Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Be careful with Heart Health !

Be careful with Heart Health ! Having a healthy body certainly a dream that they are wanted for anyone. Not unless they were impressed not concerned with his health. As a human being endowed with reason by God, it is appropriate to realize that health is the most valuable. It is not the exception to the health of your heart. What was going through a time when doctors memories you suffer a certain disease ? A life-threatening disease status ? Could be, sorry is the first time occurred. You realize only then start thinking about treatment. Be thankful you if the illness was still curable. If not ?

It's very repetitive we heard this phrase, prevention is better than cure, it created sentences certainly not without reason. Because, in fact, prevent the disease coming on the body is very much better than having to treat the "already" entered the body. The risk of not recovering when the body is infected with a disease to be 50:50. You can be kicked out or lose their lives. So, before risk was present and a part of your life, you should start to be more attention to health. Slightest thing would be devastating for your health. Also happiness you later. Indeed, talking is easy. That may be what comes to your mind. But do not lose easily if efforts are made to fit for dear ones around you ?

What things difficult for them, is not it ? No matter how difficult, it would have been easy. May not be possible. The point was the desire. As strong as any encouragement that comes from outside, it will not be useful if you do not want to be healthy. So approx. As a heavy smoker that hard to quit because he did not want to stop. And every day it works just cough. In fact, there are those closest health at risk due to cigarette smoke. Awareness of society as a whole, not just the people of Indonesia to health seems indeed quite low. Many people do things clear-bad for health. And it was done in a period of time. One of them is smoking, then drinking alcohol and eating junk food. Unhealthy lifestyle, will eventually affect the function of organs. Like a machine, if treated casually, not treated, the machine is definitely impaired. Even beyond repair, its function will decrease. So if the analogy of the human body with machines.

Being a healthy person is a struggle. There are a lot of temptations out there threatening. Coupled with healthy things that tend not exciting or uncomfortable. For example, green vegetables, exercise, get up early and breathe free air. Compare it to a close with disease activity. Such as eating junk food in scale often, rarely exercise, sleep late, and so on. Both of these offer two sides of each course is different. As humans, the tendency to prefer things that are fun definitely bigger. In fact, not all the fun things for the body. Also applies vice versa.  Look herbs, drink bitter, not at all friendly to the tongue, but the benefits to the body very well. Align your heart and mind to begin to organize a healthy lifestyle is very difficult. But again, your body's health, heart health, heart, lungs, eyes, brain, is very much more important than the pleasure of running the unhealthy lifestyle that is temporary.

Early characteristics of your Heart Health Impaired

When there is something wrong going on in the body, the body is actually giving some signals. The signal is exactly recognizable by the term symptoms or traits. Based on these symptoms is a disease can be detected early. Thus, the treatment could also be done earlier. Unfortunately, not everyone cared. Some tend to think no. The fear that he was suffering from an illness seems to be the underlying reason.

Thus, the term "deemed not sick." In fact, it would be easier if the disease is detected early.
In the case of heart disease, some traits or symptoms that you should consider are as follows:
  • Pain in the chest. It feels like something is pressing his chest. This phenomenon is known as angina.
  • Abnormal heart rate. If you notice, the real heart beats like a pattern. If you feel unusually cheast's good that immediately went to the doctor. Such symptoms are identified by terms arrhythims.

The cause of the presence of two symptoms that indicate that your heart health is impaired blood supply to the heart muscle is full of oxygen is reduced. Basically, they were troubled heart indeed caused by this. That the lack of oxygen so the heart, causing these organs to react. This reaction is what you should look. Because in reality, this sign is what also save your life. When the initial symptoms were felt, usually you'll feel things like dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, cold sweats, and fatigue are quite wow. In Overall, these symptoms are the early symptoms of heart attack. So, be careful with this. The initial symptoms of a heart attack may seem like a cold. No wonder so many consider trivial. This is fatal. First aid will be too late, and the most fatal consequence is death.

Then why death can happen ? When air containing oxygen does not flow through the heart muscle, it will make the heart muscle dies. The heart muscle can not regenerate. So when the attack was not immediately get the first aid, the more heart muscle is permanently damaged. And if left unchecked, can lead to death. The next question is, what causes the blood flow to the heart muscle is compromised ? Mostly, due to blockage of fat that sticks to the walls of the channel leading to the heart. Channel blockage to the heart is also known by the term coronary heart disease. Starting from a blockage of blood flow to the heart, other diseases will emerge. Such as stroke. Therefore, start to notice your heart health, especially early symptoms will really good for health impact.

Know Your Heart Health

When you are diligent exercise, eating a low-salt, and other lifestyle, but it may still be concerned with heart health, there are several ways to find out. It deals with the work of the heart itself. You must know and feel that to do its job as pumping blood throughout the body, the heart beats. Heart throb, throbbing is what signifies that one's organs were performing their duties. From this it is also your heart health will determine levels. Heart rate or heart rate at rest can measure how healthy your heart is. If your resting heart rate is low, it is a sign that your heart healthy. To find out, try the following:

1. Calculate Heart Rate At Rest

Before leaving place bed in the morning just after waking up, trying to put the finger on the wrist. Make sure you feel the heartbeat. Calculate how much heartbeat generated from 10 seconds. Then, multiply that number by six. The number of multiplication it is your heart rate per minute or bpm (beats per minute). If your heart rate is between 60 to 80 bpm, is the heart of the objec good or normal. However, it would be much healthier if it turns out your heart rate at rest is a few under 60. While above 60 and below 80 are likely to have health problems, although not related to the heart, such as dehydration, anemia or thyroid.

2. Calculate Heart Rate After Exercise

Heart rate during exercise also shows the state of your heart. If your heart beats faster return to normal within a few minutes after exercise, whereby we know your heart is good enough. At least not down as much as 12 beats in one minute immediately after your workout wrong. If the heart rate does not go down for a long time, the risk of heart failure will have. Make heartbeat back to normal you can do by adding the time of exercise. Began to improve diet and stay away from unhealthy stuff other.

Given a vital function, heart health is actually one thing done properly. Never too late to start improving a healthy lifestyle. If you do not want to do it for yourself, do it is for the people you love.

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