Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bull Market Can Lasts Long

Bull Market Can Lasts Long. Strengthening U.S. stock prices has not ended. Although colored small corrections, the three major indexes remained at high levels, respectively. Each market has a perception of each in addressing the latest market trends. There are pessimistic about the sustainability of the rally, but many are optimistic about the stock market capable of surging to a record this year. One of the executives are optimistic about the performance of U.S. stocks are Richard Bernstein and Richard Bernstein Advisors. In his speech at TDAmeritrade Institutional conference on Thursday (31/01), Bernstein claims that the bull market this year could be the longest in history.

"The word 'uncertainty' tells us that there are great opportunities in the market," he said. Even so, Bernstein does not deny that there are so many factors inhibiting the performance of the stock in the foreseeable future, ranging from inflation, reduced corporate profit margins, slowing national economy to tax policy is less accommodative.

For Bernstein, the bull market motivated by fear and confusion of investors in making decisions. While indications of the coming bear market is over-priced valuation (overvaluation) and his extreme enthusiasm, not seen in the beginning of 2013. In fact, the main index is currently struggling to reach its highest level in history. As the stock price increases, Bernstein saw an opportunity of shares based manufacturing. Resurrection of manufacturing is the best thing that can be experienced by the world's equity markets. He was convinced American manufacturing will not return to its former glory as the 1950-1960s. However, its financial performance will increase as the cost of energy and labor costs more competitive. This theme has become a major topic at the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland this month. Cost of cheap energy is a factor that supports the movement of business world today.

While other prominent analysts, Byron Wein, is a party to the pessimistic market performance in recent months. He even predicted the S & P 500 back to level when starting this year. "Ultimately the fundamental factors that will drive the market issuers and their financial statements will disappoint," said Blackstone Advisory Partners Executive this. Analysis of who is right is still a big question, and can only be answered at the end of 2013.

PIMCO CEO: Be careful with the Strengthening Market !

Experts bonds as well as corporate leaders Pimco, Bill Gross, said that he did not participate in the trend of strengthening drifting stock market today. Instead, she had warned investors to start to worry about the threat of inflation and the low interest rate climate. "Investors should be prepared to accept the yield (return) is less than the product of shares, bonds, property and derivative assets," explained Gross monthly study entitled 'Credit Supernova!'. In order to survive, Gross advised traders to start collecting government bonds with short durations or gold and other investments that are safe from the turmoil.

Investing abroad also can be an ideal option than frozen in the United States. "Buy the currency of a country with a sound credit system," he explained again. Gross saw currency Australia, Brazil, Mexico and Canada as a much more secure than the dollar, yen or euro. Despite the volatility of the stock market risk, investment experts also do not recommend investors to completely drain out holdings in the stock. But he suggested that market participants more proficient in selecting a portfolio by putting their money in global stocks, including secure cash flow.

Gross has repeatedly warned investors about the negative effects of debt-buying program by the U.S. central bank in recent months. Only in writing this time he actually explained his fear of the reader. Although denied an indication that the global monetary system is already in its nadir, Gross assess the world is approaching a phase where profit investment assets get smaller but the greater risk. Bill Gross himself claimed to have anticipated all possible economic turmoil by collecting assets stronger. He wants to buy land in the area of ​​New Zealand as a protector of wealth in the midst of economic uncertainty. "Land value never decreases, unlike other assets," added Gross.

Action Selling Technical lunge Still Hang Seng

In general, the correction Hang Seng this weekend (1/2) in addition to result disappointing Chinese manufacturing data, the decline is also due to be dragged down by the conditioned bearish technical indicators. From the fundamentals, investors were disappointed because the Chinese manufacturing figures appear unsatisfactory to trigger a sell-off as well as take advantage. Official government figures China manufacturing PMI in January decreased 50.4 points from the previous 50.6, 50.9 and below expectations. Meanwhile, China's PMI of manufacturing activity in January noted HSBC version number increase in the level of 52.3 from 51.9 the previous month.

