Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How to Understanding Methods and Learning Methods

Methods may often hear the words, but do you also know what the terms of that method ? Not all people who frequently use the word method to know its meaning. Sometimes people just say it without having to know what the real meaning of the word. If so, maybe it helps you see on this article.

Understanding The method according to the experts

Many people who try to make sense of this method. In the etymological sense of self, a method derived from the word "Met" and "Hodes" which means it is over. Some experts also suggest methods to the understanding of each, including; Rothwell & Kazanas which calls the method in a way, approach, or process to convey information, Titus said that the method is a series of steps or orderly and patterned way of doing something to emphasize the scientific field. Macquarie assert that the method is a way of doing something that is especially associated with a particular plan, while Wiradi argued that the definition of the method is a set of steps that must be done systematically arranged according to a logical order. So, from all of these could be concluded that the method is a way or path that can be done to achieve a particular goal.

In this case, there are two main things that are in meode, that way of doing things and plan to implement something. If a method applied in something special, in this study, the definition of the method will follow the field in which it is utilized. The learning method itself (according to Nana Sudjana, 2005:76) has used as a way of understanding an educator or in this case the teacher in carrying out its functions to interact with their students during the learning process takes place. Meanwhile, according to M Sobri Sutikno (2009:88), methods of learning are ways of presenting the subject matter made by educators to enable the learning process on students in an effort to achieve that goal. "Based learning method of understanding these learning methods, the later born the various the strategies to be implemented in a learning process".

These strategies include : brainstorming.

Lectures, labs, simulations, debates, recitation, symposiums, discussions, role playing or sociodramatic, field experience, problem solving and much more. In conventional teaching, and even that is still often applied to teachers today, a lecture or text book is the most dominant. Though such a method, or sometimes even just explain what we have read in the textbook. Is not if it's just like the students themselves can do so? And of course, this method can make students less creative. How can it be creative if only serve as a listener only. Unfortunately, there are still about 80% of all such methods are used, although it does depend on what lessons are being described. For example, physical education and art, it is not likely the teacher will use the lecture method continuously since students will not have time to practice later.

In the other lesson, actually applying understanding learning methods other than lecture was worth a try. This is to create an atmosphere not boring and monotonous for the students. One example of such lessons Indonesian language, although the material of the correspondence is usually more dominant with the lecture method, but sometimes it is also important to apply the method of discussion. Take a sample letter, and then ask students to discuss what can be learned from the letter. In this way, students are not guaranteed to be bored with the subject which is colloquially they are. Still within the meaning of the method as well, a method of learning to be good if what the teacher through any strategy can be understood by students. Therefore, an important fact to encourage students to get involved and also active participate practically in a debate forum, lab, or discussion arena.

The more students are involved, the understanding of the material to be conveyed by the teacher will be more able to catch him. And to become familiar with a variety of learning methods, here are notions of the various methods :

1. Understanding the lecture method

As described above, this method is a method that tells the kind of materials that already exist in the book subject is verbally. Actually, the method is also not bad overall. Sometimes some of the material will only be effectively delivered through this method. Usually they apply when a teacher has to teach students with a number of very much. However, the major drawback of this method when applied on a continuous basis from the beginning to the end of the lesson, the students will feel very bored so there will be no concentration.

2. Understanding the method of discussion

Actual discussion is about how the exchange of information, ideas, ideas, or opinions and experience in a more organized and systematic. This method is implemented to get a common understanding about the issues being discussed. Some people say it with debate sma discussion, but the discussion is not a debate because there is not an argument in the discussion but rather to contribute opinions to the conclusions drawn together.

3. Understanding methods of demonstration

This method is considered the most effective method of learning. Of these methods are usually students know to point of process of what he learned. Therefore, students will be very easy to understand what is actually delivered by the teacher through a demonstration or practice directly.

4. Definition of simulation methods

Simulation Simulate derived from the word that has meaning or pretend as if. So the meaning of this simulation is to provide learning through an event that is a copy of what is actually going to be delivered. In this case, the simulation performed to deliver and explain what you actually want to be. This simulation can include behavioral, tau action, and so forth.

5. Understanding methods of recitation

Although often equated with homework, but the method is different recitation. The task given is not the same as it should be given at the time of giving homework to students. The task in this method should be a task that can be done outside the home, such as in the library, museum, or it could be other places. Usually in the form of visits to get information about something. With this method, students will be expected to learn though active children were out of school and inculcate brave and socialitation with others.

6. Understanding methods of role playing

As the name suggests, this method is a practical aspect of a problem usually associated with social problems. This method is usually applied to the study of language, but sometimes on other subjects as well.

7. Understanding methods of problem solving

This method is also very representative of his name, in a bid to solve the problem. In this method the teacher to implement other methods as well as support, for example, discussions, simulations, or demonstrations. Essentially, all that is done in this method are all aiming to find a solution to an existing problem. And many more other methods that can be applied in a study. The amount of the infinite can not be separated from the role of the educator to develop and continue to create actively to create an effective method for students. Most important of all is not strayed far from the principles of understanding the actual teaching methods.

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