Thursday, February 7, 2013

How To Keeping and Caring Our Kitchen ?

How To Keeping and Caring Our Kitchen ? Our kitchen must be kept clean and hygienic. Closely related to individual hygiene, food, and beverages. This is a requirement to achieve the level of health. Here, it can be observed in the implementation of food processing that have an obligation to qualify well, which will be processed when possible presence of a disease.

Sanitation by WHO is an attempt to control some of the factors that influence the physical environment to humans, especially to things that have deleterious effects, physical development, health, and survival. With a knowing sense of hygiene and sanitation, can be achieved healthy. For example, in each of the families familiarize themselves every day to clean the room and the yard, put the trash properly, set the plant with area home.

The kitchen we Should Always Clean

The kitchen is a special room that is used as a place to process food. This particular room consists of the physical and the necessary equipment so that it can function well as a place to process food. Along with the development of culture and technology, form the kitchen was changing. The three main functions of the kitchen, which is to store food, preparation, and cooking. Distance of each function should not be too far away, and can mutually support one another.

The physical part of the kitchen floor covering, walls, ceilings, doors and windows, ventilation, lighting, hand washing facilities, trash, waste and pipe. Physical cleanliness and attention should have been implemented since our kitchen is planned. Errors in planning will make it difficult to determine the layout of the kitchen equipment, which means also difficult to maintain the cleanliness and health of the kitchen.

The kitchen is where the food processing, each time receiving food to be processed, and each time it is also possible for food droppings fall to the floor or tucked in places that are difficult to clean. All the dirt is easily rotten, and then serve as a breeding ground for bacteria contaminating food.

Terms Construction Kitchen Healthy

Our kitchen hygiene and health can be realized when the kitchen construction support. The layout of our kitchen space is governed by the operational needs of food processing. Placeholders and sewer must be well planned.

    The kitchen floor

The kitchen floor we need to meet several requirements, such as the strong and robust, making it easy to move or break. Then coated with water-resistant material, such as ceramic, marble, etc., so it is not easy to absorb water with the smell of the nonperishable food. Moisture and rotting piles of dirty water can cause bacteria to multiply well. Then, easy to clean, smooth, and not slippery. Should be made flat and flat, not a lot of curves or corners which complicate cleanup. Materials selected layers also are material that is easily cleaned. Smooth and slippery so it feels comfortable condition time stamped in the wet though.

    Kitchen wall

Our kitchen walls should be designed sturdy and waterproof, so do not break easily and are not easy to suck water. Kitchen wall needs to be flat, not a lot of bumps that make it difficult at times to clean. Construction of the wall must be well designed to function as a buffer to keep the building, but vertical.

The walls are flat easy to clean and to avoid accumulation of dust. Wall coverings are made from materials that are not easily damaged and easily cleaned when soiled. Meeting or the connection between the walls to the ceiling between the wall and the floor, so that is not angled taper, but slightly rounded, making it easy to clean.

The white color is perfect for the kitchen wall color, because the white color looks bright and natural. In addition, the white color to accentuate other colors attached to a white stain attached to each will be easily visible and can be cleaned. Bright colors can psychologically naturalize feeling cool and reduce nervous tension.

    Kitchen ceiling

Our kitchen ceiling should be maintained for the purpose and food sanitation. The form should be smooth and flat, not many ornaments that can then be populated by dust, spiders, and other impurities. Then, strong and no cracks or broken parts. Preferably, white or brightly colored to match the color of the walls. Where possible, there is a chimney (hood) that serves to remove smoke and foul air from the kitchen to the outside.

    Area of doors, windows, and air vents

Area of doors, windows, and air vents should be made of 40 percent of the kitchen wall. Doors and windows are made appropriately so that it can function properly. The windows are made of wire plated, so as to deter flies and other insects that fly into the kitchen. In addition, doors and glass windows and easily penetrated beam irradiation to be able to get as much as possible.

    Air vents

Ventilation in your kitchen in order to function properly, air. Then circulation, easy to clean. Should coated wire netting to prevent the entry of flies and insects to kitchen.


We recommend that our kitchen is bright enough, thus facilitating the processing of food. Lighting that can illuminate up to the corners of the kitchen also facilitate the process of cleaning.

    A place to wash hands

Place or basket hand wash is made from waterproof material and easy to clean. Then, there is a special soap or hand washing detergent, so it truly hands free of bacteria when preparing food. Then, provided tissue to replace the towels are generally used together, less clean, and can serve as a medium of transmission of the bacteria.

    Trash can

Kitchen waste should be separated into two parts, the wet waste can be used to feed livestock, and dry waste consisting of cans, bottles, and materials are flammable. The trash is always closed, so it is not easy inhabited by flies, insects and other animals. Equally important, the trash must be cleaned every day.

    Sewer line

Kitchen waste consists of dirty waters that contain lots of fat. When in a state of waste heat, oil and grease are easily soluble in water and drain. If the waste is cold, the water and the fat will start to separate, then oil and grease build up the drain. Narrow layer of fat, it can even clog sewer. Pipes and ducts kitchen waste should be designed to be easy to clean, with enough slope so that the dirty water flowing fast.

Hygiene and sanitary kitchen we, need to be maintained and cared for regularly. Because every day, we use the kitchen to prepare food for those we love. Of course we always want to be eating food that is processed into healthy, germ-free, bacteria-free, and guaranteed cleanliness.

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