Listed shares are traded in Hong Kong experienced a correction. Chalco shares fell by 1.4%, while Citic Pacific Ltd.. dropped 2.33%, and China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.. fell 2%. The Hang Seng Index slumped itself appears in the range 23667.24 -0.26% or down by -62.29 points. Referring to the Stochastic and MACD indicators duration of 1 hour, it seems the trend direction indicator Hang Seng today look down trends, including indicator Moving Average (MA-14 and MA-30) that have shaped curve bearish. As a result, the correction scenario would bring the index down to support up to 23 470 23 545 23 600 then. Meanwhile, odds bullish though still minimal, at least to bring the index rally to a resistance to 23 870 23 800 23 710 then.

Burger King commotion findings Horse Meat

Case odor just hit the company restaurant outlets from the United States. Burger King (NYSE: BKSW) break the contract with the supplier of meat from Europe, SILVERCREST Foods, after emerging indications of horse meat in the products that they send along. SILVERCREST responsible for the delivery of meat for Burger King restaurants in the UK, Ireland and Denmark. In an inspection of the facility SILVERCREST cuts, the Burger King found a small horse DNA content in place. Even so, the company did not find any similar DNA content on their burger meat in all three countries. In a statement, the Burger King announced that there was no horse meat burger in the products they sell. The findings in the facility SILVERCREST most likely originated from the sub-contract supplier located in Poland. "We are very surprised by these findings, and to apologize to all customers who have trusted us as a provider of the highest quality burger," said Diego Beamonte, Burger King Vice President, Global Quality Division.

A spokesman for Burger King, Christian Hauser, in an email that confirms restaurants located in the United States do not use meat from SILVERCREST. "We did rigorous controls to ensure our customers get a standard menu," says Hauser. Earlier this month, Irish food watchdog said meat origin SILVERCREST harmless for consumption. While the Ministry of Agriculture announced that the findings of horse meat in SILVERCREST relatively small facility, which is only 4%. In addition to Burger King, SILVERCREST also supply fresh meat to Tesco retail chain stores in the UK. Tesco has also been cut off cooperation because finding the horse meat in products delivered by his supplier was. Through its parent company, ABP Food Group, SILVERCREST announces management changes in total on the findings of horse meat. The board of directors instructed even DNA testing procedures to prevent similar problems in the future. "We are proud of our reputation and will not let this issue overshadow the progress of our business," explained Paul Finnerty, CEO of ABP Food. Burger King last night's share price closed at $ 17.75, down 0.34%.

Gold prices fell ahead of payrolls

Ahead of the release of U.S. payrolls data at 20:30 GMT, gold prices experienced a slight correction in the Asian market trading. Technical indicators show potential bearish for the short term due to lack of demand because investors are choosing to wait before the release of U.S. jobs data. The price of gold at $ 1,662.05 per troy ounce, down 0.1% from its closing level. Singapore-based trader said that while the ongoing recovery in the U.S. may overshadow the performance of gold in the medium term due to the actions of investors turn to riskier assets such as stocks. Report estimates nonfarm payrolls exceeding feared could trigger selling pressure in the market gold and precious metals dragged into the range below the support level of $ 1.660 / oz.

Stricken Asia Correction Due to Economic Data

Asian stocks generally depressed at this weekend (Friday, 1/2) because of the fundamental data emerging economies today are less satisfactory market. Furthermore today's Asian markets also weighed down by Wall Street which ended slumped due to investors' disappointment and revenues due to investors who jittery ahead of employment report later tonight. Overnight U.S. weekly jobless claims data has deteriorated with increased 368,000 from 330,000 the previous week. In Japan, the Nikkei despite depressed but still moving in positive territory thanks to the revival of investor optimism towards weakening the yen is expected to help exporters lines. Yen fell sharply back up to the level of 92.09 after Japan's economic data today comes in below expectations.

