Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to Introduction Different Types of Plant Shallots

Onion plants from Central Asia, which is about India, Pakistan and Palestine. Plant onion plant is the oldest cultivated plants in call by humans. This is evident from the historical record that says that in 3200-2700 BC Egyptian nation often portray onion on their monuments. In the 8th century, red onions begin to spread to Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Spain. Of this hemisphere onion begins to spread widely to the mainland United States, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. In fact, in the 19th century, onion was a commercial crop in many countries around the world. Countries onion manufacturers, including Japan, USA, Romania, Italy, Mexico, and Texas.

In the 19th century, too, the red onion into Indonesian territory. In Indonesia the onion is almost growth in all provinces. But the highest cultivation centers located in Java. Onion producing areas of Java in general are areas in the lowlands, such as in Bradford, Kediri, Cirebon, Wates, and Tegal. However, in a further development, the red onions are also cultivated in the highlands, such as Bandung, Sukabumi, Magetan, Banjarnegara, and Probolinggo.

Taxonomy and Content of Chemical Shallots

Based on its position in systematics or taxonomy of plants, onion plants are classified as follows.
  • Division: Spermatophyta
  • Subdivisio: Angiospermae
  • Class: monocotyledonae
  • Order: Asparagales
  • Family: Alliaceae
  • Genus: allium

Species : A. A. cepa group aggregatum sin cepa var. ascalonicum L

At first, a change in the shape of red onions from onion conducting adaptation and establish specific clones, with chromosome number 2n = 16. Development of onion in temperate zones is not normal, but the potential to be developed in the tropics. Red onions contain high nutrition and complete composition. In every 100 grams of fresh onion bulbs 39.0 cal calories, 1.5 grams protein, 0.3 grams fat, 0.2 grams carbohydrates, calcium 36, 0 mg, 40.0 mg phosphorus, iron 0.8 mg, vitamin B1 0.03 mg, 2.0 mg vitamin C, and 88.0 grams of water. Beside rich in nutrients, onion bulbs also contain many chemical compounds.

The chemical compounds contained in onions, among others proplonaldehida, methyl alcohol, and propyl merkapan, and little or very few compounds consisting of hydrogen sulfide, acetaldehyde, Silfur dioxide, diprofil disulfide, propyl alcohol, 4-hexane 1-alcohol, and 2-hydroxyl propantiol. Onion bulbs also contain beberpa volatile compounds, such as methyl propyl disulfide, methyl propenyl disulfide, disulfide diprofil, profile profenil disulfide, and diallyl disulfide.

Morphology Shallots

The structure of the onion plant morphology consists of roots, stems, roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. This plant belongs to the type of crops, bulbous layers, fibrous roots, such as leafy cylindrical pipe, having a true stem that looks like a disc, thin and short as a place of attachment roots and buds. Onion plant roots grow from the disc called the perkaran will form fibers which are tiny hairs short and soft, so the roots of the plant is not too embedded in the ground. Therefore, all kinds of onion plants are not resistant to hot weather.

The base of the onion plants together form a pseudo-stem. Pseudo-stem in the soil will change the shape and function of a bulb. Part bulb scales consist of leaves, tubers part containing food reserves for the plant since it began to sprout up out of the roots. The bud is part tubers that produce new growing points that will form new bulbs. By the true stem disc is a rudimentary trunk that serves as the seat of scales leaves. Adventitious roots of the root fibers form the threads contained in subang onions. The base of the onion leaf like petals wide. Leaves the outer petals are always circular closed. Onion plant flowers resemble lilies or tulips. Shaped like paying comprising 50-200 perfect flowers with very long stems, about 30-50cm.

Each flower consists atas5 strands-6 stamens and a pistil with 3 loci and each locus consists of 2 to 3 ovules stamens are on the inner circumference and three more in the outer ring. Anthers of the inner ring first, followed eject pollen pollen outside. If all pollen is already out, and elongated buds will grow within 2-3 days then the time is ripe pistils. Elongated flower stalk grows and enlarges to form a layer that wraps the head of the spear leaf or sheath. If the sheath opening buds will appear Flower with small and short stalk. Bunches stalk elongation stops after all become pollen. Flowers bloom in sequence, and among the first flowers to last last for 2 weeks or more.

Pollination usually lasts between the flower in one plant with honey bees or flies intermediaries green. Pollination can also occur between one plant to another plant. Will the fruit shaped like a triangle building until it looked like a clear dome. Ovary is composed of three pieces of space, and in each room there are 2 candidates seeds.

Fruit is round the edges blunt wraps numbered 2-3 seed grain.

Seeds of young white and black after dark. Location of ovules in the ovary ovule inverted so that the tip is close to the placenta. Young ovule is white, and the old black. Seeds large of part consists of endosperm.

Type or Plant Variety Shallots

Shallots are of various kinds or varieties. Some onion varieties superior stated is the Milky Bradford, Yellow Gombong, Bangkok, Yellow, Maja Cipanas, and Sumenep. Some properties of onion from some local and foreign cultivars are as follows.
  • Bima Bradford; varieties have tubers are oval shape with a medium size, dark red color, somewhat resistant to leaf diseases, natural flowering ability at the age of 45-50 days after planting (dap), and age the harvest between 55-60 HST.
  • Yellow Gombong; onion bulb is shaped somewhat rounded, rather large size, dark color, resistant to leaf diseases, the ability of natural flowering and harvesting age between 50-55 HST.
  • Sumenep; varieties Sumenep tubers have oval shape and medium size, pale red, resistant to leaf diseases, not naturally and vernalisasi flowering and harvesting age between 70-80 HST.
  • Bali Djo; somewhat flattened tuber-shaped, pink, natural brbunga capabilities, and harvesting age between 60-65 HST.
  • Maja Cipanas; tuber is round rather large, bright red color, the ability of natural flowering and harvest between 55-60 HST.
  • Bangkok; tuber roundish, dull red, a little leaf disease resistance, the ability of natural and vernalisasi flowering and harvest between 55-60 HST.
  • Filifina; tuber size rather large, faded red, moderately resistant to leaf diseases, natural ability and vernalisasi flowering and harvest between 5506 - HST.
Well, that's a glimpse of our introduction to the onion crop. Hopefully nothing contained in this article may add to the knowledge of readers, especially knowledge of onion. May be useful !

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