Wednesday, February 6, 2013

U.S. Stock Index Futures Indicate Strengthening of Wall Street

U.S. Stock Index Futures Indicate Strengthening of Wall Street. U.S. stock index futures indicated the opening of the session in a positive Wall Street on Wednesday, where the DJIA futures have climbed 0.11% approaching the psychological level of 14.000. In terms of corporate earnings reports Visa and Mastercard earnings is expected to show a rise to $ 1.79 per share, in Q1 rose compared to the same period in the prior year $ 1.49 per share. Observed so far following index DJIA futures up 0.11% at the level of 13.925, while the S & P500 rose 0.07% futs to a level of 1,506.75 and Nasdaq futures fell -0.05% thinly traded at 2,748.00 so far.

Some Important News The New York Ahead of Opening Session
  1. Market Tone: Different currencies such as the EURUSD and USDJPY is still moving in a fairly narrow range, while the Aussie touch lows due to its new annual retail sales data for Australia were disappointing. Changing expectations of the Australian economy will likely still be a major catalyst to push the pairing AUDUSD 1.0250 support level in the near future. While various regional stock moves mixed propped by the positive outlook the world's largest steel producer ArcelorMittal.
  2. German Economy: The lack of economic data released in the U.S., causing movement influenced the report of the Euro zone after German Factory Orders index rose only 0.8%, as expected -1.8% compared to the previous month. Although export orders rose 2.4% but domestic demand plunged -1.2%, indicating that the level of demand in Germany is still quite fragile.
  3. News Corp: the investor focus will be on News Corp's earnings are expected to rise over the previous year, but attention will be focused on the outlook for the media giant. The shareholder will seek guidance from the boss Rupert Murdoch on News Corp. split plan that would separate business units and entertainment publications. So far CFD News Corp shares rose 45% since last year.
  4. Time Warner: Further attention will be focused on other media giants, the Time Warner expected to show increased profits despite a lot of the costs incurred for the restructuring of CNN and Time Inc. layoffs. Time Warner stock has risen 30% over the previous year.
  5. Green Mountain Coffee: The investors will also await earnings reports that Green Mountain Coffee is one of the speculated CFD stocks by fund manager David Einhorn famous since 2012. Green Mountain is expected to increase earnings and investors want to know how the new CEO Lawrence Blanford comment on the sale during the holiday season some time ago. Green Mountain has skyrocketed 115% in the last 6 months, so Einhorn admits losses in large quantities due to its short position in the shares sell CFD.
Global Stocks Rally, Gold So Less Attractive

Gold fell on Wednesday, as the strengthening of the global stock market decline and increased risk appetite reduced the appeal of safe-haven gold. Observed so far Gold spot price fell -0.16% at $ 1,669.96, after briefly rose to its highest level at $ 1,675.00 daily and intraday lows at $ 1,668.61 per troy ounce. The improvement in global risk sentiment and rally in the stock market recently cast doubt on whether gold investors are able to repeat the performance as in previous years. Japanese stock index soared to a 4-year highs today, due to the weakening Japanese yen against the various currencies rivals benefit a wide range of Japanese exporters. Meanwhile, European stocks also indicates the direction of strengthening U.S. stock indexes.

As a result the flow of capital flowing into gold plunged and gold prices led to the consolidation phase in a relatively narrow trading range in the short term before fundamentally new instructions from the monetary policy meeting of the ECB and BoE on Thursday tomorrow.

European Stocks Rebound Limited

European stocks rebound on Wednesday attempted, the continued strengthening of the previous day as investor confidence improved after the company reported earnings outlook for the world's largest steel producer ArcelorMittal. ArcelorMittal Increase of 2.3%, after falling 10% earlier triggered by the projected increase in demand and the pace of the company's earnings during 2013. However political anxiety in Spain and Italy are still weighing on sentiment of market participants. Observed so far London's FTSE index rose 0.42% in the level of 6,264.50 while Germany's DAX down -0.20%, at 7,650.0 and the French CAC fell -0.50% 3,675.5 trade at level so far.

German Manufacturing Orders Up

Letup European debt problems seem to successfully increase the activity of the German industrial sector in late 2012. It can be seen from our manufacturers which rose 0.8% for the month of December; according to predictions, but better than the previous publications which fell 1.8%. Euro seen trying to muffle weakening further after the data was released. EUR / USD is now trading 1.35309, try to stay away from the daily low of 1.35120. Borrowing costs of government bonds in the euro-zone problems have eased in recent months and it certainly can reduce the cost of capital for businesses. Although the euro-zone economy will remain weak in the first half of 2013, but the ECB is optimistic that economic activity will improve in the second half later.

Aussie 'frustrations Post Retail-sales

Australian dollar is often called Aussie today (Wednesday, 6/2) increasingly slumped to the lowest level this year after retail sales data (retail sales) fell unexpected in its third month, so it adds to the outlook for banks Central to cut interest rates next month. Australia retail sales figures fell back 0.2% in December from the previous month were also dropped 0.2%, while analysts expected a figure predicted to rise by +0.3%.

Until the middle of this week, the Aussie continues to decline against all major world currencies after the central bank yesterday (5/2) to maintain a fixed rate in the low range of the last half century and said propsec inflation will likely be able to support further easing. Aussie afternoon still seems stuck in low range 1.0304, not far from today's low levels at 1.0294 and will likely continue to weaken until at least the 1.0270 support level. The figure appears to increasingly Aussie range well below yesterday's closing level session close at 1.0390 area, and that day had rallied to its highest level in 1.0457.

Aussie Annual sales drop to Lowest Level

Australia retail sales report that fell below expectations in December adding negative pressure on AUDUSD pairing so that it touches the monthly lows as investors throw new currency in Asia since the London session. Reported retail sales fell -0.2% below the estimate of 0.5% so surprised investors as the drop in consumption to its lowest level in 2.5 years. Levels of spending in the retail sector such as pharmaceutical products and books fell -2.8% while the reported reduced consumer spending in cafes and restaurants by 1.1%. Level of spending only up to the need of clothing and footwear by 2.1%, while the rate of spending at department stores climbed 0.8%.

The weakening retail sales data for 3 consecutive months indicating the Australian economy is slowing due to booming mining sector began to lose momentum. The data also confirm today that more dovish RBA statement and strengthen signaled future interest-rate cuts. Observed so far pairing AUDUSD fell -0.77% at 1.0308, falling below 1.0350 key support level next still targets at 1.0250 bearish expectations due to changes in the direction of the Australian economy.

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