Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Forecast For The Future ? - Predictions

Forecast For The Future ? Teens and Predictions. Predictions about something that concerns a person can sometimes be quite a lot of interesting things that interest people. Not a few people who bothered to buy certain magazines or tabloids just to know the story of their life prediction for a week.

There are many predictions are usually presented, ranging from romance, fortune, lucky day, health and so on. Usually the consumer is actively serving youth. Teenagers love divination, for some reason. Though these teens are supposed to be figures who are creative and have a passion for running daily activity. They have a lot of capital that can be done, without having to rely on a forecast.

Logic and rational need you plant, so that the mind can not easily eat things are only estimates are not clear. Teenagers are usually very enthusiastic about their love affair approximate relationship with a partner who served in the zodiac a media column. They flocked to their condition by trying for same conditions forecast in the media field.

There are some who feel fit as expected to be happy, then they would be very happy. In contrast to most of those who predicted not happy, then they get discouraged. There is also an opinion just a fad just seen, not to believe wholeheartedly.

Influence Predictions

Not consciously aware of, actually believe in prophecy will have a negative impact on individuals. The impact is not only resulted in related individuals, but also will provide a negative influence for the next generation of this nation. Here are a few negatives that can arise from the influence of trust forecast:

Making lazy and pessimistic life

People who are deeply affected by the forecast something that comes from sources that clearly will not interfere with his own happiness. For example, for those who believe that only the predicted doomsday prophecy occurred in 2012, they will stress yourself through life. Or maybe the forecast says it's future will be bleak, then they will lose the spirit of life. The people who really believe in prophecy or less will be affected by it.

Okay, maybe if the prediction is negative. What if the forecast is positive, it will not add to the spirit of a person's life? Do you know someone in your forecast is based on the logic sometimes only he sees the real conditions today. So easily they expect a continuation of something that happened today in the future.

Now, if such a condition, you yourself can actually predict the fate of your own instead? Needless to others. You can realize your dream assisted prayer, effort and capital conditions you have at this time, plus a spirit that is always built. This way you do not have to go fortune teller, your life will be determined how much prayer, effort and passion you realize your life, not someone on forecasts.

Destroying youth mental
Predictions will make someone grow the leader soul. The teens are usually very infatuated with the prediction would be impossible not a lazy dreamer generation effort. Young age is a very productive time to explore the potential held by a young man. They should be creative and energetic in life.

Look at the young people in developed countries are always successful with their works. More than that, trust a forecast for a Muslim is also clearly included to shirk. A major sins that destroy faith and trust of a servant of the Lord.

Predictions about something that concerns a person can sometimes be quite a lot of interesting things that interest people. Not a few people who bothered to buy certain magazines or tabloids just to know the story of their life prediction for a week.

Predictions are predictions or estimates about an event that will occur in the future. Since the first, forecasts existing and evolving world society. Divination is a ritual that is very deeply ingrained in the traditions of the people of Indonesia. This is evident with the rise of witchcraft and fortune-teller.

Applies not only ancient times, the forecast has penetrated modern human life. In the era of globalization full competition and advances in information technology, the forecast still be lucrative. In fact, the times do not participate to develop a framework of human thinking about something that is considered magical or unknown truth.

In fact, the prediction is that more version. Some use the cards, magic ball, hand lines, date birth, name, and various other forms of divination. Media prediction was not only presented live or face-to-face between the astrologer and fortune. Now, the forecast is available in the internet media and various short message service or SMS.

Controversy Predictions

As a man thinks, we would look very foolish if you trust the things people predicted. How could a man be able to predict the events that will happen. This is very contrary to religion, especially Islam, because the forecast is considered precedes God.

Controversies regarding the prediction will continue to grow in the community. There are some groups who believe the prophecy in full. There is also a forecast rejected it outright because they are misleading. A third group, there are those who show indifference towards fulfilling prophecy. If the forecast is good, they believe. If bad predictions, they would think that this prediction is indeed misleading.

Responding How Divination ?

As mentioned previously, the forecast will always be there and continues to grow in the community. Every human being can not escape from this reality. Therefore, we should really wise response to a forecast. Do not believe anything it just leads us to the path of God's wrath.

God is Aware of all the events that will occur in the heavens and on earth. Therefore, everything that happens in this world is God's secret. Indeed, no one man can precede God's will. Unless, the people who are deliberately chosen by God to deliver a warning to ordinary humans.

People who were given instructions by God usually from a class that is very close to God. He is an expert on religious or guardian who is loved by God. Because hunch those options are very sharp and very good at capturing the signs, we seem worth careful because it could have responded God told them of certain events.

Thus, the forecast is something that had to be taken wisely. Forecasts are not a way of life, God is our grip. Therefore, we should never trust the forecasts, primarily from human. We made the prediction as a form of awareness-raising materials and introspection.

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Thanks for comment here, admin.