Data recorded unemployment rate rose back to 4.2% in December from the previous 4.1%, while the rate of household expenditure is also expected to decline despite flat. Among Japanese corporations have reported earnings passionate enough income during the period from October to December. While Kospi Index - South Korea actually madly in selloff in late trading this week after a report showed manufacturing activity declined in South Korea in December. December PMI manufacturing figures decreased 49.9 points from the previous 50.1, but the level of new export orders throughout the month of January increased 11.8% from the previous -5.7% slumped. Manufacturing data was the first increase in eight months. Due to the disappointing manufacturing data, the stock was selling coloring especially in the heavy machinery. Noted Samsung Heavy Industry fell by 1.57% and Hyundai Heavy Industry Co. also declined 1.16%. recorded while the Kospi index fell 0.59% or -11.65 points in the range of 1950.18, while the Kospi futures recorded come down -1.40 points at 256.90 level area.

While the Hang Seng index fell in the range of negative recorded at the end of this week mainly due to investors selling because of the emergence of negative sentiment after China manufacturing data appeared weaker than expected. Pressure overload increased after market by Wall Street who also dropped overnight. Official government figures China manufacturing PMI in January decreased 50.4 points from the previous 50.6, 50.9 and below expectations. Meanwhile, China's PMI of manufacturing activity in January recorded version HSBC figures at the level of 51.9 from 51.5 the previous month, but 52.1 were below expectations. The Hang Seng Index fell -0.39% recorded in the area of ​​23,620.52 in early trade after the level rose to 23763.34, while the Hang Seng futures contract also fell by -126 points to 23,650 range.

AUDJPY Detained Near Area 96

Price movements for AUDJPY measured daily movements are seen moving average price touches high slowing since the end of last week, near the high one year, is now in the daily moving average at 122 pips per day, was the last time in figure 95.50, rose more than 16% in mid-November when the anticipated elections in Japan, and the price touches 200 day SMA area. Currency pair is up 0.73% for the week so far. Resistance will rise close to the movement contained in the current session tall and 4-year high 95.78 points, followed by the high February 23, 2007 at 95.94 points, and the high August 18, 2008 at 96.54 points. For the movement of falling, suppor closest recorded session low / high yesterday at 95.45/39, followed by the high last Friday at 95.05 points, and the low yesterday / Tuesday at 94.38/27 numbers.

Aussie Depressed After China Data

Australian dollar under pressure against its rivals from the United States after the release of Chinese manufacturing data released under the estimates, although the impact has been reduced. Good Aussie Kiwi and survived up to 4 year high against the yen. Data from the China PMI slipped to 50.4 in January, against forecasts in figure 50.9, showing that the economy is recovering. But data from HSBC PMI unexpectedly rose to a height 2 years to 52.3, contrary to the existing data.

Aussie and Kiwi slumped 25 cents each against the U.S. dollar during which the release of manufacturing data, related that China is a close trading partner for Australia and New Zealand. Aussie in the number 1.0413, down from a high of $ 1.0446 earlier in the numbers, not far from 1-month low at $ 1.0380 rate that occurred on Thursday. Strengthening New Zealand dollar eroded but still increase as much as 0.3% today at $ 0.8411 figure.

China PMI data released Down, Aussie fell

Aussie is now moving lower in the current session low at 1.0423 figures are down from a session high at 1.0446 figure, following the movement down China manufacturing data in figure 50.4, while the consensus stands at 50.9. Aussie is the currency most affected among others when it was released. Aussie back to area opening session, touching a session low against the Kiwis, when prices touched their lowest since August 2011. Low weekly double near 1.0380 should be supervised when Aussie move down, while the prices are still stuck so far ahead of the 1.0400 area.

Nearest support to be in the low Aussie today / Monday at 1.0381/79 numbers and low numbers 9 November at 1.0360. For the rising movement, nearest resistance is Monday's high at 1.0420 figure, followed by the high yesterday at 1.0451 figure, and weekly high numbers Tuesday at 1.0477.

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