. This star clusters in appearance if it is connected with a line (imaginary) between one star with another star will resemble the shape of animals. Animals which later became a symbol of the zodiac-zodiac as we know it today.

Predictions based on zodiac is said to have existed since thousands of years ago. Babylonian and the first nation to use them. They use a zodiac calendar system. The determination of the zodiac symbol of time determined by the constellations that overshadow these times.

General Knowledge Regarding Zodiac

Zodiac or horoscope is not something foreign because we can see him in a variety of print and electronic media. Many people love to read the contents of a prophecy zodiac because of something that might happen. In essence, the zodiac remains the prediction that could happen or not.

Desire to know something in the future to make the zodiac so popular. Zodiac can be published on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Predictions of the zodiac forecasts in making people believe in something that will happen. Quite often believed zodiac predictions and are used in everyday life.

Zodiac and character

Zodiac - Capriconus / Capricorn (December 22 to January 20)

The most prominent element of the zodiac is the ground. The characters are very strong, independent nature is so dominant, never give up, and like to plan things very mature. In addition, this sign has a good ability in terms of people and stone persuasive luck zodiac Capricorn is the black pearl. In the matter of loyalty, including the Capricorn zodiac are very loyal. They see love as a need so that when you find their loved ones, they will treat it carefully and special like a jewel. Cancer is the ideal partner, while the planets are Saturn.

Zodiac - Aquarius / Aquarius (21 January-19 February)
The most prominent element of the zodiac is air. Aquarius zodiac character is friendly, kind, and has a strong vision to improve the environment. Humanism sometimes contradictory nature of the character it self. Do not be surprised if you find anyone have zodiac suddenly give distances in touch. Aquarius has a mind that is always forward-looking, modern thinking, but always insisted considers his own right. In terms of feeling, they are very sensitive and is indifferent to anything they like. However, beyond that, they are actually paying attention to the profound. Lovers of freedom is compatible with Leo zodiac. Planets are Uranus.

Zodiac - Pisces (20 February-20 March)
The most prominent element of the zodiac are water. Pisces zodiac character is extremely sensitive, so taste and very easily influenced by the environment so the true sometimes to see what they feel themselves to be tough. However, its humorous, sympathetic, and full of charm, make people comfortable around them. This zodiac character in desperate need of something that can develop and distribute their talents so that the Pisces can always rejoice and be happy. Perfect Match zodiac is Virgo. The planet is orbiting Neptune.

Zodiac - Aries (March 21-April 19)

The most prominent element of the zodiac is fire. Aries zodiac character is aggressive and full of creativity so many people of this zodiac is emerging as a leader. The colossal aggressive nature causes people zodiac Aries likes to act quickly without thinking carefully first. They were very pleased with the award and initiative in making amendments. Zodiac has a great energy to make their will happen. So also about love, these zodiac abstinence for repulsion from people they like. Perfect Match of the zodiac is Sagittarius. The planet is orbiting Mars.

Zodiac - Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The most prominent element of the zodiac is the ground. Taurus zodiac character is very ambitious, which he fully understands what he wants and will work hard to get every what they want. The nature and unyielding perseverance made him always shining so many people admire him. Zodiac is very conservative even though they also have a huge tolerance. For them, the most important is the achievement of objectives. Zodiac will not be easy to break a promise and a retreat from a belief. In terms of romance, the zodiac is very subtle in its treatment of partner. Perfect Match of the zodiac is Scorpio. The planet is orbiting Venus.

Zodiac - Gemini (May 21-June 21)
The most prominent element of the zodiac is air. Gemini zodiac character is really master the language of communication and the ability to make a lot of people are so in love with him. Ability to master new things and adapt this sign so awesome. But their reaction will situational never stable. Their emotions rapidly changing and experiencing fluctuating drastically. Zodiac is not so fond of the exercises because they are quickly bored, but they are very happy with the spontaneous and energetic. Gemini zodiac ability to seduce very Constructing partner becomes increasingly admired. Perfect Match of the zodiac is Aries. The planet is orbiting Mercury.

Zodiac - Cancer (June 22-July 22)
The most prominent element of the zodiac are water. Cancer zodiac character is its spoiled and moody, but he would be a loyal patron. Zodiac is so resilient and not easily discouraged, as well as his ability to influence those around him. Cancer zodiac including a very loving environment clean and healthy, for they are the ones who make a brighter day. Zodiac is also among the most intelligent people to make their loved ones feel so special. Their passion for protecting and great compassion makes their loved ones are so comfortable around them. Perfect Match of the zodiac is Capricorn. The planets orbit the moon.

Zodiac-Leo (July 23-August 23)
The most prominent element of the zodiac is fire. Leo zodiac character is a trait that is so prominent leader, there was arrogance and arrogant to each person in this zodiac. However, they are very generous and rarely shows displeasure clear. Their confidence is very high and directness in Google sometimes makes other people do not like their presence. Zodiac is classified as a king among the other zodiac that lifestyle as a king into heart lover. Leo zodiac known jealous when it comes to something he loves. Perfect Match of the zodiac is Aquarius. The planet is orbiting the Sun.

Zodiac-Virgo (August 24-September 22)
The most prominent element of the zodiac is the ground. Virgo zodiac character is logic and their practical in seeing a problem. Therefore, I wonder if this sign has a very good ability to analyze. Virgo people are also good at delegating tasks and managing people within an organization. Many people think the Virgo was perfect and it was not wrong because this zodiac love neatness and all that regularly. In terms of love, zodiac Virgo love trying new things and a lot of innovation that partner did not get bored. Perfect Match of the zodiac are Pisces. The planet is orbiting Mercury.

