Thursday, February 7, 2013

Knowing With Red Rose

[Red rose] Illustration of red roses
Knowing With Red Rose. "Say it with flower", an expression of feelings by having the flowers as a medium. Why should the flowers ? Why not a fruit basket or a stack of books only ? Its value could be more valuable ? What about the red roses ? Anyone would agree that flowers have many benefits for humans. Not just to enjoy its beauty, but also has a variety of meanings philosophy. Not surprisingly, in many parts of the world, a flower often used as a symbol of the country as seen on the national flag of Canada. Or like the lotus flower is used as symbol of purity by Gautama Buddha. Or like red roses, which gave inspiration to creating a song called Rose Thorns.

And recognized or not, consciously or not, among the many flowers, red roses are the star. You do not believe ? check with the florist, is there any red roses sold them ? Almost certainly the answer is: no. Red rose always seems to be present among other flower arrangements as presented in the opening ceremony. Red roses also often decorate the living room in our own house. Often, the red rose is used as the primary choice raises the question, "whether the privileges ?"

For an answer, consider the red roses. Shapes are layered petals, red lovely chap, who often make little thorn fingers bleed, the fruit contains natural vitamin C is abundant, fragrant scents that attract bees. Well, the red rose is a phenomenal rate. No wonder that anyone would know. You want to know more about the flowers on this one ? Happy reading this article !

Red Roses Where It Come From ?

Rose has the Latin name Rose damacena mill comes from the cool regions such as in the sub-tropical in the north. When grown in the hot tropical regions such as Southeast Asia, most of the roses will shed all their leaves, except for some types of roses that can evergreen throughout the year.

Know the Parts of Red Roses

Indeed Iiar roses are plants that live in the bush thickets. There are about a hundred species of wild roses genus rossa most of whom live in the northern hemisphere the valve cool. The leaves are compound leaves of red roses with leaves of each stalk consists of 3 to 13 leaflets. Long leaves of most species of red roses range from 5 to 15 cm, with pinnate position or paired two by two in the opposite direction. Oval-shaped leaves with reinforcement pinnate leaves and tapered edges on the end of the leaf.

Almost all types of roses, has as many as 5 pieces of leaf crown, but kind of Rosa sericea which leaves crown by only 4 strands. In addition to red, the petals are also some white, pink or yellow. In general, red roses have thorns useful as a grip when climbing. Not all rose thorns are used to propagate. There are varieties of roses that grow wild in the sandy beaches such as Rosa rugosa and Rosa pimpinellifolia.

Both species roses have thorns like needles straight and tends to hold on to the sand as the winds blow hard, and to protect the roots from erosion. There are even other types of roses and thorns do not develop sharp. Most types of roses including red roses height can reach 2 to 5 meters. In fact, for the type of roses that goes in the other plants, the growth could reach up to a height of 20 meters.

Red Rose of Excellence

There are many advantages that make it red roses favored by many people, such as :

    Long life

Rose is also a long-lived plant, you just plant it once, then it will survive for decades, as long as it is maintained and cared for properly, of course.

    Rich in vitamin C

Fruit of the rose is rich with vitamin C can even be said of plants with natural sources of vitamin C are the most wealthy. Not surprisingly, many roses fruit favored by birds eating the fruit zeperti finches. In addition to eating fruit, birds also eat the seeds of the rose. Almost all fruit species except red roses Rosa Pimpinellifolia the fruit is dark purple to black.

    Having many varieties

Red roses is just one of the many varieties of roses. The number of existing varieties caused roses called Rosaceae, the rose means that many kinds. Broadly speaking, the roses are divided into four groups: dwarf roses grown in pots, plant shrubs planted on the fence, tree roses and wild roses that grow vines. Wild roses or wild roses has been known to man since ancient times. Origin is a plant that grows wild, simple flower shape, several species of roses leading the much-loved for its beauty is an example of the glorification of wild roses. Roses are often found in Indonesia in general is kind of Hybrid Tea roses and Medium.

    Naturally easily powdered

The majority of roses have petals that open wide so it looks much inviting various pollinators like bees, butterflies, dragonflies and other birds. In addition, this rose has fruit with attractive colors and sizes. Not surprisingly, these roses have many variety because naturally allow interbreeding.

    Easy glorified

In addition to its natural crossbreeding, rose varieties can be developed through breeding efforts. Along with the development of genealogical knowledge, currently has a variety of roses colors, including purple, blue, yellow, pink, white, black. However, this breeding roses generally produce flowers more dense leaf crown. As a result, it's harder pollination occurs naturally.

    Has many benefits

Besides being known for its beauty, roses, have a lot of benefits. He was not only safe to eat, but substances contained in it can be used as an antiseptic that can increase endurance. In addition to women, the rose very useful because it can be used as medicine whitish. The smell of fragrant roses can also be used as a perfume or aromatherapy can calm the mind and soul.

There are many benefits of roses, among others, as an antidepressant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatories. The leaves of the crown when refined will produce essential oils. In addition, the rose can also be used as a base for the manufacture of jelly, tea, and jam.

Diseases of Roses

All kinds of roses, can be plagued with several diseases, but the most common is a disease of leaf rust, powdery mildew and black spot. Leaf rust disease caused by a fungus called Phragmidium mucronatum. This disease can be regarded as the most serious diseases among others diseases because it can cause hair loss on the leaves.

Meanwhile, powdery mildew disease caused by the fungus Sphaerotheca pannosa. This fungus produces white patches like flour but not deadly. While the black spot disease caused by the fungus Diplocarpon rosae. The characteristics of rose plants infected with this fungus is the emergence of black spots on the leaves. In addition, almost all types of roses including red roses are the main food for the larvae of some Lepidoptera animal types.

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