Thursday, January 31, 2013

Want To Know How To Download Point Blank For Free ?

Want To Know How To Download Point Blank For Free ? Who is not familiar with Point Blank ? A FPS game genre with features that are played online on your computer screen. This online game developed by Zepetto originating from South Korea. Later, the game was published by NCSoft which have their own servers in several countries, such as Indonesia, the United States, Brazil, Thailand, Turkey, Russia, and Peru. The game is loved by many gamers from all walks of society because the story is exciting. Therefore, do not be surprised if a lot of people who want to know how to download Point Blank free so I can play at home without disturbing other Internet users as in internet cafes.

The game tells the story of the dispute between the Free Rebels with CT-Force begins with the scene of the increasing number of immigrants that it is difficult to be able to do activities that can meet their needs. Then be one of the crimes committed by the idea of ​​immigrants in an attempt to meet those needs. Syndicate with a variety of members is called to the Free Rebels, the syndicates who want to control the whole network of drug trafficking and weapons that exist throughout the world.

How to Download Point Blank For Free and Installing

The way this one is definitely much sought after by gamers in Indonesia. Downloadable game that should be part of this online game is as follows :
  1. Write the download point blank online full client and patch via download link "Game Point Blank Online - Full Client (803 MB);
  2. Download Patch - Full Patch (56 MB). Install Full Client, and open the Full Patch. Patch file size will continue to increase until it reaches 56 MB to date (depending on if it is done patching the latest Junior Member);
  3. Computer specification should also be adjusted to the minimum system requirements, the minimum support DirectX 9.0c so that you can play this game online Point Blank.
The games offered by Newbie in Indonesia can be downloaded and installed by performing the steps below:
  1. Write download Point Blank until it says "download"
  2. Click "Advanced" and then click "I Agree"
  3. Enter the code when ordered
  4. Download is complete if the file already exists on your computer
  5. Open the file in Point Blank - Full Client, and select Installation;
  6. Click "next" and then click "I Agree"
  7. Select the components to install, and then click "next"
  8. Select the folder location of the point blank and press "install"
  9. Wait until the install is complete.
In addition, you also need to install Point Blank to known Full Patch and Patch Partial useful to minimize download the patch when the game first starts. To run this game, you can perform the steps below :
  1. Double Click Point Blank shortcut icon on the desktop;
  2. Click update to update it, or click the Check if you have installed all of Point Blank Patch;
  3. Each time you finish doing Update, click Check first to make sure all components of the game will run smoothly; 
  4. If it is, just click start to begin the game Point Blank.
Features, Scenes, and Chronological Games Point Blank

One of the interesting features of the game Point Blank is the Title, the degree of specialization of weapons that give advantages to the user if a weapon is used in accordance with what to do. This title has a different effect, ie ranging from increased speed by increasing the firing weapon recoil effects to improve the general accuracy by reducing the speed of the move. Similar title can not be used simultaneously. Some other unique features contained in this online game is Counter Strike, WarRock, and Cross Fire.

Meanwhile, the formation of CT-Force begins immigrants and syndicates are increasingly disturbing the public that the government made a policy to establish a special organization to root out the syndicate. This government organization tasked to search for information on various matters relating to terrorist syndicate known as the Free Rebels. However, the development of syndicates Free Rebels are more advanced and sophisticated it increasingly difficult for government organizations so that the government then sent their best troops under the name CT-Force.

The characters in the game Point Blank

Here are some figures that can be played by players Point Blank :


1. Acid Pool (Paul)

Acid Pool or what is often called Paul is a graduate student at the University of Elite Police who managed to be the best police and has a calm disposition with a funny way of speaking that people call her Acid Pool. Ability of high resistance to devise strategies to make he was assigned to join CT-Force and proved his loyalty to the government to fight the Free Rebels.

2. Keen Eyes (Ayse)

Keen Eyes is a descendant of the original inhabitants and the newcomers who have the ability to lead the police. Due to its high ability that's so he invited to join the CT-Force.

3. Leopard

Leopard is one of Asian descent who immigrated to the United States when he was 17 years old. He then enrolled in the U.S. Army and at age-24, ie, after graduating from the University. He later became a member of the Special Forces Green Berets and earn the rank of sergeant when he was moved 33 years. He then returned to his hometown and enjoy life like most people. However, there are problems that make it then had to join CT-Force and was dubbed the Leopard in the special forces.

4. Hide

Hide is a person born in England and have both parents of former soldiers in Tokyo. He signed up to be a soldier in the British Army at age 19 and became known in the Army as having high ability. At age 26, he had made a hard battle wounds that experience led him to be recruited as an agent by the CT-Force.

Free Rebels

1. Red Bulls

Red Bulls was an immigrant as well as a great footballer. Some time after he received his championship MVP in football, he heard the news that his parents were killed because they were killed. It is then made him want to join the Free Rebels to avenge the death of his parents.

2. Tarantula

Tarantula is a character born of immigrant families. He lost both parents as a child and later adopted by other families. However, his adoptive father was very racist and treated harshly until finally he fired the revolver found in the closet to his adoptive father's chest. Because incident, he was put into prison and called Tarantula. Once out of prison, he joined the syndicate drugs and weapons known as the Free Rebels.

3. D-Fox

D-Fox is a character that has mixed blood Asia and the Middle East. He has been a lieutenant at the age of 20, then became the leader of the team at age 25 years, and is well known as a person who has never left the trail after the battle.

4. Viper Red

Viper Red is a character who has followed his stepfather to be a bodyguard because it has the ability to fight and good endurance. People who from childhood was adopted at the news that her mother joined the Free Rebels and killed by the government when the battle took place. Upon hearing the news, he decided to join the Free Rebels.

5. Buffalo

Buffalo is a character invented by the Red Bulls in a state of amnesia until he joined the Free Rebels and take it as a good association. Then he made in the lab Dino Remove City. Looking at the various scenes, features, and character, of course, you immediately want to download free Point Blank is not it ? But do not forget to take time to work, study, and relax, do not continue to play games online.

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