Zodiac-Libra (September 23-October 23)
The most prominent element of the zodiac is air. Libra zodiac characters are charming, many interesting sides, kind, and fair. But easily falter and duplicity. Zodiac was always worried that they would rather cooperate with others than to work alone on the job. Zodiac does not like to hurt other people's feelings. Asmara zodiac Libra prioritize security and she will do anything to please her partner. Perfect Match of the zodiac is Aries. The planet is orbiting Venus.

Zodiac-Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)

The most prominent element of the zodiac are water. Scorpio zodiac character is having great passion and perseverance, despite followed possessively because willpower is a get zodiac. Secrets entrusted to them is the right thing because they are good at saving. The nature of the zodiac Capricorn always perfectly made complete tasks on time and perfect. Zodiac is well-known philanthropist and a hater of weakness both in themselves and others. A Scorpio has the power in his eyes, those eyes make people they like to be weak. Perfect Match of the zodiac is Taurus. The planet is orbiting Mars.

Zodiac-Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

The most prominent element of the zodiac is fire. Zodiac Sagittarius is an adventurous character, her life is an adventure they are not afraid of failure. Zodiac has a broad view of a problem. For him there is not one or two but a thousand-solving way street. A Sagittarius also has a huge curiosity, self-contained souls making their love of freedom. Zodiac Sagittarius likes to take a hasty conclusion without gathering the facts and analyze them in depth. However, they are always fun to be around. Independence and freedom charm makes them easy to be admired. Perfect Match of the zodiac is Gemini. The planet is orbiting Jupiter.

Zodiac Symbols and Effects On Human Behavior

Since it was first used, the zodiac is believed to have strong influence on human nature that was born in the shade of a particular zodiac. According to experts horoscopes (astrology), although the nature of every human being has a unique and different, they have the same basic properties based on zodiac. These qualities became the distinguishing characteristics of different groups of people zodiac.

The following are the names of the zodiac and its basic properties are the owner of the zodiac.


Aries is the first zodiac sign in the zodiac calendar system. Aries the ram symbolized by animals. Zodiac overshadow those born between March 21 to 19 April. People who have zodiac Aries is said to have an aggressive nature, stubborn, hard-influenced others, assertive, impatient, and hard to work with other people.

Taurus is the second zodiac symbol in the zodiac calendar system. Taurus the bull symbolized by animals. Zodiac overshadow those born between 20 April to 20 May. People who have said to have the nature of Taurus zodiac patient, trustworthy, friendly, loving, persistent, and quiet. Even though the owner of this sign tend to be good, they also have a negative side, the possessive, irritability, stiff, greedy, and mother boys. Contractor same.

Gemini is the third zodiac symbol in the zodiac calendar system. Gemini is symbolized by the twin beings. Zodiac overshadow the people who were born between May 21 to June 21. People who have zodiac Gemini supposedly has a curious nature, communicative, and cooperative.

Cancer is the fourth zodiac symbol in the zodiac calendar system. Cancer the Crab is symbolized by animals. Zodiac overshadow those born between June 22 to July 22. People who have Cancer zodiac is said to have an emotional nature, always want to be recognized, and always wanted together.

Leo is the fifth zodiac sign in the zodiac calendar system. Leo male lion symbolized by animals. Zodiac overshadow the people who were born between July 23 to August 22. People who have zodiac Leo said to have the property conform, happy to be of concern, love being a leader, and selfish.

Virgo is the sixth zodiac symbol in the zodiac calendar system. Virgo is symbolized by a virgin. Zodiac overshadow those born between 23 August to 22 September. People who have zodiac Virgo is said to have the property reserved, elegant, and does not like to lead.

Libra is the seventh zodiac sign in the zodiac calendar system. Libra is symbolized by the scales. Zodiac overshadow those born between 23 September to 23 October. People who have zodiac Libra is said to have the property fair, easily stressed, and easy to be around.

Scorpio is the zodiac symbol eights in the zodiac calendar system. Scorpio is symbolized by the animal scorpion. Zodiac overshadow the people who were born between 24 October to 22 November. People who have zodiac Scorpio is said to have an emotional nature, difficult to think logically, prefer the feeling, and stubborn.

Sagittarius is the ninth zodiac symbol in the zodiac calendar system. Sagittarius is symbolized by the archer. Zodiac overshadow those born between 23 November to 21 December. People who have zodiac Sagittarius is said to have the nature of free, innovative, liked by others, and an inspiration for others.

Capricorn is the tenth zodiac symbol in the zodiac calendar system. Capricorn is symbolized by animals goats. Zodiac overshadow those born between December 22 to January 19. People who have zodiac Capricorn is said to have the nature of the discipline, serious, hardworking, and not a dreamer.
Aquarius is the eleventh zodiac symbol in the zodiac calendar system. Aquarius is symbolized by the water. Zodiac overshadow those born between January 20 to February 18. People who have zodiac Aquarius is said to have the nature of an idealist, full of ideas, dreamers, and others favored difficult.

Pisces is the twelfth zodiac symbol in the zodiac calendar system. Pisces is symbolized by the fish. Zodiac overshadow the people who were born between February 19 to March 20. People who have zodiac Pisces is said to have a hardworking nature, giving priority to others, and likeable people.

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