Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How to Grow Chillies

[How to grow chillies] Illustration of how to grow chillies
How to Grow Chillies. Do you remember what happened to the price of goods in the market some time ago ? At that time, some food prices rose, especially the most severe is chili. Chilli prices soared like a rocket. No half rising, from the normal price of chilli soared to $2/kg. Less than a week, soared again to $4/kg to finally penetrate the ultimate price of $10/kg.

As a result, many food stalls do not provide chili sauce because the prices are so severe. Those that raise the price of food. And more unique anymore, pavement cafés charge sauce is eaten, which is usually given for free. Soaring chilli prices due to instability of chilli crop area. How to grow chillies conventional where every farmer in droves planting only in season, making chili falling prices and the current not the season. Few farmers trying to grow it as a large failure rate makes the price skyrocket soar into the clouds.

Chilli crop is actually very easy to grow, both in the lowlands and highlands. Mothers households chilli idly throw rotten in the yard was a time will be amazed because chilli plants growing there. Of course, since breeding plants with seeds.  But for a promising commodity and as a good business area, of course maintenance and how to plant must be kept, especially for off-season cultivation.
How to Grow Chillies in General

Generally, farmers use a system of seedbed for planting chillies. System beds used to be easy to do the watering and maintenance of the plant. It requires large amounts of land, because the land had to be given each bulkhead where the water flows. Some articles also mentioned about the plot by planting peppers.

Here's how to grow peppers in raised beds :

1. Land Preparation

How to grow chillies first is preparing the ground to avoid rot after seeding seed. Land is shaped beds with size 120 cm, 40-50 cm tall with a distance of 50 cm each plot is useful for a flow of water.

When making beds, mix the soil with some fertilizer to increase soil fertility following, namely manure (excess is not a problem), Urea 300 kg / ha, SP 36 300 kg / ha and 250 kg KCl / ha. Stir evenly and add dolomite lime 2-4 tonnes / ha. Increase the pH of the mixture as well as soil fertility. Similarly to the ground flush with water so the soil does not dry (moist).

2. Nurseries

The second way is chili plant nursery. While land preparation is done, prepare well for the nursery. Choose a good seed, which you can do with a way to make it yourself or buy ready-made seed. If you want to make your own, choose a good chili. Peel, then take the seeds, then dry in the sun until completely dry because otherwise the seeds will not grow, but rot in the ground.

For store-bought seed farms, seed available is usually jatilaba chilli, chilli curls TM 999, a hybrid chili pepper, Long Chili, chili peppers, Hero, Hero-Beauty, Ever-Flavor, paris oil, and the local curling. Choose who you want to plant.

Seeding can be done by planting in polybags. Mix the loose soil with manure 1:1. Enter the polybag seedlings 1-3 seeds. Pour a daily basis or as needed. For 1 ha required polybag contains about 20,000 seedlings ready for planting (with backup).

To be pest-resistant seeds, before sowing the first spray with a fungicide and bactericide as Derosol and Agrimycin. The seeds are ready to be moved after the age of 20-25 days. Age can be seen budding leaves numbered 2-3 pieces.

3. Silver Black Plastic Mulch Installation

How to grow chillies next is mounting MPHP (silver black plastic mulch). Land that has been prepared with seedbed shape then covered with MPHP. Mulching is closed to the beds during the day so you can easily expand.

Installation of black mulch is down, silver color facing up. Pull firmly mulch to cover the beds and then flops on each side with bamboo in order not to loose. Once the mulch is installed, holes with a hole punch (usually sold in the farm shop) with hole spacing 60x70 cm, 60 cm horizontal, vertical 70 cm.

4. Cultivation

Seeds that have been aged 20-25 days removed from polybags to the ground beds. Make a small hole in the ground (not necessarily large) in each hole mulch. Move the seedlings that have been prepared slowly into the hole by not including a plastic polybag. Once removed, add a bit of ash from combustion / ch
aff and flush with water. Add bran to retain moisture, so water does not quickly drying by the hot sun.

5. Maintenance

Maintenance at the beginning of the planting is to check every day, whether planted seedlings grow well. If not, then immediately replace it with a new seed has been sown. Sprinkle each morning only, so not too excess water to the early days of planting. Give too little fertilizer with urea and TSP to reproduce leaf.

6. Pest and disease

Disease that often arise for chilli crop is damping-off caused by the fungus Phytium sp. and Rhizotonia sp., dew fur, and a group of viruses. To cope with damping-off, to do spraying with insecticides and fungicides 3 days before planting. If not exposed, then dispose of the seeds with soil, spray insecticide and fungicide first before replacement seed, set seed moisture and replace with a new one.

Dew fur can be seen in the presence of dry spots on the leaf chlorosis caused by the fungus Peronospora parasitica. To cope, do the same way with the methods of controlling damping-off.

Pests that attack crops such as chilli mites, aphids and thrip parvipisnus. Symptoms caused by the pest mites are brownish yellow leaf curl into along the veins. Thickened shoots and leaves fall so stay rods only. How to overcome it is to kill pests, and to control the spread of mites, spray with PESTONA and PVR.

Pest aphids attacked plants colonize way. Look at the leaf surface and the bottom, if there are a lot of bugs in it, that's the aphids. Turn off the squeeze by hand. To control the spread, do the same thing as pest mites. While thrip pests parvipisnus make leaf curling, chlorosis, the silvery leaves. The same is done as pest aphids and mites when see these symptoms.

7. Harvest

Harvesting is done after 60-75 days old plants at the first harvest. For further harvesting done after 2-3 days, the condition of the plant. Harvesting can be done repeatedly until the plant no longer produces chillies.
How to Grow Chillies for Confined Land Outside Season

Farmers often do not dare gamble to plant seasonal crops, such as chili is done in the off-season, because the success rate is less. Planting on the need of care and supervision is good. Rainy season with heavy rainfall quite feared because of the success of planting is relatively small due to the decay of the seed that is planted. There may be a desire, how to plant chilli in all seasons, including the rainy season, but with a limited land area. How might you consider following.

How to grow chillies do not always have to be in the vast land. Some farmers have much experience, even for countries that have relatively low soil fertility conditions, soil function changes, inadequate land and treatment difficult. Japan has tried pot by planting rice and polybag. The result was far from extensive investment in land. Chillies too, do the planting on narrow, using media polybag.

The trick is similar to planting chili in general. Sowing seeds first, then moved to a bigger polybag media, with the previously made a soil mix for planting medium is loose soil plus manure, urea and TSP. Displacement has been sowing the seeds do not have to be at 25 days. Exaggerating only about 25-35 days. Do the watering and maintenance of the same as how to plant chilli in general.

How to grow chillies is easier to do and does not require large tracts of land. You can also put a polybag growing media under a roof houses (green house) without exposure to direct sunlight and protected from excess water anyway.

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