Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Process Engineering and Noni Juice

Process Engineering and Noni Juice. Perhaps many readers who do not know that the noni fruit can be processed into a healthful beverage. Yes, the noni fruit turned out to be processed into a juice drink noni very beneficial to one's health. On this occasion, I will invite all readers to know how to process noni to be a healthy beverage. How noni processing into juice which will be presented here includes the engineering and manufacturing process noni juice. With the following explanation, the reader is expected to be capable of processing noni a healthy beverage. The processing of a noni juice is very easy to do. In addition, the materials and equipment used is quite simple. The process of making this noni juice can be easily done at home. Even processing noni juice can be used as a cottage industry.

Noni fruit included in one of the fruits that easy to come by because the planting is very easy. Noni plant maintenance process does not require special treatment as they had done in other plants. In addition, the noni plant has the ability to produce fruit that does not depend on the season. Noni plants can produce fruit throughout the year. In the processing of noni fruit, a very important thing to note is that interventions should be fast because this fruit has shortcomings in terms of durability. Noni fruit included in one of the fruits that quickly damaged if stored too long after pluck it. To produce a quality noni juice, noni should preferably after being picked and processed immediately noticed the processing process.

Noni Fruit Processing Techniques
  • To produce a quality noni juice, there are several processing requirements that must be met, especially in the procurement of raw materials and processing techniques.
  • Technique selection of raw materials and the correct processing will produce juice with the texture, flavor, and a delicious aroma. In addition, it is also not going to change the structure of its natural content. Thus, the processing will produce juices that have properties and a high selling price.
  • To produce one liter of juice with a good quality, it takes 8-14 kg of fresh noni fruit quality. Noni fruit does have remarkable properties as a health drink. However, often the problem is the smell of ripe noni fruit is not good. It is that to be a problem in this consumption noni fruit juice.
  • The stench arising from the ripe noni fruit is caused by a wide variety of acid contained in the noni fruit. Acids contained in noni fruit. These include, ascorbic acid, caproic acid, and capric acid.
  • In the advanced industry generally has done a variety of ways to eliminate the odor of the resulting juice, physically, chemically, or biologically.
  • From the various experiments that have been done, it means eliminating the juice scent is very simple, ie, by adding brown sugar or honey that has been processed to juice, stir well, then save for a couple of weeks.
This process can reduce the odor of processed noni fruit juice, because of the long storage and the addition of brown sugar or honey is able to parse the components of odor-producing substances. The juice of the noni fruit has a very long durability. In fact, if done properly processing techniques, this juice can last up to 12 months.

To be able to produce noni juice are durable, there are at least four basic principles that must be done. The four basic prinsif are as follows;
  • Reducing the initial contamination by cleaning, cutting the dirty parts, and blancing.
  • Extend the adaptation phase by making the environment unsuitable for microbial growth, for example by a decrease in pH by addition of acid.
  • Slowing the logarithmic phase by lowering the temperature of the cooling or freezing, adding preservatives such as benzoate acid, sour sorbet, and others.
  • Accelerate microbial death, for example by heating, pressing, and drying.
After learning some basic principles for the preservation of food, the next step is to watch the production factors. Before producing noni juice, there are several factors that must be taken to ensure that the product and its market domination can be maximized. Here are some of the factors of production in noni juice;
  • Master the problem, including the time when the production and marketing. The production process is related to the availability of raw materials, both concerning quality, quantity, and a decent price for noni fruit.
  • While marketing-related quality of product and purchasing ower while considering the price of competitors' products.
  • Mastery of science and technology of production of juice, either way processing with the right formula so that it tastes better, the use of skilled labor and knows all aspects of health, as well as understand the marketing groove.
  • Not oriented to get the advantage of a moment, swept away, and went along. In the trade, we need to cultivate consumer loyalty to our products so that the products that we produce juice recognizable and marketable.
Noni Juice Making Process

The quality noni juice produced is determined by the condition of raw materials and production process. In the process of noni fruit juice, at least there are some steps that must be done. Such steps, such as the selection of quality fruit, washing and stripping, processing, bottling, and installation etikel or packaging.

Here is a description of the quality noni juice processing;

1. Selection of Materials

As a raw material in the manufacture of juice, noni choose a good quality. The requirement of good quality noni fruit, including skin color yellowish white noni fruit evenly, and the condition of the meat is quite hard, and not defective or rotten.

2. Washing and Stripping

Before further processing into juice, noni fruit must pass three washing process that works for;
  • Cleaning kotoan and clumps of dirt on the noni fruit,
  • Cleaning the noni fruit from fungi, and
  • Cleaning the noni fruit from germs.
For the first process, should be carried out under running water, while in the second and third intended for sanitation and sterilization known as a disinfectant that is killed. Therefore, this stage is only used to sterilize a variety of used equipment and raw materials while still intact or not peeled. In the process of cleaning, washing fruit is only done on the outside of the fruit and soak up the inside. For sterilization of equipment and materials, required chlorine 1% (per liter of water was dissolved 10 grams of chlorine), equipment and materials used soaked in chlorine solution for 2-3 minutes. As for the sterilization of raw materials needed as much as 0.4% chlorine solution (4 g of chlorine for every 1 liter of water), then soak the noni fruit for 1 minute.

3. Processing and Bottling

In the processing of noni fruit into juice, the next step is processing and bottling. Noni fruit processing in this process caps a stripping and cutting fruit. Here is a step-processing and bottling in noni fruit;
  • Noni fruit is cut,
  • Pieces of noni fruit crushed in a blender,
  • Filtering or extortion,
  • The process of fermentation in a way to silence some sat, boiling liquid juice yield,
  • ADD boiling water into a bottle while in warm, and
  • Bottle is closed and sealed.
4. Giving Etikel on Packaging

When noni juice is bottled and sealed. The next stage is the labeling on the packaging. Label on the packaging look as attractive as possible so can effort stirs the hearts of potential buyers.

Well, that discussion of techniques and processing noni juice. Not hard, is not it ? Good luck and healthy always.

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