Monday, September 3, 2012

The Benefits of Livestock Rabbits - Various Business

Every farm business certainly has benefits that can be enjoyed, not least in breeding rabbits. In breeding rabbits, there are some benefits that can be enjoyed by farmers, such as meat, leather, and even though their droppings. Well, for those of you who want to know more detail about the benefits of this cattle business, do not worry. On this occasion, the author will examine everything in the following article. Listens to this article, and done for well and carrefully.

Overview of Rabbits

Rabbit in the Java language called truwelu, is in English called a rabbit. In developed countries like USA, Netherlands, Germany, France, and Australia, rabbits livestock as important as raising chickens, goats, cows, cattle and other animals. In these countries, has long cultivated an integrated livestock rabbit, in the sense that instead As with the business side. Developed countries had been doing a lot of investigation and grouping types of rabbits to facilitate research on the nature and features of each type.

In Indonesia, we are familiar with the local rabbit origin is not known with certainty. This is because the local rabbits are descended from the various races of rabbits brought to Indonesia. Maintenance is still limited do side or sideline business. That then becomes the question, why is it necessary farmed rabbit ? What are the benefits and usefulness to society ?

Rabbits for Community Benefit

The questions posed earlier is certainly not without reason. Perhaps, these questions is to strengthen the desire for breeding rabbits. If the benefits resulting from these rabbits can be a positive influence and help for people's lives, of course, will more and more rabbit breeders. From these questions, the authors want to give the assurance that rabbit breeding is an activity or a highly profitable business. Still in doubt ? Here are some reasons that can strengthen your intention to maintain or run cattle rabbits.

  • Rabbit breeding is easy. Rabbits do not require much maintenance effort. By doing so, livestock rabbit is one business that is easy to run.
  • Raising rabbits do not need a place that is too broad. Cages measuring 1 x 1 meter can be used to raise rabbits. In fact, that has not been useless wasteland can be used as a place to raise rabbits.
  • Rabbits including livestock productive properties, ie the ability of breeding very fast. That way, the need for rabbit meat will never have a shortage because it reproduces very quickly. Not only that, rabbit meat is believed to improve the quality of food, namely protein. It is also a community needs to support the achievement of the public welfare.
  • Rabbit meat is very tasty, not least with the chicken. Rabbit meat can be made a variety of dishes such as satay rabbit, rabbit stew, rabbit stew, fried rabbit up.
  • Breeding rabbits can be used as an additional family income. Because usually, in addition to fulfilling the needs of their own be utilized, these rabbits can be sold, either alive or in the form of food that has been processed in such a way.
  • If you want to make a living subject, breeding rabbit can run, if done seriously and integrated. You have to really understand a good rabbit farming techniques in order to bring maximum results.
For more details about the benefits of a rabbit run the cattle business, the authors will describe the three main results of the most widely used of cattle rabbits. Here is the description.

1. Meat Rabbits

It is no secret that today many people are fooled or deceived by this rabbit. Many thought that if the rabbit meat is chicken. Yes, the taste and texture of meat rabbit with chicken meat is relatively the same. In fact, if you visit Tawangmangu, you will find many vendors selling satay (considered) a chicken, when in fact that is sold there is a rabbit satay. In the restaurant or restaurant, cooking rabbit received a lot of positive, meaning that most visitors like processed meat rabbits. In fact, the president and other government officials often present preparations of rabbit meat in the various banquet at official events. That way, you can bet that processed rabbit meat is not disappointing.

A pair of adult rabbits, in one year could produce as much as 4 times. Every time delivery, average rabbit can produce 6 pups, so that in one year the average rabbit can give birth 24 pups. Rabbit gestation is 31 days. Childbearing period of 8 weeks. Looking at the next five months the boys have to grow up and be able to bear children again. If the first half of the birth of a female, the first child of the parent to give birth to 2 times. So the number of children 2 x 3 x 6 = 36 tails. Thus, within a year, a pair of rabbits can multiply as much as approximately 24 + 36 + 18 = 78 tails.

Weight rabbit workshop itself was an average of 2 kg to 3 kg, were imported rabbits can reach the weight of 4 kg. Part rabbits to eat is 70% if the head is not removed. For the record, the head of a rabbit could have made soup, like a rabbit's foot. The results of rabbit meat can add nutritional value to the family needs. According to research by food experts, rabbit meat has a lot of similarities with chicken meat and other livestock, such as cows or goats. In addition to calories, rabbit meat also contains other beneficial substances, such as protein, fat, iron, calcium, and vitamin A and vitamin B. for it is not wrong if every family seeking to utilize livestock rabbit meat.

2. Rabbit Skin

Rabbit skin usually utilized preformance various small industries and households. In the grass to rabbit skin can be made into a wide range of handicrafts, such as handbags, hats, ornaments, walls, and various other trinkets. To need rather thick skin, you can seek the skin of male rabbits. Meanwhile, if you want a loose skin, the skin you use The female rabbit. To produce good skin, so maintenance must also be well arranged so that the rabbit is not affected by the disease will damage the skin. For now, knowledge about the ins and outs of quality rabbit skin, you can make communication with some leather factory. Usually a good rabbit skin will be received at the plant's skin.

3. Rabbit droppings

As already mentioned above, breeding rabbits is very profitable and has many benefits. How not to feces though, still can be used. Rabbit droppings's great for manure, especially for the purpose of fertilizing vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants. According to research experts, rabbit droppings contain many substances levels of N, P, and K that is needed by virtually all crops. That way, if you have a yard that cultivated with vegetables, fruits, and a variety of plants, then you do not need to pay extra to buy fertilizer. Dirt rabbits your farm can be utilized. The form is exactly like rabbit droppings goat manure. If you maintain the 10 rabbits, then a week can earn 1 bucket of manure.

Well, so is the translation of the profits run the rabbit breeding. Besides the benefits can be enjoyed alone, we can sell it to others. How do you interested to try this business, is not it ? Good luck and continued success to you.

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